Newsletter No. 479
長原彰弘博士 Dr. Akihiro Nagahara 日本信用保證財務有限公司及世界聯合證 券(香港)有限公司董事長,於1993年創 立亞洲聯合財務有限公司,並擔任董事總 經理及行政總裁至今。過去三十多年,努 力促進香港金融和貸款事業的發展。長原 博士對慈善及教育工作不遺餘力,現任港 澳台灣慈善基金會有限公司總理,多年來 一直關心及支持中大及新亞書院的發展, 現為書院校董及投資委員會委員。 Dr. Nagahara is director of JCG Finance Co. Ltd and United World Securities (HK) Ltd, and has been the chief executive officer and managing director of United Asia Finance Limited since he established the company in 1993. With over 30 years of experience, he is dedicated to facilitating the development of the financial industry and leading the loan industry to become more sophisticated. Dr. Nagahara has a strong sense of social responsibility and has provided generous support to the charitable and educational activities. He is a director of Hong Kong and Macau Taiwanese Charity Fund Limited, and is a staunch supporter of CUHK and especially the New Asia College. He currently serves as a member of the Board of Trustees and the Investment Sub-Committee of the College. 廖柏偉教授 Prof. Liu Pak-wai 中大經濟學榮休教授、劉佐德全球經濟 及金融研究所研究教授及香港亞太研究 所經濟研究中心聯席主任。廖柏偉教授 1976年起任教於經濟學系,歷任該系系主 任、教務長、副校長等職。在出任副校長 十三年間,他掌領大學財政、資源和大學 行政及服務,提高資源運用的效率,並曾 協助大學籌建教學酒店及教學樓、成立法 律學院等。廖教授熱心服務社會,出任多 項公職。 Professor Liu is emeritus professor of economics, research professor of the Lau Chor Tak Institute of Global Economics and Finance, and co-director of the Economic Research Centre, Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies. He joined the Department of Economics in 1976 and has made significant contributions to the University in his capacities as chairman of the department, Registrar and Pro-Vice-Chancellor. Professor Liu served as Pro-Vice-Chancellor for 13 years with responsibilities relating to finance and resources, and central administrative functions. During his tenure, he enhanced the efficiency of resource utilization and assisted in the establishment of the teaching hotel and academic buildings, as well as the Faculty of Law. Professor Liu has also served in a number of important positions in various public services. 李國棟醫生 Dr. Li Kwok-tung Donald 家庭醫學專科醫生,現為香港醫學專科學院主席、世界家庭醫生組織行政會 成員兼名譽司庫,並出任香港家庭醫學學院學院審核員。李醫生熱心參與公 益事務,並在香港和亞太地區積極推動基礎醫療和家庭醫療制度。他亦致力 於學術和教學的工作,現為中大賽馬會公共衞生及基層醫療學院名譽臨床教 授,並為中大私營教學醫院的籌建給予寶貴的指導及支持。 A specialist in family medicine, Dr. Li is currently president of the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine, honorary treasurer and member at large of the World Organization of Family Doctors World Executive Council, and censor of the Hong Kong College of Family Physicians. Dr. Li has devoted his professional career to promoting comprehensive primary and family health care in Hong Kong and internationally. He also dedicates much time to academia and teaching. He is currently a clinical professor (honorary) of the Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care, and is very supportive of the development of the private teaching hospital of CUHK. 范思浩先生 Mr. Fan Shi-hoo Hamen 家用紡織品生產集團北豐國際有限公司創辦人,現為董事局主席兼首席行政總 裁。范先生熱心公益,尤其關懷基層兒童,於1991年創立香港兒童心臟基金, 並出任副主席二十年。范先生亦非常關注年輕人的發展,歷年來多次慷慨捐資 支持逸夫書院,提供獎學金,資助實習計劃及設施翻新工程。范先生自2003年 起出任逸夫書院校董,並於2011年起任書院校董會副主席及中大校董。 Mr. Fan is the founder, chairman and chief executive of Pac-Fung International Limited, a manufacturer of home textile furnishings. He has made significant contributions to social welfare and he cares about children from low-income families. In 1991, he founded the Children’s Heart Fund and served as vice-chairman. Mr. Fan is also passionate about the growth and development of youngsters. Over the years, he has made generous donations to the Shaw College towards various causes including its development, scholarships, internship programmes, amenities and facilities renovation. Mr. Fan has been a trustee of the College since 2003, and has served as vice-chairman of the Board of Trustees of the College and a member of the University Council since 2011. 周佩芳律師 Ms. Chow Pei-fong Therese 在英國修讀法律,於1971年在港成立周佩芳律師事務所,其後成為國際公 證人及中國委託公證人。周律師秉承父親周毓浩先生樂善好施之精神,於 2014年慷慨捐款予中大成立周毓浩創新醫學技術中心,以紀念其先父之善 行。中心以醫療機械人醫學、醫學成像及生物醫學傳感為研究重點,為病人提 供更適切的療法。周律師亦支持中大成立周佩芳認知障礙預防研究中心。 Ms. Chow studied law in the UK and founded Therese P.F. Chow & Co., Solicitors and Notaries in 1971 after returning to Hong Kong. She is also a notary public and a China-appointed attesting officer. Ms. Chow has extended the philanthropic efforts of her father, Mr. Chow Yuk-ho, and made a generous donation in support of the establishment of the Chow Yuk Ho Technology Centre for Innovative Medicine at CUHK in 2014, in memory of her father. The centre focuses on three research areas in robotics, imaging and biosensing, so as to enable more effective treatment for patients in need. Ms. Chow has also supported CUHK to establish the Therese Pei Fong Chow Research Centre for Prevention of Dementia. 大學於5月16日舉行第十五屆榮譽院士頒授典禮,由 沈祖堯校長主禮,頒授榮譽院士銜予以下五位與中大 淵源深厚的傑出人士,以表揚他們對大學及社會的卓 越貢獻。 CUHK held its Fifteenth Honorary Fellowship Conferment Ceremony on 16 May. At the ceremony, Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, Vice-Chancellor, conferred honorary fellowships on the following five distinguished persons in recognition of their remarkable contributions to the University and the community. 五位社會賢達獲頒榮譽院士 Five Distinguished Persons Conferred Honorary Fellowships 校園消息 Campus News 6 479 • 4.6.2016
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