Newsletter No. 473
4 No. 373, 4.3.2011 CAMPUS NEWS 校 園 消 息 聯合五十五周年院慶啟動 • UC 55th Anniversary Activities Kick-off 聯 合書院於2月18日舉行五十五周年慶祝活動啟動 禮,署理校長鄭振耀教授、校董會主席岑才生先 生、校董會副主席兼聯合書院基金會主席張煊昌博士及院 長馮國培教授展示院慶對聯,為周年慶祝活動揭開序幕。 對聯由書院資深導師黃坤堯教授撰作,並由書院榮休成員 曹忠岳先生書法,內容為「聯成一氣,堅道新民,五五韶華 丁運會;合作同心,沙田明德,莘莘學子得英才」。 一連串的特別活動、國際會議、學術活動、文化及藝術活 動、健康系列、學生及校友活動即將展開,詳情請參閱書院 五十五周年院慶活動網頁: 。 U nited College officially launched its 55th anniversary activities with a ceremony held on 18 February 2011. An array of events were rolled out with the unveiling of 55th anniversary couplets by Prof. Jack Cheng, acting Vice-Chancellor, Mr. Shum Choi-sang, chairman, Board of Trustees, Dr. Thomas Cheung, vice-chairman, Board of Trustees and chairman, United College Endowment Fund Committee and Prof. Fung Kwok-pui, College Head. The couplets were composed by Prof. Wong Kuan-io, senior college tutor of the College, with calligraphy written by Mr. Cho Chung-ngok, retired College member. After the ceremony, a series of activities, international conferences, academic programmes, cultural and art programmes, health series, student and alumni activities will be launched. For details, please refer to the 55th Anniversary Activities webpage: www.cuhk. . 成 就 ACHIEVEMENTS 二十中大生獲準英語教師獎學金 20 Students Win Prospective English Teachers Scholarship 獎學金得主余玉珊(右,英文系一年級)及莊善怡(左,英國語文 研究及英國語文教育一年級),分別受到老師及家人的薰陶,矢志 成為英文教師 Inspired by teachers and parents respectively, Miss Kanthleen Yu (right, Year 1, Bachelor of Arts in English) and Miss Irina Chong (left, Year 1, Bachelor of Arts [English Studies] and Bachelor of Education [English Language Education] Co-terminal Double Degree), two of the scholarship recipients, are determined to become English teachers 教 育局於2月18日公布首屆「準英語教師獎學金」得 獎結果,中大共有二十名學生獲獎,佔總得獎人數 逾四成,為獲得最多獎學金名額的院校。獲獎學生來自三 個英語培訓相關的全日制課程,包括英文(三名)、英國語 文研究及英國語文教育(十一名),以及學位教師教育文憑 (六名)課程。 設立「準英語教師獎學金」是教育局為提升本港英語教師 專業能力而推行的措施之一,旨在吸引英文程度良好的學 生,修讀與英語教學相關的本地學士學位課程或師資培訓 課程,以取得所需資歷,投身英語教師行列。 得獎者各可獲獎學金五萬港元,若整體成績符合要求,可 於正常修業期內每年續獲發五萬元獎學金,直至畢業為 止,畢業後須在本地中小學任教英文三年。 T he Education Bureau announced the results of the first Prospective English Teachers Scholarship on 18 February. A total of 20 CU students were awarded, accounting for over 40% of total recipients (48). CUHK 主禮嘉賓剪綵,為聯合書院五十五周年慶祝活動展開序幕 Ribbon-cutting was conducted at the ceremony took largest share among the local institutions. The awardees came from three full-time English training programmes: Bachelor of Arts in English (3); Bachelor of Arts (English Studies) and Bachelor of Education (English Language Education) Co-terminal Double Degree (11) and Postgraduate Diploma in Education (6). Established by the Education Bureau, the scholarship is one in a series of measures to enhance the professionalism of English teachers in Hong Kong. It aims to attract persons proficient in English to pursue relevant local bachelor degree or teachers training programmes which will qualify them to become English teachers on graduation. Each student will be awarded HK$50,000 per year. If their overall performances satisfy the requirement for the renewal of the scholarship, they will be awarded HK$50,000 per year for the normal duration of the study programmes. The recipients have to teach English in local primary or secondary schools for three years. 社工系師友計劃展開 • Mentorship Scheme for Social Work Students T he Mentorship Scheme for Social Work students was launched on 15 January. This year, a total of 95 postgraduate and 86 undergraduate students are taking part as mentees. And 83 mentors, together with 10 facilitators, from various fields of social work have been recruited. All participants will be divided into groups of three or four, with one mentor to two or three mentees, matched according to their interest in areas of social work service. Mentees can learn from the experiences of the mentors and discuss questions related to studies or careers with them. 是 年度的社工系「亦 師亦友計劃」於1月 15日舉行啟動禮,共有九十 五位碩士生及八十六位本科 生參加,作為學弟學妹;同 時招募了八十三位校友為學 長,以及十位剛畢業的校友 為同行者。該計劃按照參加 者的社工服務專長及興趣, 安排每位學長在該年負責帶 領兩至三位學弟妹,學弟妹 可從中汲取學長經驗,並了 解行業發展。
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