Newsletter No. 387
Information in this section can only be accessed with CWEM password . 若要瀏覽本部分的資料, 請須輸 入 中大校園電子郵件密碼 。 No. 387, 19.11.2011 9 ANNOUNCEMENTS 宣 布 事 項 網上心意卡設計比賽 e-Caring Card Design Competition 為鼓勵校內同仁表達關顧之情,學生事務處舉辦「網上心意卡設計比賽」,詳情如下: To remind our campus community to ‘keep caring’, an e-Caring Card Design Competition is being organized by the Office of Student Affairs as follows: 設計主題 Theme 關顧願 ● 校園情 Warm Wishes from Our Caring Campus 作品種類 Categories 繪圖(手繪或電腦繪畫作品)或動畫 Pictorial design (Hand-painted and / computer-generated designs) or animated design 參賽資格 Eligibility of Entrants 中大全日制學生及全職職員 Full-time students and staff 遞交作品方法 Application 把作品連同填妥的報名表交往范克廉樓二樓學生事務處學生輔導及發展組 Submit your work with a completed entry form to the Student Counselling and Development Service, Office of Student Affairs, 2/F Benjamin Franklin Centre 下載表格 Download entry form: 截止報名日期 Deadline for Submission 2.12.2011(星期五 Fri ) 查詢 Enquiries 電話 Tel.: 3943 7208 (梁小姐 Ms. Leung ) 電郵 E-mail: 網址 Website: 所有得獎作品將收載於學生事務處學生輔導及發展組之「網上關顧心意卡」系列 All award-winning designs will be acknowledged and incorporated into OSA’s e-Caring Cards Collection 人 事 動 態 PERSONALIA 「中大校友日」iPhone App正式登場 ‘CUHK Alumni Homecoming’ App Now Available 「中大校友日」iPhone App現已登場,透過此程式可瀏覽中大校友日的節目、地圖及交通 安排等資訊,並登記出席當日活動。校友日詳情: ‘CUHK Alumni Homecoming’ iPhone App is now available for download. This app can help you to discover the most-up-to-date information, including programmes, event locations and transportation arrangements, of 2011 CUHK Alumni Homecoming and register attendance with this app. Details of 2011 CUHK Alumni Homecoming are as follows: 日期 Date 4.12.2011 (星期日 Sun ) 時間 Time 12:00 noon – 5:00 pm 地點 Venue 大學本部 Central Campus, CUHK 費用 Fee 全免 Free 內容 Programmes 全人分享講座、畢業紀念班與沈校長留影、百萬大道嘉年華會及遊戲攤位、「巴士 愛漫遊」、中草藥園自悠行,以及由校友義務協助組織的綜藝表演等 Distinguished Alumni Lectures, class photo with the VC, carnival and game booths at the University Mall, self-guided tour to the Chinese herbal garden, open-top double decker bus tour, Opening Extravaganza contributed by alumni, and more 網址 Website Facebook
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