Newsletter No. 468
468 • 4.12.2015 5 兩岸四地院校簽署合作協議推動學術中文 Cross-strait Universities Commit to Promote Academic Chinese 香港中文大學於11月18 日舉行「中文學術評鑑 與發展高峰論壇」,聯 同北京大學(北大)、 南京大學(南大)、上海 交通大學(上交大)及 台灣大學(台大)作為 發起院校,以及海峽兩 岸及港澳地區共32所 院校簽署「推動學術中 文合作協議」,以提升 中文研究成果在國際 學術界的地位。 論壇匯聚了兩岸四地 超過三十所大學接近一 百位校領導和專家學 者,以及兩大國際期刊引文索引資料庫Scopus和Web of Science的代表出席,就推動學術中文 的未來合作方向及實行計劃互相交流,亦為提升華文學術地位奠下了重要的里程碑,極具歷史意 義。五所發起院校的出席代表包括中大校長沈祖堯教授、台大校長楊泮池教授、上交大常務副書 記郭新立教授、北大校務委員會副主任李強教授及南大校長助理范從來教授。參會的二十七所院 校代表加入簽署協議,展現兩岸四地院校團結力量及決心。 The University held a summit on the ‘Assessment and Development of Academic Chinese’ on 18 November, as one of the several initiating universities that include Peking University (PKU), Nanjing University (NJU), Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU), and Taiwan University (NTU). On the occasion, 32 universities from mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau signed a collaboration agreement to promote Chinese as an internationally recognized research language. The summit brought together some 100 speakers and participants from over 30 universities as well as Scopus and Web of Science, two authoritative international citation databases. Representatives exchanged ideas on joint efforts towards enhancing the status of Chinese in the global academia. Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, Vice-Chancellor of CUHK; Prof. Pan-chyr Yang, President of NTU; Prof. Guo Xinli, Vice Party Secretary of SJTU; Prof. Lee Qiang, Vice Party Secretary of PKU, and Prof. Fan Conglai, Assistant President of NJU, together with the representatives of 27 attending institutions, signed the Promotion of Academic Chinese Agreement. 專家討論香港兒童法案議題 Experts Discuss Hong Kong Children Bill 為期兩天的第三屆兒童問題論壇 於11月13日假中大法律學院研究 生部開始。約二百名來自學界、本 地及國際的法律和司法界代表, 政府官員、非牟利團體代表,兒 童健康專家等聚首一堂,就遲遲 未訂立的香港兒童法案提出建 議,以及討論其他有關兒童權利 和健康的議題。 論壇邀得終審法院首席法官馬道 立( 圖 )大紫荊勳賢、前英格蘭及威爾斯上訴法院法官Rt. Hon Sir Matthew Thorpe、 中大法律學院院長、李福善法律學教授Christopher Gane教授,以及香港大學法律 學院院長何耀明教授出席並致辭。 在論壇舉行的第二天,各專家將集中討論影響兒童的事宜,例如:在法律訴訟中引入 兒童代表所遇到的困難、前線人員處理兒童貧窮的經驗分享。 是次論壇由中大法律學院、香港大學法律學院、香港律師會、香港家庭法律協會聯 合主辦,香港大律師公會協辦。 Some 200 participants including academics, legal and health professionals, as well as government and NGO officials shared ideas on how the long awaited Hong Kong Children Bill should be framed and other issues related to children’s rights and welfare at the two-day Children’s Issues Forum on 13 November, at the CUHK Graduate Law Centre. Speeches were delivered at the opening by The Hon. Chief Justice Geoffrey Ma Tao-Li ( photo ), GBM, Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal, The Rt. Hon Sir Matthew Thorpe, former Lord Justice of Appeal, England and Wales, Prof. Christopher Gane, Dean of the Faculty of Law and Simon F.S. Li Professor of Law, CUHK, and Prof Michael Hor, Dean of the Faculty of Law, HKU. On the second day, participants discussed issues affecting children such as challenges in representing children’s perspectives in legal proceedings, and frontline experience with child poverty. The forum was organized collaboratively by the CUHK Faculty of Law, the HKU Faculty of Law, the Law Society of Hong Kong, the Family Law Association, with the support of the Hong Kong Bar Association. 伍宜孫書院八周年院慶 Wu Yee Sun College Celebrates 8th Anniversary 伍宜孫書院於11月舉辦了一連串以「宜孫航空」為題的活動,慶祝八周年院慶。書院特為即 將踏入職場的首屆畢業生舉辦兩場夜話,同時以此揭開院慶序幕。 行政長官創新及科技顧問楊偉雄先生於2日講述資訊科技產業的最新流向。4日舉行的院 長夜話,邀請了院長李沛良教授、書院輔導長李賴俊卿教授、院務委員黃錦輝教授、舍監 潘江鵬教授及院務主任李珮珊女士與各準畢業生分享初入職場的心得。「523人宴」於 10日舉行,超過三百位師生及書院代表出席。 書院於11日晚上舉辦Sunny Festival,書院院監會成員彭玉榮博士、冼雅恩先生、伍步昌 伉儷及超過三十位老師應邀出席。環校跑於13日舉行,為院慶活動作結。 Wu Yee Sun College organized a series of activities in November under the theme ‘Sunny Airline’ to celebrate its eighth anniversary. Celebrations began with two career night talks for the College’s first batch of graduating students. At a forum on the 2nd, Mr. Nicholas W. Yang, advisor to the Chief Executive on Innovation and Technology and Non-Official Member of the Executive Council, shared his insights on innovation and technology. ‘Master’s Night Talk with Graduates’ was held on the 4th, during which Prof. Rance P.L. Lee, College Master, Prof. Annisa C.H. Lee, Dean of Students, Prof. K.F. Wong, College Fellow, Prof. K.P. Pun, College Warden, and Ms. Sandy P.S. Lee, College Secretary, shared their experiences in career development. This was followed by the ‘523 Banquet’ on the 10th which was attended by over 300 students and College members. Sunny Festival featuring over 40 booths and a music show was held on the 11th. It was graced by the presence of the College Overseers, Dr. Joseph Y.W. Pang, Mr. Benedict N.Y. Sin, Mr. and Mrs. Albert P.C. Wu, and 30 teachers. The Campus Run on the 13th brought celebrations to a close. 校園消息 Campus News
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