Newsletter No. 477

477 • 4.5.2016 7 到任同仁 Newly Onboard 公積金計劃投資回報成績 Investment Returns of Staff Superannuation Scheme 基金 Fund 3.2016 1.4.2015–31.3.2016 未經審核數據 Unaudited 指標回報 Benchmark Return 未經審核數據 Unaudited 指標回報 Benchmark Return 增長 Growth 6.72% 7.62% -7.59% -5.95% 平衡 Balanced 5.20% 6.37% -5.13% -2.82% 穩定 Stable 3.40% 4.14% -0.59% 2.18% 香港股票 HK Equity 9.67% 10.04% -14.77% -15.25% 香港指數 HK Index-linked 8.91% 9.19% -14.18% -13.63% A50中國指數 A50 China Tracker 11.51% 10.87% -21.07% -21.25% 港元銀行存款 HKD Bank Deposit 0.07% 0.02% 0.75% 0.10% 美元銀行存款* USD Bank Deposit* -0.17% -0.23% 0.78% 0.17% 澳元銀行存款* AUD Bank Deposit* 7.49% 7.34% 3.21% 0.35% 歐元銀行存款* EUR Bank Deposit* 4.59% 4.59% 5.93% 6.07% 人民幣銀行存款* RMB Bank Deposit* 1.65% 1.46% -1.41% -2.62% 強積金數據請參閱: For MPF Scheme performance, please refer to: * * 實際與指標回報已包括有關期間內之匯率變動。 Both actual and benchmark returns include foreign currency exchange difference for the month. 榮休教授 Emeritus Professor 前兒科學系教授、現名譽臨床教授阮文賓教授獲頒授榮 休教授名銜,由2016年4月15日起生效。 Prof. Yuen Man-pan Patrick, formerly reader in the Department of Paediatrics and currently honorary clinical professor in the department, has been awarded the title of Emeritus Professor, with effect from 15 April 2016. 更改教職員個人資料 Updating of Staff Personal Data 為確保僱員人事紀錄存檔準確,教職員的個人資料如姓名、婚姻狀況、子女、學歷等倘有 變動,須即時申報,有關資料亦可能影響其享有的附帶福利。更新資料,請填妥「更改個人 資料表」及附上有關文件正本或獲確認的副本一併交回人事處。地址、電話或在緊急事故 時的聯絡人資料如有更改,亦務請以書面通知人事處。「更改個人資料表」可於人事處網頁 ( ) 下載或致電3943 7179索取。 教職員現可透過大學的入門網頁 (My CUHK) 登入香港中文大學人事信息系統 (CUPIS) 查 閱其部分個人資料紀錄。 To ensure the accuracy of staff data records, staff members with changes of personal data such as name, marital status, birth of child, emergency contact, or acquisition of additional qualifications are requested to submit the form 'Change of Personal Data' to the Personnel Office with the originals or certified true copies of relevant supporting documents attached. Changes of personal data must be reported immediately. The updated data may have implications on staff members' benefits entitlement at the University. Staff members with any changes in address or telephone number should also inform the Personnel Office in writing. The form 'Change of Personal Data' can be downloaded via the Personnel Office homepage ( TW/staff-area/forms ) or obtained by calling 3943 7179. Staff members may now access the CUHK Personnel Information System (CUPIS) through the University Portal (My CUHK) to check some of their personal data records. Information in this section can only  be accessed with CWEM password .  若要瀏覽本部分的資料, 請須輸入 中大校園電子郵件密碼 。