Annual Report 2006–07
78 ࣎ʤ 中大由成立至今,連同以前原成員書院的畢業生人數 在內,畢業生人次在二零零六年十月突破十萬。中大 校友遍布各行各業,同為社會作出貢獻。多位中大校 友於年度內獲政府委以要職,包括: 法律援助服務局主席陳茂波先生 行政長官辦公室主任陳德霖先生 香港機場管理局行政總裁許漢忠先生 財務匯報局主席高靜芝女士 消費者委員會總幹事劉燕卿女士 地政總署署長譚贛蘭女士 廉政專員湯顯明先生 勞工處處長謝凌潔貞女士 公務員事務局常任秘書長黃灝玄先生 禁毒專員黃碧兒女士 環境局常任秘書長/環境保護署署長王倩儀女士 中大三位校友運動員在第十五屆多哈亞運會取得佳 績,為港爭光;趙詠賢小姐及李致和先生,分別在壁 球女子單打項目及男子三項鐵人賽取得銀牌;鮑明慧 小姐則在團體佩劍項目取得銅牌。 中大校友在社會不同領域的貢獻廣獲認同。陳萬雄先 生獲香港科技大學頒授榮譽院士銜、陳玉樹教授獲公 開大學頒授榮譽院士銜、林師龐先生獲香港理工大學 頒授大學院士銜;另外,許冠文先生、高靜芝女士、 伍達倫博士及蔣麗莉博士,則獲嶺南大學頒授榮譽院 士。大學亦於二零零七年五月頒授大學榮譽院士銜予 香樹輝校友及莫秀馨校友。 書院及學系的學長計劃,由於得到歷屆校友積極參 與,與學弟妹分享人生經驗和工作心得,成效更著。 另一方面,校友對大學、書院及學系不同項目的發 展,亦支持無間,捐款不斷;如「畢業班捐貲承諾計 劃」,鼓勵新畢業校友回饋母校,反應理想。年內大 學繼續積極擴展交換生學額,境外近三十個海外校友 會紛紛響應,在當地竭誠接待前往交流的中大學生, 協助他們盡快適應當地生活。 二零零七年一月,校友事務處首次舉辦校友會大會, 廣邀大學各校友會及組織領導人聚集校園,交流籌辦 校友活動心得。近一百位來自三十多個海內外校友組 織代表出席。二零零七年五月,校友事務處乘大學代 表團訪美加之便,探訪了當地十個校友會。此外,大 學領導層亦多次在外訪公幹之餘,探望海外校友會, 加強大學與校友之間聯繫。 ‧ ‧ ‧ ‧ ‧ ‧ ‧ ‧ ‧ ‧ ‧ Alumni The number of CUHK graduates, including those of the founding Colleges before the establishment of the University, has already exceeded 100,000 as of October 2006. The graduates’ achievements and services to the community have been widely recognized. In 2006–07, a number of alumni have assumed prominent positions in the HKSAR government. They include: Chairman of the Legal Aid Services Council Mr. Chan Mo-po Paul Director of the Chief Executive’s Office Mr. Chan Tak-lam Norman Chief Executive Officer of the Airport Authority Hong Kong Mr. Hui Hon-chung Stanley Chairman of the Financial Reporting Council Ms. Kao Ching-chi Sophia Chief Executive of the Consumer Council Ms. Lau Yin-hing Connie Director of Lands Ms. Tam Kam-lan Annie Commissioner of ICAC Mr. Tong Hin-ming Timothy Commissioner for Labour Mrs. Tse Ling Kit-ching Cherry Permanent Secretary for the Civil Service Mr. Wong Ho-yuen Andrew Commissioner for Narcotics Ms. Wong Pik-yee Sally Permanent Secretary for the Environment/Director of Environ- mental Protection Ms. Wong Sean-yee Anissa Three alumni represented Hong Kong in the 15th Asian Games Doha 2006 and achieved the team’s best results in its history. Miss Chiu Wing-yin Rebecca won a silver medal in women’s singles squash, Mr. Lee Chi-wo Daniel won a silver medal in the men’s triathlon individual event, and Miss Pau Ming-wai Akina won a bronze medal in women’s sabre team competition. The contribution of CUHK alumni in various fields has also been well acknowledged. For example, Mr. Chan Man-hung was conferred Honorary Fellowship by the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology while Prof. Chan Yuk-shee and Mr. Lam See-pong Patrick received the Honorary University Fellowship of the Open University of Hong Kong and University Fellowship of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University respectively. Four alumni, Mr. Hui Koon-man Michael, Ms. Kao Ching-chi Sophia, Dr. Ng Tat-lun and Dr. Lily Chiang were awarded Honorary Fellowships by the Lingnan University. The University also awarded Honorary Fellowships to two distinguished alumni inMay 2007 in recognition of their contributions to the University and the community. They were Mr. Heung Shu-fai and Ms. Mok Sau-hing. Mentorship programmes of the Colleges and teaching departments were enriched by alumni who shared their wealth of experience and wisdom with students. The alumni community continued to make donations to support the developments of the University, the Colleges and the teaching departments. The Graduating Class • • • • • • • • • • •
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