Newsletter No. 387
No. 387, 19.11.2011 7 CAMPUS NEWS 校 園 消 息 教育研究公開講座 • Lecture on Education Research 教 育學院邀得國際知名數學教育和課程改革學者德拉瓦大學蔡金法教授( 左三 ), 於10月19日舉辦題為「改善學生課堂學習—教育研究如何促進教學實踐?」 公開講座。是次講座由田長霖博士科技創新基金會贊助,吸引了百多位教育工作者參 加。蔡教授和與會者分享他過去二十年的研究經驗,探討教育研究如何促進教學實踐, 從而提升學生學習成果,並討論教育研究對師資培育的影響,以及未來的研究方向。 O n 19 October, the Faculty of Education hosted a distinguished public lecture featuring world renowned scholar in mathematics education and curriculum reform, Prof. Cai Jinfa ( 3rd left ) from the University of Delaware. Sponsored by the Dr. Tien Chang Lin Technology Innovation Foundation Lecture Series in Education, the lecture attracted more than a hundred educational practitioners. In his lecture entitled ‘Improving Students’ Learning in Classroom: What and How Can Research Really Inform Instructional Practice?’, Professor Cai presented insight from two decades of research on what and how instructional practices could be used to facilitate student learning and achievement. He also shared with the audience the direction of future studies and the implications for teacher education. million from the Innovation and Technology Commission of the Hong Kong Government. In his project, Professor Kwan develops a platform and database for the DNA-based species authentication of common dried seafood and tonic food products in Hong Kong by providing essential DNA information that can be used by the government authorities, local industry and testing centres. The platform will enable the industry to regularly monitor and verify the origins and species of these products and will also provide the authorities concerned with molecular references. Such efforts are deemed useful to curb mislabelling and fraudulent substitution in the local market. Apart from a diagnostic kit for DNA-based species authentication, a rapid kit that enables quick differentiation of genuine and fake products will also be developed for front-line quality control. In future, a comprehensive food DNA database will also be developed to facilitate authentication of other food products. 鑑定海味及滋補食品平台 • New Platform for Authentication of Dried Seafood 中大運動員連番報捷 • CUHK Athletes Sweep Championship in Contests 中 大運動員接連於多項體育競賽中奪獎。男子乒乓球隊( 右上圖 )及女子籃球隊( 右下圖 )於10月22日的 「第十五屆成龍挑戰盃邀請賽」奪魁;10月23日的大專水運會,中大健兒奪得女子團體冠軍、男子團體亞 軍,以及男女子團體總冠軍。 C UHK athletes won the championship in different sports competitions. The CUHK men’s table-tennis ( top right ) and women’s basketball teams ( bottom right ) clinched the championship in the 15th Jackie Chan Challenge Cup Invitation Tournament on 22 October. In the aquatic meet of the University Sports Federation of Hong Kong held on 23 October, the CUHK swimming team took the championship in women‘s overall, the first runner-up in the men’s overall, and the championship in men and women overall. 中 大食品研究中心主任關海山教授獲創新科技署資 助港幣三百萬元,開發平台,以DNA鑑定香港銷售 的海味及滋補食品。 關教授開發的平台及數據庫,將向有關當局、業界和檢測 中心等提供DNA資料,有助鑑定香港銷售的海味及滋補 食品DNA品種。此平台不但讓業界定期監測及查證產品 的品種及來源,還可向有關當局提供相關海味的分子樣本 資料作參照,防止錯誤標籤或欺騙替換。 為加強業界在前線的質量控制,研究團隊除了提供以DNA 為本的品種認證診斷工具外,更會開發可迅速區分真假產 品的快速試劑盒。展望未來,一個全面的DNA數據庫將會 隨之而發展,以認證其他食物。 T he project on the development of a platform for the authentication of dried seafood and tonic food products led by Prof. Kwan Hoi-shan, director of the Food Research Centre, has recevied funding of HK$3
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