Newsletter No. 326
No. 326, 4.11.2008 十 方 吐 露 TEN QUESTIONS FOR NEWS & EVENTS 悉尼大學訪問團來訪 University of Sydney Chancellor Leads Delegation to CUHK • 著名氣候專家訪問聯合書院 Famous Climatologist Visits United College • 中 國科學院院士暨冰凍圈科學國家重點實驗室主任 秦大河教授,獲聯合書院邀請為2008至09年度 「到訪傑出學人」,於10月13日至19日訪問本校。 秦院士是國際著名氣候學家,曾任中國氣象局局長和國家 氣候委員會主任,現擔任政府間氣候變化專門委員會主席 團成員、國際地理聯合會副主席等職。今年6月更獲授第 五十三屆國際氣象組織獎。 秦大河院士是次訪問期間,就氣候變化與中國的可持續發 展和社會經濟發展等課題,主持了三個公開講座,另一個 學術研討會及一場夜話。 P rof. Qin Dahe, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and director of the State Key Laboratory of Cryospheric Sciences, visited CUHK from 13 to 19 October as United College Distinguished Visiting Scholar in 2008–09. Prof. Qin is an internationally renowned climatologist. Over the past three decades, he has been actively and productively engaged in cryospheric and global change studies. He is also a member of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Bureau, vice president of the International Geographical Union, etc. In June this year Prof. Qin received the 53rd World Meteorological Organization Prize. 澳 洲悉尼大學校監 Prof. Marie Bashir 聯同該校 校長 Dr. Michael Spence 等,一行三十五人於 10月20日到訪中大。兩校學者在當天的會議及研討會 上,分別就多個學術範疇,包括文、法、醫及理學進行 深入研究及探討合作計劃。 中大與悉尼大學素有聯繫。兩校早在2006年簽署了學 術交流協議,開展交換生計劃。 C UHK welcomed a 35-member delegation from the University of Sydney on 20 October, led by the Chancellor Her Excellency Prof. Marie Bashir and Vice-Chancellor Dr. Michael Spence. Scholars from the two universities met that day to deepen collaboration in the arts, law, medical sciences, and science through meetings, conferences and symposia. A number of connections between the University of Sydney and CUHK have been in place for some years. In 2006 the partnership between the two universities was formalized with the signing of a memorandum of understanding. At the same time a student exchange programme between the two universities was started. During his visit to the University, Prof. Qin delivered three public lectures on the changing climate with relevance to China’s sustainability and soci-economic development, an academic seminar and a night talk. 6 你在內地和國際工程學界享負盛名,人脈廣闊,請 問你會如何用以協助大學發展? In what ways does your network in the US and mainland contribute to CUHK’s development? 我的角色比較特殊,從內地出來,在美國和香港各住了一 段時間,了解三地的學校情況,近年來也一直為不少內地 研究單位和院校擔任顧問,因而可以擔當橋樑的工作。 My role is rather special. Raised in China, I have lived in the US and now reside in Hong Kong. I understand the situation of higher education in all three places. I have been appointed as honorary professor of and consultant to many mainland universities. I can act as a bridge to connect the mainland, overseas and CUHK. 7 你曾說過:「機器人不是看上去像人那樣的機器。」 機器人的定義應是甚麼? You said, ‘A robot is not a machine that looks like a human.’ What is the definition of a robot? 機器人的定義有三:會動的、會感覺和能做判斷的。舉例 說,它在移動時如碰到障礙物,必須會自行判斷下一步該 怎樣走,是退後、轉彎,甚或是移走障礙物。 A robot should move, sense and judge. For example, when it comes up against an obstacle, it should have real-time response capability such as retreating, turning around or moving away the obstacle. 8 你的研究範圍十分廣泛,從航天智能控制技術到日 常生活所需的混合動力汽車、即時翻譯的智能眼鏡 都有,你是怎樣選取研究題材的? Your research covers state-of-the-art technologies and ‘down-to-earth’ inventions such as the ‘omni- directional hybrid electric vehicle’, and ‘intelligent eyeglasses’ offering instantaneous translation. How do you select your research topics? 我比較喜歡做點有新意的研究,而且必須跟生活接近,因 而我能感覺得到它有甚麼意義。最開心是能看到自己的想 法真正能做成系統,看到它在方便人使用,成為有用的東 西。這是最有意義的。 I prefer to engage in innovative research that is closely tied to life. I feel this gives it more meaning. What I enjoy most is witnessing my own ideas being transformed into real systems that are useful and make life convenient. 9 是甚麼吸引你到中大任教?跟以往的教學經驗有甚 麼不同? What is attractive to you about CUHK? How is teaching here different from teaching elsewhere? 我在內地成長,經歷了國家早年苦困的歲月,其後在美國 發展得還好,但總想回來做點事。香港匯聚東西文化,又 背靠祖國,正是最理想的地方,所以,我選在香港回歸的 幾個月,來到這兒為貢獻一分力。現在回頭看看自己的決 定,應該是對的。 至於教學經驗,港美兩地差別不大,美國學生較主動,敢 於提問。本地學生提問雖少,但很具創意,較內地優勝,給 我的印象十分深刻。而內地學生的基礎則紮實一點。 I grew up during a difficult time in China. Though I was doing well in the US, I always wanted to come back and make my contribution. As a part of China and a city where East meets West, Hong Kong is ideal for me. So I chose to move to Hong Kong in early 1997, just a few months before its return to Chinese sovereignty. Looking back now, I still feel it was the right decision. There is not much difference between teaching in the US and in Hong Kong. American students are more proactive in asking questions. Hong Kong students ask fewer questions but they are very innovative—more so than mainland students. This impresses me the most. However mainland students are better grounded in basic knowledge. 10 在中大即將踏入第十二個年頭,可否談談你在中 大的生活? You are entering your twelfth year at CUHK. Tell us about your life on campus. 生活跟美國差不了多少,剛來的時候也沒有適應的問題, 現在都已聽懂廣東話,只是總說不好。在中大生活,還培 養了另一嗜好─與學生一起爬山。由於不一定能在辦公 時間內和學生討論研究,我會帶着幾個學生到中大附近的 大埔滘郊野公園遠足,邊運動邊談論,既可鍛鍊身體,又 能與他們交流。身心放鬆下,更能激發創意。 My life here has not been that different from my life in the US. I did not have any adjustment problems. I can understand Cantonese now but I cannot speak it fluently. And living at CUHK has enabled me to acquire a new hobby—hiking with my students. As I don't always have time to discuss my students’ research with them during office hours, I sometimes take them to Tai Po Kau Country Park and talk about research as we hike—interacting while keeping ourselves fit. Relaxation inspires creativity.
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