Newsletter No. 387
No. 387, 19.11.2011 5 In Plain View 陳活彝教授(右一)和他的研究團隊 Prof. Chan Wood-yee (1st right) and his research team 陳活彝教授於中大獲生物化學理學 士及哲學碩士、解剖學哲學博士學 位,其後獲裘槎基金會支持赴倫敦大 學學院修習。1989年加入中大解剖 學系擔任講師,2007年任系主任。陳 教授現為生物醫學學院教授及副院 長,研究範圍包括動物及人類胚胎 的神經系統發育、先天性疾病的胚 胎學根源,以及生物活性化合物的 致畸性質。 But even nerve cells that manage to arrive at their destinations face the problem of suitability of environment for growth which is directly related to the mother’s body and affected by the larger environment in which she finds herself. For instance, heavy pollution would hamper their growth or cause them to mutate and malform. In general, when there are problems with embryonic nerve cells, the embryo dies in the worst case scenario, and even if it doesn’t, the child will be afflicted with congenital disorders. Conducting an in vitro experiment on embryonic cells is difficult. Professor Chan has been using mice in his studies. He devised a technology which allows researchers to extract a mouse embryo and cultivate it for two or three days outside the mother’s body. Of the 19 days of a mouse’s pregnancy, organ formation takes place on five or six. The rest of the time is devoted to the development and strengthening of functions. Therefore these five or six days are critical for conducting the in vitro experiment. Scientific research is a long process requiring a lot of patience. By confirming that the problem is caused by intestines lacking necessary nerve cells or the latter failing to function properly, Professor Chan said he had made the first step. He added though that nerve cells are not the only reasons for problems of the bowel. His next step is to identify the relationship between the two and ultimately to find a cure, such as by transplanting normal cells. He said, ‘Developmental biology belongs to basic biological studies, and as such shares the same aims as medicine, and that is to find cures. The only difference is that doctors deal with phenomena happening in life, whereas developmental biologists study life’s beginnings.’ Prof. Chan Wood-yee received his BSc and MPhil from the Department of Biochemistry and PhD in Basic Medical Sciences from the Department of Anatomy, CUHK. He then worked as Croucher Foundation Fellow at the University College London, UK. He joined the Department of Anatomy at CUHK as a lecturer in 1989, and became chairman of the same Department in 2007. Prof. Chan is currently professor and associate director of the School of Biomedical Sciences. His research interests cover the development of the nervous system, embryological basis of congenital diseases and teratogenicity of bioactive compounds. 作為新文化運動的主將和中共主要創始人,陳獨秀1929年 因轉向托派被開除出黨。黨史書寫一貫只承認其在創黨初 期的作用,對其晚期則持全盤否定態度。 本書乃陳獨秀研究專家唐寶林先生的心血之作。作者畢三 十年之功,不厭其詳,追根究柢,深入爬梳史料,推定史義。 全書詳盡梳理了陳獨秀一生思想發展的脈絡,又展現了其 人與黨、與中國革命複雜糾結的歷史關係。本書試圖回答一 些長期被遮蔽的關鍵問題,例如:陳獨秀晚期採取了與共 產國際與中共中央對立的立場,究竟是何成因,具體有甚麼 主張?進行了甚麼活動?陳獨秀與中共矛盾的焦點在哪裏? 本書是陳獨秀研究的集大成之作,也為中共黨史研究提供 了新的觀點和視角。 Chen Duxiu—the co-founder of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and one of the most prominent leaders of the New Culture Movement—witnessed the ups-and-downs of the Chinese revolution, playing a key role in the early history of the CCP. However, Chen was labeled ‘traitor’ and ‘antirevolutionary’ (among others) by the CCP in the late 1920s, and following this, scholarly discussions about him had been restricted in mainland China for decades. Chen Duxiu Quanzhuan (A Complete Biography of Chen Duxiu) is an illuminating study of Chen Duxiu’s rise and fall written by Tang Baolin, a former researcher with the Institute of Modern History at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and executive chair of the ‘underground’ Institute of Studies on Chen Duxiu. Devoted to constructing a truthful account of this revolutionary figure and the critical issues in the early history of CCP he was intertwined with, Tang has spent nearly 30 years on this monumental undertaking, for the first time giving readers an accurate, meticulously researched account of the man who created and shaped the early years of the CCP. 《和諧》 崇基學院榮譽院務委員饒宗頤教授為崇基鑽禧校慶創作的畫作 Harmony The Chinese painting created by Prof. Jao Tsung-i, Honorary Fellow of Chung Chi College, to mark the 60th anniversary of the College 《陳獨秀全傳》 作者:唐寶林 出版:中文大學出版社 年份:2011 頁數:836頁 藝 文 風 景 A TOUCH OF CLASS 書 訊 BOOKS
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