Newsletter No. 366
4 No. 366, 4.11.2010 CAMPUS NEWS 校 園 消 息 中大馮氏學者的感言 Words from CUHK Fung Scholars . . . 陳智聰( 新聞及傳播/三年級 ) Chan Che-chung Samuel (Journalism and Communication, Year 3) ‘ 研討會讓我們擴闊視野,認識到來自世界一流學府如哈佛大學、 北京大學的獎學金得主,彼此交流,對個人成長及未來發展 很有幫助。 The conference was indeed an eye-opener. It gave us an opportunity to meet with Fung Scholars from outstanding universities such as Harvard University and Peking University, and to exchange ideas with people from a wide range of disciplines. ’ 莫穎芝( 專業會計學/四年級 ) Mok Wing-gi Vanessa (Professional Accountancy, Year 4) ‘ 洛克教授對領導才能的精闢分析,以及參觀利豐集團後加深了 解其發展及管理方針,使我獲益良多。 I t was a very rewarding experience to have Professor Locke share his views on leadership skills and to learn about the management strategies of the Li & Fung Group through the company visit. ’ 防止性騷擾委員會成立十五周年 • Sexual Harassment Committee Turns 15 防 止性騷擾委員會成立十五周年誌慶暨展覽開幕 禮於9月20日在邵逸夫堂留足展覽廳舉行,並由 副校長許敬文教授( 左三 )、教師協會會長伍鳳儀教授 ( 左二 )、職員協會會長郭慧良先生( 左一 )、員工總會會長 吳曉真女士( 右三 )、學生會副會長巢景峯先生( 右二 )及 防止性騷擾委員會主席魏雁濱教授( 右一 )主持剪綵儀式, 為連串誌慶活動揭開序幕。 許敬文副校長致辭時表示:「要消除及防止性騷擾在校園 內發生,最重要是大家互相尊重,提高對防止性騷擾的意 識,這樣才能締造一個沒有性騷擾及性別平等的和諧校 園。」魏雁濱教授感謝校內各合作夥伴的支持及協助,令 委員會得以有效地透過不同渠道把防止性騷擾的資訊發 放給全體教職員和學生。接踵而來的誌慶活動尚有短片及 漫畫創作比賽和研討會等。 T he 15th anniversar y celebration of the Committee Against Sexual Harassment cum exhibition opening ceremony was held at the foyer of Sir Run Run Shaw Hall on 20 September. Prof. Michael K.M. Hui (3rd left), Pro-Vice-Chancellor; Prof. Linda Ng (2nd left), president of the Teachers’ Association; Mr. Anthony Kwok (1st left), president of the Staff Association; Ms. Emily Ng (3rd right), president of the Employees General Union; Mr. Fergus Chau (2nd right), vice-president of the Students Union; and Prof. Ngai Ngan-pun (1st right), chairperson of the committee; hosted the ribbon-cutting ceremony. Professor Hui said in his address at the ceremony, ‘Eliminating and preventing sexual harassment on campus hinges on all members of the University community who should respect each other and have an awareness of the issue. By doing so, we can build a harmonious campus of gender equality and free of sexual harassment.’ Professor Ngai thanked the continued support and assistance of partners within the University for having enabled the committee to promote awareness of the issue effectively among staff members and students through various channels. Highlights of the activities include a short video and comic drawing competition, and forums. 全球化下的領袖角色 • Young Leaders’ Role under Globalization 十 六名獲利豐獎學金的中大生與逾百名來自各地同獲該獎的學 生,聚首香港,參與於10月2至4日由馮經綸慈善基金舉行題為 「領袖轉型:全球化下的領袖角色」的馮氏學者領袖研討會。 研討會的講者是管理及政治學專家美國麻省理工 學院李察.洛克( 圖 ,Richard Locke)教授,他與 出席的學生分享對領導才能的見解,又啓發各人再 思企業公民的職責。學生亦把握機會與洛克教授、 利豐集團主席馮國經博士及其他與會者交流對話, 擴闊網絡。 A t the Fung Scholars Leadership Conference, held from 2 to 4 October in Hong Kong with the theme ‘Changing Leadership: The Role of Young Leaders in the Context of Globalization’, 16 CUHK students and over 100 Fung Scholars over the world who received the Li & Fung Scholarship were in attendance. Prof. Richard Locke (photo), professor of management and political science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), was the distinguished guest speaker. He shared his views on leadership skills and facilitated an enlightening discussion on corporate citizen responsibilities. The Fung Scholars embraced this great opportunity to learn from Professor Locke and Dr. Victor Fung, group chairman of the Li & Fung Group, and to network with fellows. 世界自然遺產話丹霞 • China Danxia World Heritage Site 雄 偉壯麗的「中國丹霞」於今 年8月1日獲聯合國教科文 組織世界遺產委員會通過列作世界 自然遺產,地理與資源管理學系及 香港地貌岩石保育協會特邀中國申 遺專家組組長、中山大學地理科學 與規劃學院彭華教授於10月2日假 香港科學館主講「中國丹霞世界遺 產:保育、旅遊與可持續發展」,吸 引了近三百人出席,全埸滿座。 丹霞地貌發育在紅色陸相砂礫岩 層,以赤壁丹崖為基本特徵,最初 以廣東韶關丹霞山命名,其後逐漸 在中國各地近八百處被發現和研究,成為一種特殊的景 觀地貌類型而被稱為中國地學的「國粹」。中國丹霞系列 自然遺產包括貴州赤水、福建泰寧、湖南崀山、廣東丹霞 山、江西龍虎山和浙江江郎山六 處。申遺成功一方面是國際社會對 中國丹霞極高的美學和地球科學 價值的充分肯定,另一方面伴隨而 來的是經濟效應。如何在自然保育 和旅遊開發之間取得平衡,達至 可持續發展,將面臨新的和更大的 挑戰。 C hina Danxia was declared by the World Heritage Committee of UNESCO as a World Natural Heritage site on 1 August 2010. The Department of Geography and Resource Management, CUHK, and the Association for Geoconservation, Hong Kong, invited Prof. Peng Hua of Zhongshan University, chairman of the Expert Committee on the Bidding for World Heritage Site, to deliver a lecture on ‘China Danxia World Heritage: Conservation, Tourism and Sustainable Development’ at the Hong Kong Science Museum on 2 October. The event attracted a full house of nearly 300 people. The Danxia landscape developed from the so- called ‘red-beds’, which comprise continental reddish conglomerate and sandstone, are uniquely characterized by spectacular red cliffs and other erosional landforms which present a resplendent natural picture. In recognition of its aesthetic and earth science values, UNESCO has inscribed six serial sites in South China, i.e., Chishui in Guizhou, Taining in Fujian, Longshan in Hunan, Danxiashan in Guangdong, Longhushan in Jiangxi, and Jianglongshan in Zhejiang, on the World Heritage List. 馮通協理副校長(右)致送紀念品予彭華教授 Prof. Fung Tung (right), Associate Pro-Vice- Chancellor, presenting a souvenir to Prof. Peng Hua
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