Newsletter No. 467

467 • 19.11.2015 1 467 編見 當瑪格麗特 ‧ 米德遇上愛因斯坦會產生怎樣的化學作用?以下可能是他們的對話: 米德:「我結過三次婚,並曾多次墮入愛河。」 愛因斯坦:「我不知甚麼令你墮入愛河,但肯定不會是萬有引力。」 言論前衛的人類學家米德,以其在南太平洋島國的研究著稱,她若今天見到中大人類學系的豐 碩成果,必會對師生的努力加以肯定。今期特寫有系主任Prof. Gordon Mathews和學生講述研 習人類學的原因和抱負。 愛因斯坦相信物理定律主宰自然界,提出「上帝不擲骰子」的經典名句。認同這觀點的還有物 理系系主任吳恒亮教授( 圖 )。今期吳教授會介紹中大物理系的獨特之處、跟讀者談談他為甚 麼上電視講授物理知識,以及他心目中的美好人生。 好人的定義很簡單—願意幫助他人達成夢想、成就美好人生的人。今期〈好人好事〉向 E&R Foundation的莫華昇先生與鍾翁瑞華女士致敬,並分享他們為何堅持作博群計劃的忠實 夥伴,以及為香港的音樂教育出力。 Editorially Speaking The following exchange could have taken place when Margaret Mead meets Albert Einstein: Mead: ‘I have married three times, and fallen in love with many others.’ Einstein: ‘Whatever it is that made you fall in love, it is not gravitation.’ In this issue we get a glimpse of the two distinguished programmes of anthropology and physics at CUHK. Mead, whose achievements and influence went way beyond her anthropological works at Samoa and New Guinea, should nod approvingly if she sees what the teachers and students of anthropology at CUHK are doing. We hear from department chairman Prof. Gordon Mathews and some of the students on their rhyme and reasons for engaging in anthropological studies. Einstein knew better than believing that physical forces rule everything on earth. He did not believe God plays dice, either. Neither does Prof. Dickon Ng ( photo ), chairman of the physics department. We will hear him out on what makes Physics@CUHK strong and unique, why he appeared on TV to expound on physical phenomena and ultimately his view of the best thing in life. Fine folks bring fine things to other people’s lives. We pay tribute to Mr. Edwin Mok and Mrs. Joy Chung of the E&R Foundation and hear their fine deeds of bringing fine music to young people in Hong Kong and how they embrace I • CARE like an old friend. 19 • 11 • 2015 目錄 CONTENTS 2 特寫 Feature 淺談人類學與教育 Enriching our Education with Anthropology 4 好人好事 Fine Folks Fine Deeds 心誠,則事成 Dedication Makes Success 5 . . . 校園消息 Campus News 7 字裏高科 Tech Talks 7 寶健保健 Wealth In Health 8 宣布事項 Announcements 9 到任同仁 Newly Onboard 10 口談實錄 Viva Voce Photo by ISO staff 「張佬」金禧 新聞與傳播學院成立於1965年,今年正值其五十周年院慶,學院特於新亞書院「小百萬大道」前搭起巨型花牌賀壽,非常醒目 To celebrate its golden jubilee, the School of Journalism and Communication specially built a gigantic, eye-catching traditional Chinese flower plaque on the avenue outside the Humanities Building at New Asia College 物理學的理智與感性 (頁10) Physics: Sense and Sensibility ( p. 10 ) School of Journalism and Communication’s 50th Anniversary