To celebrate the 55th Anniversary of United College and the 5th Anniversary of the Kamenori Foundation of Japan, United College, Morningside College and the Kamenori Foundation jointly organized a Kamenori Earth Youth Summit from 20 to 27 August at CUHK campus. Twenty-eight students from eight Asian countries or regions, including mainland China, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Korea, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam, formed themselves into four groups to conduct academic research on the theme of ‘Survival of Humankind’.
The opening ceremony of the summit was held on 21 August at Cho Yiu Hall, with Prof. Sir James Mirrlees, Distinguished-Professor-at-Large of CUHK and Dr. Yozo Yokota, president of the Human Rights Affairs in Japan as the keynote speakers.
The highlight of the summit was the Students’ Conference on 26 August. Students presented their research findings on four topics: ‘Addressing Income Inequality and Possible Solutions’, ‘Do We Have Equal Education Opportunities in Asia?’, ‘The Role of Electoral Processes in Democracy’, and ‘Nuclear Energy/Radiation and Safety’. Mr. Yuji Kumamaru, Consul General of Japan in Hong Kong, also attended the conference to show his support for the programme.
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