Newsletter No. 387
6 No. 387, 19.11.2011 校 園 消 息 CAMPUS NEWS 善衡開幕 為六百學生建家 • S.H. Ho College Opens to 600 Students 大 學五所新書院之一的善衡書院在10月28日舉行開 幕典禮,由大學校董會主席鄭海泉博士、大學校 長沈祖堯教授、善衡書院院監會主席兼何善衡慈善基金 會董事何子樑醫生,以及善衡書院院長辛世文教授主持。 三所夥伴大學—美國布朗大學、英國劍橋大學和北京 大學—亦派代表出席。 書院同時舉行了四個主要設施的揭牌儀式—何善衡館、 何添堂、利國偉堂及陳震夏館,何添堂與利國偉堂為學生 宿舍,陳震夏館是行政及文康大樓,而何善衡館則是一個 多用途禮堂。據何善衡慈善基金會主席何子焯博士解釋, 其父何善衡博士生前經營銀行,與何添博士、利國偉博 晨興開幕 首所小規模書院 • Morningside College Inaugurates New Campus 中 大晨興書院於11月11日舉行開幕典禮。超過四百 位嘉賓蒞臨見證書院開幕,與穿着整齊院服的書 院學生一起出席典禮。典禮後書院於宴會廳設宴,嘉賓與 師生濟濟一堂,共慶盛事。 晨興書院是中大首所小規模書院,學生不多於三百人,旨在 讓師生在親切融和的環境下緊密聯繫,加強對書院的歸屬 感。書院於2011至12學年共錄取了一百三十二名學生,本 地生、國際生和內地生的比率分別為百分之四十、三十九和 二十一。 書院院長莫理斯教授表示:「晨興書院享有一個與眾不同 的學生群體,多元且十分國際化,這有助同學認識不同文 化,開拓他們的世界觀,讓他們日後在國際化的社會發揮 所長時,更加得心應手。」 M orningside College celebrated the inauguration of its new campus on 11 November. Over 400 guests of the College took part in the ceremony with students in gowns to witness its inauguration. They were treated to luncheon in the College Dining Hall after the ceremony. With a maximum intake of only 300 students, Morningside College is by design the first small college of the University, and aims to create a congenial and caring environment in which both students and teachers can Council, CUHK; Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, Vice-Chancellor and President, CUHK; Dr. Ho Tzu-leung, chairman of the Committee of Overseers, S.H. Ho College and Governor of The S.H. Ho Foundation; and Prof. Samuel Sun, Master of S.H. Ho College. Representatives of three exchange partners of the College—Brown University, Cambridge University, Peking University—were also present. The plaque-unveiling ceremony for the four main buildings of the College, namely, Ho Sin Hang Hall, Ho Tim Hall, Lee Quo Wei Hall and Chan Chun Ha Hall, was also held. Ho Tim Hall and Lee Quo Wei Hall are student hostels, Chan Chun Ha Hall, an administrative and student amenities building, and Ho Sin Hang Hall, a multi-purpose hall. Dr. David Ho, chairman of The S.H. Ho Foundation, explained that his beloved father Dr. Ho Sin-hang worked closely with Dr. Ho Tim, Dr. Lee Quo-wei and Mr. Chan Chun-ha to develop Hang Seng Bank. Having the buildings named in honour of these gentlemen may be the best way for their partnership and benevolence to be perpetuated. At the opening ceremony, Professor Sung, Vice- Chancellor, said, ‘S.H. Ho College was built on the concept of a home and I hope all the students will grow in a caring and friendly atmosphere full of hope and a sense of belonging.’ On the same occasion, benefactors planted four osmanthus fragrans (sweet olive trees) with the hope that students, like the trees, will grow in the congenial community. maintain frequent contact, and foster a close sense of belonging. In 2011–12, the College admitted 132 students in total, comprising 40% local students, 39% from overseas and 21% from mainland China. Professor Mirrlees, Master of the College, remarked, ‘Morningside College enjoys a unique student body for being diverse and highly international. This multicultural diversity helps nurture students for their future in an international arena, equipping them with greater cultural sensitivity and a global perspective.’ 士、陳震夏先生合作無間,卓然有成。今天以四位善長芳 名命名這些設施,正好將他們的緊密合作關係和行善傳統 發揚光大。 大學校長沈祖堯教授在開幕典禮中表示:「我希望同學在 善衡書院有『家』的感覺,在一個有歸屬感、穩妥的環境 學習和成長。」當天各捐助人代表更在書院草地上種植四 棵桂樹,寓意同學在親切及充滿關懷的氛圍下茁壯成長, 將來成為茂盛的巨木。 S .H. Ho College, one of the five new Colleges of CUHK, officially opened on 28 October. The ceremony was officiated by Dr. Vincent H.C. Cheng, Chairman of the
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