Newsletter No. 391
6 No. 391, 19.1.2012 校 園 消 息 CAMPUS NEWS 社會科學院全新雙軌收生模式 • Social Science Faculty Adopts Dual-mode Admission 為 配合3+3+4新學制,社會科學院將於2012至13 學年起,推出大類收生模式,讓學生於第一年先體 驗不同的學科,配合學院提供的個人化選科輔導,才選擇 最合適的主修科。各主修課程不預設限額,學生之間亦無 須競爭以入讀其心儀課程。同時,學院的所有本科課程仍 維持分科收生,使學生的選擇更具彈性。此外,學院亦將 推出「城市研究」及「環球經濟與金融」兩項嶄新的跨學科 課程,培育未來的城市領袖和環球經濟金融專業人員。 學院將提供八十九個大類收生學額,循此途徑入讀的學 生,將於第一年修讀一系列基本課程,包括最少三個由不 同學系/學院提供的學院課程。學院副院長及各學系/學 院的教員代表,則會擔任指導員,親自為學生提供個人學 業及選課指導,學生於第二年才選擇最合適的主修科。 T o tie in with the ‘3+3+4’ academic structure, the Faculty of Social Science will introduce a broad-based admission scheme to allow students to experience different social science disciplines in Year 1 before deciding on the most suitable major programme with guidance and advice from the Faculty. No quota will be set for a particular programme and students do not need to compete against each other for their desired programme. Meanwhile, programme- based admission will be adopted in parallel with broad-based admission to offer greater flexibility for students. The Faculty will also launch two new interdisciplinary programmes—’urban studies’ and ‘global economics and finance’—to nurture future social leaders and professionals in global economics and finance. The Faculty will admit a total of 89 students for the 2012 entry via broad- based admission, allowing them to take various basic courses in Year 1, including at least three Faculty Package courses offered by different departments/schools at the Faculty. Associate deans and teachers from various departments/schools at the Faculty will serve as academic advisers to provide personal advice and guidance for students on academic problems and programme selection. Students will choose the most appropriate major programmes in Year 2. 四川重建項目獲文物古蹟保護獎 • Sichuan Rebuild Project Receives Culture Heritage Awards 由 中大與西安建築科技大學(建大)的無止橋團隊 合作之四川馬鞍橋村災後重建綜合示範項目,榮 獲聯合國教科文組織亞太區文物古蹟保護獎─評審團 嘉許創新獎。頒獎典禮於2011年12月21日假國家住房和 城鄉建設部(住建部)舉行,住建部仇保興常務副部長 ( 右五 )、趙暉司長( 左三 )、無止橋慈善基金主席暨中大 建築學院吳恩融教授( 左四 )與一眾基金及項目成員出席 領獎。 四川省會理縣新安鄉馬鞍橋村經歷2008年8月30日地震 後,九成房屋倒塌,是該區受損最嚴重的貧困村落。中大 與建大於該村開展的重建項目包括建造無止橋、指導村民 自力重建抗震夯土農宅、建設村民活動中心、改善基礎設 施及其他公共衞生教育工作等。 L aunched by the Wu Zhi Qiao (Bridge to China) Teams of CUHK and Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology (XUAT), the Village Rebuild Demonstration Project in Maan Qiao Village of Sichuan was awarded the Jury Commendation for Innovation in 2011, UNESCO Asia- Pacific Heritage Awards for Culture Heritage Conservation. Dr. Qiu Baoxing ( 5th right ), Vice-Minister of Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of PRC (MOHURD); Dr. Zhao Hui ( 3rd left ), Director of MOHURD; Prof. Edward Ng ( 4th left ), chairman of Wu Zhi Qiao Charitable Foundation and professor of School of Architecture of CUHK; and other project members attended the award ceremony held at the Ministry on 21 December 2011. The Maan Qiao Village, Xinan Township, Huili County, Sichuan Province, is a poor village in the region sustaining the most damage after the earthquake on 30 August 中國工程院院士來訪 • CAE Academicians Visit 中 國工程院院士(工程院)訪 校計劃於2011年12月5至 8日舉行,工程院信息與電子工程學 部姜文漢院士,土木、水利與建築 工程學部劉先林院士及劉經南院 士,以及醫藥衞生學部王威琪院士 和付小兵院士等一行十人代表團, 蒞臨中大交流訪問,並主持「院士 講座系列」。 五位院士分就適應光學、測繪科 學、醫學超聲、創傷醫學和組織修 復與再生醫學等領域發表演講,吸 引逾三百人出席。 左起:政治與行政學系高級導師蔡子強先生、社會科學院副院長(教育)鄺啟新教 授、社會科學院副院長(學生事務)王淑英教授及新聞與傳播學院院長馮應謙教授 From left: Mr. Ivan C.K. Choy, senior instructor, Department of Government and Public Administration; Prof. Sunny K.S. Kwong, associate dean (education), Faculty of Social Science; Prof. Wong Suk-ying, associate dean (student affairs), Faculty of Social Science; Prof. Anthony Y.H. Fung, director, School of Journalism and Communication A 10-member delegation from the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE) visited CUHK under the CAE Academicians Visit Programme 2011 from 5 to 8 December. The delegation included Prof. Jiang Wenhan from the Division of Information and Electronic Engineering; Prof. Liu Xianlin and Prof. Liu Jingnan from the Division of Civil Hydraulic and Architecture Engineering; and Prof. Wang Weiqi and Prof. Fu Xiaobing from the Division of Health Engineering. The five academicians delivered public lectures on adaptive optics, surveying and mapping, ultrasonography, traumatology, wound repair, and regenerative medicine. Over 300 participants attended the lectures. 2008. About 90% of the houses collapsed. CUHK and XUAT launched the rebuild project, which included Wu Zhi Qiao bridge building, assistance to villagers to build their rammed-earth houses, village community centre construction, basic infrastructure improvement and other public health educational programmes.
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