Newsletter No. 399
8 No. 399, 4.6.2012 CAMPUS NEWS 校 園 消 息 六社會賢達獲頒榮譽院士 • Six Distinguished Persons Appointed Honorary Fellows 張樹庭教授 Prof. Chang Shu-ting 中大生物學榮休講座教授,國 際著名真菌學家,推動食用菌 生物學不遺餘力,被譽為「國際 蕈菌傳教士」。現為聯合國教 科文組織香港微生物資源中心 主任、聯合國工業發展署國際 蕈菌生物技術服務中心主任, 積極參與社會服務,科研成就備受肯定。張教授於1960年 加入中大,曾任理學院院長和生物系系主任等要職。 Emeritus Professor of Biology at CUHK, world-renowned expert in mycology, Professor Chang has devoted himself to promoting mushroom biology all his life. He has been referred to as the ‘Mushroom Missionary’ and is currently the director of the Hong Kong Microbiological Resources Centre sponsored by UNESCO, and also the director of the Centre for International Services to Mushroom Biotechnology under the aegis of UNIDO. Joining CUHK in 1960, Professor Chang has made significant contributions by serving in different important positions, including Dean of Science and chairman of the Department of Biology. 馮兆滔先生 Mr. Fung Siu-to Clement 泛海國際集團有限公司主席及 匯漢控股有限公司主席兼執行 董事,熱心公益事業,1997年出 任逸夫書院校董,現為中大校 董兼逸夫書院校董會主席,一 直慷慨支持逸夫書院設立獎學 金、體育和康樂設施,帶領逸夫 書院成立社區服務計劃,資助學生策劃及參與社區活動, 造福社會。 The chairman of Asia Standard International Group Limited, and chairman and executive director of Asia Orient Holdings Limited, Mr. Fung has served in various public capacities in Hong Kong and the mainland. Currently, he is a member of the University Council and chairman of the Board of Trustees of Shaw College. Throughout the years, Mr. Fung has generously supported various worthy causes, including scholarships, sports and student amenities of Shaw College. Under his leadership, a community service project was set up to support students who render services to underprivileged groups. 香 港中文大學於5月14日 舉行第十一屆榮譽院士 頒授典禮,頒授榮譽院士銜予 六位與中大淵源深厚的卓識之 士,表彰他們對大學及社會的 卓越貢獻。 T he Chinese University of Hong Kong held its Eleventh Honorary Fellowship Conferment Ceremony on 14 May on campus. Six distinguished persons closely associated with the University were conferred Honorary Fellowships in recognition of their contributions to the University and the community. 金聖華教授 Prof. Jin Sheng-hwa Serena 中大翻譯學榮休講座教授,推 動香港翻譯工作貢獻良多,出 版專著二十餘種,論文及翻譯 逾百篇,曾任雙語法例諮詢委 員會委員,1997年獲頒英帝國 官佐勳章。金教授於1965年加 入中大出任翻譯系系主任,帶 領該系發展成獨當一面的主修系,曾任中大校董及文學院 副院長,現為新亞書院榮譽院務委員。 Emeritus Professor of Translation at CUHK, Professor Jin has dedicated herself to a lifelong career of teaching and of promoting translation. She has published over 20 books and more than 100 theses and articles; served as a member of the Bilingual Laws Advisory Committee, and was awarded the OBE in 1997. Joining CUHK in 1965, Professor Jin played a pivotal role in the development of the Department of Translation. She has also devoted herself to many important administrative positions, including member of the University Council and sub-dean of the Faculty of Arts. Currently, she is an honorary fellow of New Asia College. 利漢楨教授 Prof. Lee Hon-ching 著名旅美藝術家,擅長版畫雕 塑,致力創作、教學和推動藝 術發展,參與無數國際藝術展 出、研討及活動,現為崇基學 院及聯合書院藝術顧問。利教 授熱心贊助多項獎助學金,捐 助中醫中藥研究所、中國語言 及文學系香港文學研究中心、生命科學學院及文物館等, 為中大作育英才。 A noted artist based in the US who specializes in printmaking and sculpture, Professor Lee is unstintingly committed to artistic creation, teaching and the advancement of art in the community. Currently art adviser to Chung Chi College and United College, Professor Lee has made substantial contributions to foster art and culture appreciation on campus. He has also generously supported many scholarships and research projects of the Institute of Chinese Medicine, the Hong Kong Literature Research Centre, the School of Life Sciences, and the Art Museum. 羅德承博士 Dr. Lo Tak-shing Peter 羅桂祥基金主席,致力推動教 育、醫療、社會福利、長者服務 及藝術項目發展。自1970年代 起,支持中大成立羅桂祥防疫 研究實驗室、羅桂祥基金獎學 金計劃和多項醫學研究。2010 年,基金捐助生物醫學科學科 研工作,包括大豆及其他主糧食品研究。羅桂祥綜合生物 醫學大樓配備先進的生物醫學儀器,為優良的科研基地。 Currently chairman of the K.S. Lo Foundation, Dr. Lo has been committed to promoting education, medical services, elderly care, social welfare and art for the benefit of the public. Dr. Lo’s family and the foundation have been unwavering benefactors of CUHK since the 1970s. In 2010, the foundation further donated a magnanimous sum to support biomedical sciences, including the research on soybean and other staple foods. The Lo Kwee-Seong Integrated Biomedical Sciences Building named after the late Dr. K.S. Lo is equipped with state-of-the-art biomedical equipment to facilitate interdisciplinary research under one roof. 楊明標博士 Dr. Yeung Ming-biu 鐘錶業翹楚,東方表行集團有 限公司創辦人、主席兼執行董 事,香港鐘表業總會永遠榮譽 會董和香港商業專業評審中心 創會名譽會長。楊博士樂善好 施,2010年獲頒世界傑出華人 獎,鼎力支持中大的獎助學金計 劃、體育和學生設施,資助學生參與如「寰宇暑期實習計 劃」等活動。 An eminent leader in the watch industry, chairman and executive director of Oriental Watch Holdings Limited, Dr. Yeung is also the co-founder of the Group. Elected as one of the recipients of the World Outstanding Chinese Award in 2010, he serves in a number of important public service positions. Despite his success, he remembers his roots and cares about the welfare of the underprivileged in Hong Kong. As a long-time and staunch benefactor of CUHK, he has supported a number of CUHK scholarships, as well as sports and student activities, including the Global Internship Programme.
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