Newsletter No. 392
No. 392, 19.2.2012 3 黃寶淋 Wong Po-lam 社會工作學系二級計劃協調員 Project Co-ordinator II, Department of Social Work 寶淋是學生眼中的萬能俠,老師的左右手。 「我見到老師很忙,教學、研究,更要兼顧 行政。有些瑣務毋須老師做,我希望可以幫 上忙。我覺得我的工作有意義,像三三四學 制由零開始,那關乎學生的學業。從這個 角度看,就不會覺得我做的事微不足道。」 難怪系主任 馬麗莊 教授說︰「如果大學有 更多這樣的同事,是學生和老師的福份。」 Students regard Po-lam a superwoman, and professors see her as their right hand, for she is always generous with her help. ‘I know professors are busy with teaching, research, and administrative duties. But there are minor chores that shouldn’t bother them. I’d ask myself how I can help them,’ said Po-lam. ‘I think my job is meaningful, just like the implementation of 3+3+4 curriculum. It impacts on the studies of many students. If I look at it that way, I won’t find my job insignificant.’ Prof. Ma Lai-chong Joyce , chairperson, Department of Social Work, commended, ‘Having a staff like Po-lam is a blessing for our students and teachers!’ 李佩蘭(Grace) Li Pui-lan 那打素護理學院一級文員 General Clerk I, The Nethersole School of Nursing Grace工作勤奮,有責任心,院長 李子芬 教 授指她是凡事都加十分的人︰十分盡心、 十分盡力、十分誠意,而且不輕易放棄。學 生有經濟困難,Grace會想盡辦法。「雖然 我沒有教他們,但我覺得自己是團隊的一 員,負責不同崗位,目的是教育他們成為優 秀的護士。最開心是看到學生畢業,因為 我為社會做了一點事。」 Grace is hardworking and very responsible. Her boss, Prof. Lee Tze-fan Diana , Director of Nursing, said Grace always gives a hundred per cent, and she never gives up easily. If a student has financial difficulty, she’ll try every means to help. ‘Although I’m not their teacher, we work as a team. Each of us has a role to play. Our aim is to train students to become good nurses. When I see them graduate, I am delighted. I know I have contributed something to society.’ 陳廖玉英(英姐) Chan Liu Yuk-ying (Ying Jie) 那打素護理學院二級工人 Workman II, The Nethersole School of Nursing 英姐最初負責庶務,後來調往護理實驗 室。學習護理程序對她是一大挑戰,「只有 靠死記,不記得便要問,把要點寫下,執行 工作時便拿出『百寶書』參考。」英姐說。 學生很愛戴英姐,「他們常跟我聊天,買零 食給我。考試時,我會預備糖果給他們,叫 他們不要擔心。」 Ying Jie supported general administration work when she first joined, but was transferred to the nursing laboratory later. It’s tough for her to memorize nursing procedures. ‘Recite the hard facts, that’s all. Every time I forget, I ask someone and take notes. I refer to my little encyclopaedia whenever necessary,’ said Ying Jie. Student nurses love her and they will chat and buy snacks for her. During exams, Ying Jie treats them to candies and offers consolation. 黃明亮(明哥) Wong Ming-leung (Ming Gor) 醫學院策劃處校車司機 Bus Driver, Planning Office, Faculty of Medicine 明哥對人親切,整天笑容滿臉, 黃澤虹 副主 任讚揚他極富團隊精神,對工作專注和尊 重。「『觀察、預期、計劃、行動』這八個字, 是我三十多年來每天都記住的。」司機的工 作分秒必爭,令明哥從容的心法是︰「安全 車速、不顛簸、不急剎,不徐不疾。最重要 是應變,『道在吾心,深心有道』,用平常心 處理,將複雜的事變簡單。」 Ming Gor is friendly and always sports a smile. Ms. Wong Chak-hung Nowell , his supervisor, said Ming Gor has good team spirit, focuses well and respects his job. ‘“Observe, anticipate, plan and action” —this has been my guiding principle for the past 30 years, and I keep it in my heart everyday.’ In a job as a driver where every second counts, Ming Gor has his own philosophy. ‘No speeding, no bumpy rides, no sudden braking. Keep an eye on the road and be prepared to meet changes. My motto is, “The Path is with me, and deep in my heart, there’s a Way”. Maintain an unbiased mind, and when there are problems, approach them calmly and keep things simple.’ 八位優異員工,既非學術泰斗,也非大學要員,然而人人都是中流砥柱,中大之 寶。一心一意,每次只把一件事情做好,那就足夠了。 They are our outstanding awardees. None of them are renowned scholars, and no one holds senior management positions. Yet all are significant pillars to the University, the invaluable treasure of the Chinese University. Focus on one thing at a time—that was their key to success. Take Pride in our Exemplary Service
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