Newsletter No. 392
4 No. 392, 19.2.2012 校 園 消 息 CAMPUS NEWS 翻譯文獻庫成立展出霍克思遺稿 • Translation Archive Inaugurated to House Hawkes Papers 元宵佳節樂悠揚 • Chinese Lantern Festival Celebration 為 慶祝元宵佳節,中國文化研究所、文物館與藝術行政主任辦公室 於2月3日假中國文化研究所庭院舉辦「李氏知音」—龍年元宵音 樂會,邀得中大校友趙慶中先生帶領的「中樂友」即席演奏,另備猜燈謎 遊戲和應景食品龍鬚糖奉客,反應熱烈,賓主盡歡。 T o celebrate the Lantern Festival, the Institute of Chinese Studies (ICS), Art Museum, and Office of the Arts Administrator jointly organized the ‘Music for C M Li and You—Lantern Festival Concert in the Year of the Dragon’ on 3 February in ICS courtyard. All enjoyed the wonderful Chinese music played by CCC (Chao Chin-chung, CUHK alumnus) & Music Friends. Many joined the quiz of lantern riddles, and appreciated the tasty dragon candy freshly made for guests. 日本研究學系慶祝二十周年 • Department of Japanese Studies Celebrates 20th Anniversary 翻 譯系與大學圖書館系統於2月1日舉行「香港中文 大學翻譯文獻庫」成立典禮暨「霍克思文獻」捐贈 展開幕儀式。主禮嘉賓包括沈祖堯校長( 左二 )、文學院院 長梁元生教授( 左一 )、霍克思夫人( 左三 )、翻譯系系主 任陳善偉教授( 右二 )、霍克思教授遺稿保管人暨翻譯系 閔福德教授( 右三 ),以及大學圖書館館長施達理博士( 右 一 )。今次活動亦屬翻譯系四十周年的慶祝活動。 文獻庫旨在保留翻譯名家工作實況的一 手資料,包括手稿、筆記和書信,以及錄 影和錄音片段,資料是世界性的,成立初 期着重中英翻譯資料,日後將涵蓋其他 語言。 已故霍克思教授為著名的中國文學翻譯 家,以翻譯《紅樓夢》首八十回最為人熟 悉。其遺稿保管人閔福德教授將藏品捐 贈予中大,成為文獻庫首批珍藏。展覽於 新亞書院錢穆圖書館舉行,展期由2月1至 14日,以及5月2至20日。 T he Department of Translation and the University Library System held the inauguration ceremony of the ‘Translation Archive of The Chinese University of Hong Kong’ cum opening ceremony of ‘The David Hawkes Papers: An Exhibition’ on 1 February. Officiating guests included Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung ( 2nd left ), Vice-Chancellor; Prof. Leung Yuen-sang ( 1st left ), dean of Faculty of Arts; Mrs. Jean Hawkes ( 3rd left ); Prof. Chan Sin-wai ( 2nd right ), chairman of the Department of Translation; Prof. John Minford ( 3rd right ), professor, Department of Translation; and Dr. Colin Storey ( 1st right ), University Librarian. The event was also one of the celebratory activities of the 40th anniversary of the Department of Translation. The archive preserves and makes available rare first-hand materials, such as manuscripts, notes and letters, etc., of famous translators. It also contains digital resources like video and audio interviews. The archive is conceived of as a local and international resource. It will focus initially on translation between Chinese and English, and will be expanded to cover other languages. The late Prof. David Hawkes, known for his masterful rendering of the first 80 chapters of The Story of the Stone , is a renowned translator of Chinese literature. His papers have been donated to CUHK by Prof. John Minford, Professor Hawkes’ literary executor, to become the first important collection of materials deposited in the archive. The exhibition is held at New Asia College Ch’ien Mu Library from 1 to 14 February, and from 2 to 20 May. 日 本研究學系舉行二十周年慶祝酒會,由沈祖堯校長 ( 右四 )、日本駐港總領事隈丸優次先生( 右五 )、 香港日本人商工會議所會長池內宏先生( 右三 )主持,百多 位賓客出席,包括日本商界、新聞界 和教育界等。大學致贈感謝狀予各 贊助人和機構,感謝他們慷慨資助 學生到日本交流。 所有日本研究主修生皆可到日本的 夥伴大學修習一年,包括京都大學、 大阪大學、早稻田大學、一橋大學、 明治大學等一流學府。由1992年至 今,該系已募得逾二千三百萬元獎 學金,並保送近五百人往日本當交 換生。 T he Department of Japanese Studies held a cocktail party to celebrate its 20th anniversary, and Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung ( 4th right ), Vice-Chancellor, CUHK; Mr. Yuji Kumamaru ( 5th right ), Consul-General of Japan in Hong Kong; and Mr. Hiroshi Ikeuchi ( 3rd right ), president of the Hong Kong Japanese Chamber of Commerce & Industry, were invited to officiate the ceremony. Over a hundred guests from Japanese business, media, and education sectors joined the event. Certificates of appreciation were presented to businesses and individuals who have generously sponsored the department’s exchange programmes. All students majoring in Japanese Studies will spend a year abroad, and study in first-tier institutions like Kyoto University, Osaka University, Waseda University, Hitotsubashi University and Meiji University. The department has secured over $23 million in scholarships since 1992, benefitting nearly 500 students.
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