Newsletter No. 375
No. 375, 4.4.2011 5 CAMPUS NEWS 校 園 消 息 成 就 ACHIEVEMENTS 由 英國格拉斯哥大學榮休教授史提芬 • 普里克特教授 與中大英文系系主任西蒙 • 海恩斯教授( 圖 )編著的 新書 European Romanticism: A Reader (暫譯:《歐洲浪 漫主義選讀》),獲國際浪漫主義會議頒予2010皮埃爾 • 巴 里塞利獎,評為是年度對浪漫主義研究最有貢獻的書籍。 這部厚達千頁的巨著,結集浪漫主義時期(約十八世紀後期 至十九世紀中期)近百名歐洲重要作家超過二百篇作品的撮 錄,涉及十五種文字。所有非英語作品均在原文對頁附載英 文譯本,並有專家為各種文字的作品撰寫深入的導言。海恩 斯教授就是負責編纂英語作品及撰寫導言。 這選集製作逾十年方問世,除了兩位主編外,更有來自全球 的十五位撰者及十一位翻譯家參與,可謂千錘百鍊。書中譯 本不少是公認的範本,而也有不少是專為此書而譯。 海恩斯教授憶述,此書製作經年,是多地人力協作的果實。早在1990年代後期,多位世界 知名的浪漫主義專家學者已每年或每兩年會晤一次,集思廣益,構思該書的內容框架。到 了2003年,編纂工作正式開始。他們的共同理念是英語世界的浪漫主義學者普遍傾向以 英國為中心,未能以宏觀的角度審視這場席捲歐洲及世界的運動。這本選集破天荒地把 英國浪漫主義置於歐洲這大環境中,窺探各種思想和作家如何跨越國家和語言的屏障而 連繫起來,為浪漫主義描畫了一幅嶄新的學術地圖。 據海恩斯教授說,後期的編輯工作最為艱鉅,遠不及開首構思階段時那麼有趣,因為處理 大量文字,須反覆校勘,處處留神,方能察覺手文之誤,磋商版權的程序,更是複雜又棘 手。然而,一個協作計劃不單要有原創,更需要不懈的努力和精明的領導。 海恩斯教授說該書提名皮埃爾 • 巴里塞利獎是他始料不及的。頒獎禮將於11月在加拿大 蒙特利爾舉行。 A new book, European Romanticism: A Reader , edited by Prof. Stephen Prickett, Regius Professor Emeritus, Glasgow University and Prof. Simon Haines ( photo ), chairman of the Department of English, CUHK, has been awarded the 2010 Jean-Pierre Barricelli Book Prize from the International Conference on Romanticism for being the year’s most distinguished contribution to Romantic studies. The 1000-page volume contains over 200 extracts from close to 100 major European writers of the Romantic period (roughly from the late 18th to mid-19th centuries), in 15 languages, with the non-British extracts translated into English on facing pages, and with substantial introductions to the different language sections. Professor Haines edited the British section with an introduction. The book took over 10 years to produce in all. There were 15 editorial contributors besides the two principal editors, and 11 other translators, from across the world. Some translations were specially commissioned for the volume, while others are established translations. Professor Haines commented that this was a long-range and long-term co-operative effort, involving many widely separated colleagues. A small group of leading Romanticists met annually or biennially over several years developing the concept in the later 1990s before the real editorial work began in 2003. The major overall idea developed was that Romantic scholarship in the English-speaking world was too Anglocentric, with not enough sense of the breadth of the movement across Europe and the world. This anthology is the first to place British Romanticism in a pan-European context, showing how ideas and writers interconnected across national and linguistic boundaries. It aims to offer a new intellectual map of Romanticism. According to Professor Haines, the final phases of the project were the hardest, since the detailed editing, collating and copyright procedures were very time-consuming and less interesting as the early more conceptual stages. But a team project like this takes prolonged effort and leadership, not just original ideas! Professor Haines said he had no idea that the book was even in the running for this big prize. The award ceremony will be in Montreal in November. 新書資料 Book Information 書名 Title: European Romanticism: A Reader (暫譯:《歐洲浪漫主義選讀》) 編輯 Editors:史提芬 • 普里克特和西蒙 • 海恩斯 Stephen Prickett and Simon Haines 出版 Publisher:Continuum 年份 Year:2010 頁數 No. of Pages:992 ISBN:9781441117649 國際詩人在香港 • International Poet in Hong Kong 於 3月2日在利希慎音樂廳舉行的詩歌朗誦會,為「國 際詩人在香港-邁克 • 帕爾瑪」活動揭開序幕。 是日,當代美國著名詩人邁克 • 帕爾瑪為觀眾朗誦不同時 期的代表作,並由著名琵琶演奏家王梓靜女士和拔萃男 書院學生演奏琵琶及笙,穿插和應。帕爾瑪又於3月3日與 「邁克 • 帕爾瑪詩歌工作坊」學員講述其寫作經驗與人生 閱歷,並於3月10日在拔萃男書院舉行的座談會中,與來 自五所本地中學的一百五十多位學生分享。 英文系學者浪漫主義述著獲表揚 English Scholar Awarded Book Prize on Romanticism 「國際詩人在香港」計劃由中大東亞研究中心主辦,利 希慎基金資助,每年邀請兩位國際著名詩人來港訪問約 兩周。 T he poetry reading held on 2 March signified the commencement of ‘International Poets in Hong Kong—Michael Palmer’. Accompanied by professional pipa and sheng performances by the famous pipa player Ms. Wong Chi-ching and students from Diocesan Boys’ School, contemporary American poet Michael Palmer recited poems in the Lee Hysan Concert Hall. On 3 March, Mr. Palmer met with participants who have completed the four-day Michael Palmer Poetry Workshop prior to his arrival and shared his writing experiences with them. The symposium for secondary school students was held on 10 March at Diocesan Boys’ School. Over 150 students from five local secondary schools were in attendance and showed much passion for and curiosity about poetry. Organized by the Centre for East Asian Studies, CUHK, and supported by the Lee Hysan Foundation, the ‘International Poets in Hong Kong’ invites two internationally renowned poets to Hong Kong for two weeks every year.
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