Newsletter No. 381
8 No. 381, 19.8.2011 校 園 消 息 CAMPUS NEWS 書 訊 BOOKS 閱讀心靈 Mind Reading 工商管理學院在2007年 推出「心連心對話系列」 講座,邀請政府高官和商 界領袖分享智慧和心得, 培養學生的領導才能。迄 今已舉行逾二十場講座, 大獲好評。為誌其盛,多 場講座現已輯錄成冊, 編成《成功領袖:心連 心對話1》和 Beacon in the Mist: Heart-to-Heart Talks 2 二書。 翻開兩書的目錄,儼如香 港工商界巨擘人名錄,裏面還有其他社會俊彥,包括前警 務處長李明逵、中大校長沈祖堯等。 書中各章撮錄了講者演講的精髓,內容五花八門,有管理 哲學和領導風格,也有個人經歷和生涯規劃。每場演講之 後又摘錄了學生的反應和意見,描畫出傳授者和聆教者心 思相連的紐帶。 編者范建強教授和陳志輝教授說,該書「有助讀者邁向更 高的成就。我們也希望它能發揮路線圖的作用,成為讀者 的指路明燈,克服前路的困難。」 The Heart-to-Heart Talk Series of the Faculty of Business Administration was launched in 2007 to cultivate leadership among its students. Top government officials and elite business leaders were invited to share their insight. To date, over 20 talks have been held to resounding success. It is a fitting tribute to this sustained effort that many of these talks are now printed in two elegant volumes: 《成功領袖:心連心對話1》 ; Beacon in the Mist: Heart-to-Heart Talks 2 . A glance at the content pages of these books is a brief tour of who’s who of local business leaders and captains of industry. Other eminent figures in the community such as Mr. Dick Lee, former Police Commissioner, and Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, Vice-Chancellor of CUHK, are also featured. The chapters capture and recapitulate the essences of the presentations and sharing of the speakers on various topics such as their management philosophies and leadership styles and on personal growth and life planning. Each talk is followed by extracts of student feedback and reflection, thereby completing the loop that links the hearts and minds of those doing the mentoring and those receiving it. As the editors, Prof. Dennis K.K. Fan and Prof. Andrew C.F. Chan, said, the book ‘will be useful in assisting readers to reach higher levels of achievement. We also hope that it will serve as a roadmap to provide guidance for our readers in overcoming the challenges ahead.’ 創意程式賀工程學院 二十周年 • Creative Apps to Celebrate Engineering’s 20th Anniversary 今 年是工程學院成立二十周年,該系於本年3月舉辦 「應用程式設計比賽」,參賽學生以二十周年院 慶為主題,運用iPhone或Android作設計平台,糅合創意 思維及科技知識,編寫出新穎及饒有趣味的應用程式。比 賽分為中大工程學生組別及全日制中學生組別,共有四項 優勝的應用程式設計獲獎。工程學生組別的得獎程式已 上載至學院二十周年網頁( Anniversary )供免費下載。 T o celebrate its 20th anniversary, the Faculty of Engineering launched the ‘Apps Design Competition’ in March, requiring participating students to use the Faculty’s 20th anniversary as the theme to design innovative, fun, and engaging Apps for iPhone and Android platforms. The competition comprised two categories: CUHK Engineering Students and Full-time Secondary Students. There were a total of four winning entries, and the champions’ designs by CUHK engineering students are now available for free download at www.erg. . 《中大通訊》現已推出全新設計的電子版,以報道更多校園消息和大學動態。限於篇幅未能在印刷版全文刊 載的文章,會在電子版全文刊出,並附以更多圖片,讓讀者更全面深入閱讀;另外還有多媒體內容。每期印刷 版出版後,會以電郵同步向所有職員、學生發放電子版。我們稍後會檢討《中大通訊》的印數,務求節省用紙, 順應環保趨勢。( ) The CUHK Newsletter has launched a revamped online version which carries more stories than the print version. Articles shortened in the print version out of space consideration will appear in full in the online version, which also features more photos and multimedia content. The online version will be sent to all CUHK staff and students upon the publication of the print version. The print number of CUHK Newsletter will be reviewed in due course with a view to preserve the environment. ( newsletter/article.aspx/381/e-Version/ ) 《中大通訊》全新電子版 New Online Version of CUHK Newsletter 更多 ...... and more ...
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