Newsletter No. 359
No. 359, 4.6.2010 NEWS & EVENTS 前 中大校長高錕教授去年榮獲諾貝爾物理學獎,今 年年初,中大為他舉辦「桂冠學人返故園—中大 前校長兼諾貝爾獎得主高錕教授成就展」,大受歡迎,短 短個多月吸引逾二萬名訪客參觀。為讓更多巿民認識高教 授的學術生涯及對光纖通訊技術的劃時代貢獻,中大決定 再度布展。 今次展覽除了展示高錕教授捐贈給中大的諾貝爾獎牌外, 還設置六組主題展板及展櫃,呈現高教授的生平及卓越成 就。其間更會播放高錕教授於1960年代發表光纖通訊技 術及去年底在斯德哥爾摩領獎的情況,以及高教授任中大 校長時的點滴,讓大家重溫高教授的風采。 展覽將由即日起至9月10日假大學圖書館地下展覽廳舉 行,費用全免,歡迎巿民參觀。 P rof. Charles K. Kao, former CUHK Vice-Chancellor, was awarded the Nobel Prize last year and CUHK 高錕教授成就展享譽再臨 Exhibition of Prof. Charles K. Kao Re-run • members were privileged to share his joy and honour. The University presented the exhibition ‘The Lore of a Laureate: A Tribute to Charles Kao, Former CUHK Vice-Chancellor and Nobel Laureate’ early this year which registered over 20,000 visitors during the month- long period of exhibition. In order to let more people understand Professor Kao’s lifetime of achievements as well as his legendary contribution to fibre optic communication technology, a re-run of the exhibition will be held from now until September. During the exhibition period, the Nobel Medal kindly donated by Professor Kao to CUHK will be on display. There will also be six sets of exhibition panels and cabinets showcasing Professor Kao’s life and achievements. Video footages of Professor Kao will be shown in the exhibition, including his demonstration of optical communication technology in the 1960s, the Nobel prize award ceremony and some of the University activities attended by Professor Kao during his vice- chancellorship at CUHK. The exhibition will be held until 10 September at the Exhibition Hall on the ground floor of the University Library. All are welcome. Admission is free. 中 大早前成立「香港中 文大學高錕獎學基 金」,舉辦了包括於2010年 3月14日舉行的中大步行籌 款日等一系列籌款活動,至 今已籌得逾一千二百萬元。 當天的步行籌款為高錕獎學 基金及認知障礙者家屬培訓 課程籌得超過四百萬元。除 設個人最高籌款總金額獎, 另有團體獎供約二十支隊伍 競逐,大會已於5月4日舉行頒獎禮,得獎名單如下: 個人最高籌款總金額獎:金維明先生 團體最高籌款總金額獎:工程學院 書院/研究院最高籌款總金額獎:聯合書院 書院/研究院最多人數參與獎:聯合書院 獎學基金將撥出部分金額,設立「高錕教授科研交流生獎 學金」,資助工程學院及物理學系本科生赴笈海外交流及 參與研究計劃。本年度共有八個名額,每名學生將獲資助 旅費及生活費共港幣三至五萬元,到英美頂尖學府如加州 大學柏克萊分校、麻省理工學院、史丹福大學、倫敦帝國學 院等交流,為期最短十星期。 高錕步行籌款頒獎 Walkers Honoured with Best Fundraisers in Kao’s Walkathon • I n support of the Charles K. Kao Scholarship Endowment Fund, a series of fundraising events, including the ‘Walk with Professor Kao’ CUHK Walkathon on 14 March 2010, were held early this year and over HK$12 million has been raised. The walkathon raised over HK$4 million in support of the endowment fund and Training Programme for Family Caregivers of People with Cognitive Loss. Some 20 teams formed to compete for awards. An award ceremony was held on 4 May. The winners were: Best Fundraiser (Individual)—Mr. William King Best Fundraiser (Group)—Faculty of Engineering • • Best Fundraiser (College/Graduate School) —United College Largest Number of Participants (College/Graduate School)—United College Some portion of the endowment fund will be allocated to set up the new Professor Charles K. Kao Research Exchange Scholarships for engineering and physics undergraduate students participating in overseas exchange and research programmes. In 2009–10, eight students will be awarded and they will participate in exchange programmes to prestigious institution in the US and UK such as the University of California, Berkeley; MIT, Stanford University and Imperial College London for no less than 10 weeks. Each of them will receive HK$30,000 to HK$50,000 to subsidize travel and living expenses. • • 步行籌款得獎者與嘉賓合照 Walkathon award winners and guests 雅 禮中國語文研習所設立的中 國語言文化(香港)基金早前 獲得研習所廣東話組畢業生林克勤 先生( 左二 )慷慨捐獻一百萬元。研 習所在一年一度的春季晚會舉行了答 謝儀式,由所長吳偉平博士( 右一 )主 持,並由大學副校長鄭振耀教授( 右 二 )和大學拓展及籌募處處長鄭文珊 先生( 左一 )贈送紀念品予捐款人。 中國語言文化(香港)基金於2004年設立,旨在發展優質 漢語教育及弘揚中國傳統文化,促進文化交流,支持的項 中國語文研習所獲百萬元捐贈 CLC Receives HK$1 Million Donation • 目包括「國際學生實習計劃」、「中國 文化節」以及與對外漢語教學相關的 學術活動。 T he Chinese Language and Culture (Hong Kong) Foundation of the Yale-China Chinese Language Centre (CLC) received a HK$1 million donation from Mr. Lam Hak-kan (2nd left), a graduate of the centre’s Cantonese programme. To express thanks for his generous support, CLC held a brief ceremony during its annual spring party. Dr. Wu Weiping (1st right), director of CLC, presided over the ceremony, during which Prof. Jack Cheng (2nd right), Pro- Vice Chancellor of the University, and Mr. Ricky Cheng (1st left), Director of Institutional Advancement, presented souvenirs to the donor. Founded in 2004, the foundation aims at promoting the teaching and learning of the Chinese language, enhancing the understanding of Chinese culture and to increase cultural exchanges. Among the programmes supported are the Internship Programme for International Students, Chinese Cultural Festival, as well as academic activities related to teaching Chinese as a foreign/second language.
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