The Works Commencement Ceremony for Huen Wing Ming Building of the Shaw College was held on 8 December, marking the commencement of works and preparation to meet the increasing demand for quality learning facilities upon the double cohort admission in 2012. The building will house a multi-purpose learning centre equipped with up-to-date IT hardware and software to facilitate acquisition of knowledge, learning and exchange with people all over the world.
Officiated by Mr. Huen Wing-ming Patrick and his family members in conjunction with Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, Vice-Chancellor of CUHK; Mr. Clement Fung, chairman of Board of Trustees, Shaw College; and Prof. Andrew C.F. Chan, head of Shaw College, the ceremony was participated by some 120 teachers, students and friends of the College.
The centre costs over HK$24 million. It is funded by the generous donation from Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Huen, Mr. and Mrs. Ian Huen, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Man as well as the University Grants Committee. The centre is expected to be completed by summer in 2012.
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