Newsletter No. 473
No. 373, 4.3.2011 5 四工程教授獲IEEE榮銜 Four Engineering Professors Garner IEEE Honours 工 程學院四位教授獲工程學國際權威組織電機及電 子工程師學會(IEEE)授予殊榮。副校長及電子工 程學講座教授程伯中教授、機械與自動化工程學系李文榮 教授及電子工程學系吳克利教授獲推選為院士,以表揚他 們分別在「領導工程教育及學術認可」、「低功率集成碳 納米管感測器和器件」及「非平面微波濾波器和內嵌式射 頻無源電路領域」上的重大貢獻;計算機科學與工程學系 呂榮聰教授獲IEEE可靠性學會頒授2010年傑出工程師 獎,表揚他在建立軟件可靠性模型、軟件可靠性測量及工 程學上的卓越成就,為全球兩名獲獎人之一。 中大的IEEE院士到了2011年增至二十八位,續為本港院校 之冠。 F our professors from the Faculty of Engineering were recognized by the prestigious Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)—Prof. Ching Pak- chung, Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Professor of Electronic Engineering; Prof. Li Wenjung from the Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering; and Prof. Wu Keli from the Department of Electronic Engineering have been elected fellows for their extraordinary accomplishments in ‘leadership in engineering education and accreditation’, ‘low- power integrated nanotube sensors and devices’ and ‘non-planar microwave filters and embedded radio frequency passive circuits’ respectively; Prof. Lyu Rung-tsong Michael from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering was co-awarded the 2010 IEEE Reliability Society Engineer of the Year Award for his distinguished achievements in software reliability modeling, measurement and engineering. With three professors elected IEEE fellows in 2011, the total number of IEEE fellows in CUHK has reached 28, the highest among all institutions in Hong Kong. 左起:呂榮聰教授、程伯中教授、李文榮教授及吳克利教授 From left: Prof. Lyu Rung-tsong Michael, Prof. Ching Pak-chung, Prof. Li Wenjung and Prof. Wu Keli 數學師生奪多著名獎項 Mathematics Professors and Students Win Awards 數學系及數學科學研究所兩名教授及七名學生最近分別 奪得多個國際知名獎項。 數學系系主任劉家成 教授表示:「數學系一直 致力羅致最優秀的教員 及培育年青人才,他們的 成就進一步肯定了該系 位列頂尖學府的領導地 位。」 數學講座教授魏軍城教 授獲二零一零年晨興數 學銀獎,以表彰他對半線 性橢圓方程研究取得了一 系列重要成果。晨興數 學獎旨在表彰四十五歲 以下在基礎數學及應用 數學成就昭彰的華人數 學家。 憑對鏡像對稱和量子上 同調(源於拓撲幾何及代數幾何)研究的貢獻,數學系及 數學科學研究所梁廼聰教授獲頒二零一零年陳省身獎。該 獎每三年頒發,得獎者均是在數學研究或推動數學發展的 公職服務方面上有卓越貢獻的華人數學家。 此外,五名數學博士生、碩士生及本科生分別憑其出色的 學位論文奪得新世界數學獎。現為東京大學博士後研究 員的陳國威,獲博士論文銀獎;范善臻及吳嘉誠,現分別 為加州理工學院及滑鐵盧大學博士生,同獲碩士論文銀 獎;許向山及林嘉傑現為中大數學系四年級生,獲學士論 文金獎。 新世界數學獎由新世界發展有限公司及中華青年精英基金 會贊助、清華大學主辦及世界華人數學家大會協辦。評審 委員會由世界知名數學家組成,從全球華人數學本科生、 碩士生及博士生遞交的論文中選出優勝者。 另一名數學系本科生楊偉傑獲丘成桐大學生數學競賽陳 省身獎銅獎,並偕施方業同學一起獲得分析與微分方程 科目的表揚獎。參加該競賽的學生來自北京大學、復旦大 學、清華大學及台灣大學等多所著名院校。 T wo professors and seven students from the Department of Mathematics and the Institute of Mathematical Sciences seized key accolades of a number of internationally prestigious awards for their remarkable achievements in the discipline. Prof. Lau Ka-sing, chairman of the Department of Mathematics said, ‘The department is always devoted to bringing in the best teachers and nurturing young talent. Their accomplishments have further affirmed our leading position among top institutions in the field of mathematics.’ Prof. Wei Juncheng, Professor of Mathematics, was awarded the 2010 Morningside Silver Medal of Mathematics for his achievements in semi-linear elliptic equations. The medal is awarded to exceptional Chinese mathematicians under the age of 45 for their seminal achievements in pure and applied mathematics. Prof. Leung Nai-chung Conan at the Department of Mathematics and the Institute of Mathematical Sciences was awarded the 2010 Chern Prize in recognition of his significant research contributions in the study of mirror symmetry and quantum cohomology. Presented every three years, the prize is awarded to Chinese mathematicians who have made exceptional contributions to mathematical research or to public service activities in support of mathematics. Five undergraduate, master and PhD mathematics students received the New World Mathematics Awards (NWMA) for their outstanding theses. They include Mr. Chan Kwok-wai, winner of Doctor Thesis Awards—silver prize, currently a postdoctoral fellow in Tokyo University; Mr. Fan Sin-tsun Edward, and Mr. Ng Ka- shing, winners of Master Thesis Awards —silver prizes, currently PhD students at the California Institute of Technology and the University of Waterloo respectively; Mr. Hui Heung-shan Theodore, and Mr. Lam Ka-kit, winners of Bachelor Thesis Awards— gold prizes, currently fourth-year mathematics students. NWMA is sponsored by New World Development Company Limited and China Young Leaders Foundation, organized by the Tsinghua University and co-organized by the International Congress of Chinese Mathematicians. Winners are selected by review committees formed by world-renownedmathematicians among submissions from Chinese undergraduate, master and PhD mathematics students from around the world. Mr. Yeung Wai-kit, another undergraduate mathematics student, was awarded the Chern Medal—bronze award at the S.T. Yau College Student Mathematics Contests, with contestants coming from reputable institutions including Peking University, Fudan University, Tsinghua University and Taiwan University. He also received an honourable mention in the subject of Analysis and Differential Equations with another student Mr. Shi Fanye. 魏軍城教授 Prof. Wei Juncheng 梁廼聰教授 Prof. Leung Nai-chung Conan
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