Newsletter No. 467
6 467 • 19.11.2015 中大健兒揚威全國競賽 CUHK Athletes Excel in Nationwide Competitions 校園消息 Campus News 佳士得主席談國際藝術市場 Christie’s Chairman on International Art Market 由商學院校友及企業事務辦公室 主辦的「全球領袖系列講座」,在 10月6日於千禧新世界香港酒店圓 滿舉行,主講嘉賓佳士得亞太區主 席高逸龍先生( 圖 )分享他對國際 藝術市場的見解,包括藝術品味從 傳統到當代的轉向,亞洲藝術市 場的演化,以及中國市場的增長趨 勢。中大常務副校長華雲生教授、 副校長許敬文教授和商學院院長 陳家樂教授為當晚主禮人。活動吸 引近三百名來自學界、商界和政界 人士參加。 下次「全球領袖系列講座」將於 11月24日在富豪香港酒店舉行,由 國際能源管理專家、《財富》世界500強企業施耐德電氣集團主席及首席執行官趙國華先生主講「能源 新世界:邁向數碼化、本地化、消費者導向型和更高的可持續性」,現正接受報名登記。活動詳情見商學 院校友網頁 。 The Global Leader Series, organized by the Alumni and Corporate Affairs Office of the Business School, was held on 6 October at the New World Millennium Hong Kong Hotel. Mr. François Curiel ( photo ), Chairman of Christie’s Asia Pacific, shared his insights into the international art market, and analysed how artistic tastes have shifted from traditional to contemporary. Mr. Curiel particularly highlighted the evolution of the Asian art market and the growing trends of the Chinese market. This event was hosted by Prof. Benjamin W. Wah, Provost, Prof. Michael Hui, Pro-Vice-Chancellor, and Prof. Kalok Chan, Dean of Business School, attracted an audience of nearly 300 attendees from academic, business and diplomatic sectors. The next instalment of Global Leader Series will be held on 24 November at the Regal Hongkong Hotel. Mr. Jean-Pascal Tricoire, international energy management expert and the Chairman & CEO of the Fortune Global 500 Schneider Electric will deliver a talk entitled ‘The New World of Energy: digital, local, consumer focused and more sustainable’. Registration is now open. For details, please visit the Business School’s alumni website at . 資助籌辦校內國際會議 Financial Subsidy for Hosting of International Conferences at CUHK 為鼓勵教研單位籌辦國際會議,大學最近成立學術及專業會議基金,提供資助 補貼會議部分費用。 凡申請由學術交流處提供的國際活動管理服務之教研單位,將會獲等值一半服 務費用之資助(上限為二萬港元)。有關資助適用於補貼籌辦會議的物流費用, 例如校內場地及視聽設備之租賃、校園無線上網、餐飲、製作會議網頁、登記系 統、宣傳品及紀念品、交通運輸及展覽(海報或攤位)等。資助名額有限,先到 先得,詳情請瀏覽 。 國際活動管理服務 學術交流處的國際活動隊伍現提供收費之活動管理服務,協助教研單位籌 辦校內會議。有興趣之教研單位請聯絡該處,及瀏覽 intevents 。 To encourage academic and research units to host international conferences, a new Academic and Professional Conference Fund has been set up by the University to provide financial subsidy to defray part of the logistical expenses. Academic and research units which have subscribed to the International Events Management Service provided by the Office of Academic Links (OAL) will receive a financial subsidy of 50% of the service fee (capped at HK$20,000). The financial support can be used to cover logistical expenses such as rental for on-campus venues and AV equipment; on-campus Wi-Fi; catering; production of conference website, registration system, promotional and printing materials, and conference items and giveaways; transportation; and exhibition (poster/ booth), etc. The subsidy will be provided on a first come, first served basis. For details, please visit . About the International Events Management Service The International Events Team at OAL provides fee-based events management and consultancy services to assist academic and research units in planning and organizing conferences on campus. Academic and research units which are considering to host international events are welcome to contact OAL and visit . 中大田徑隊出戰在廣西桂林舉辦的第十五屆全國大學生田徑錦標賽。比賽於7月20至24日 舉行,逾一千五百名來自一百五十多所國內及香港、澳門大專院校的運動員參賽。陳彥君 (英文系三年級)( 上圖左二 )奪得女子乙組一百米金牌。 The University athlete team took part in the 15th National University Athletic Championship at Guilin, Guangxi from 20 to 24 July. The event attracted more than 1,500 athletes from over 150 tertiary institutions from all over China, Hong Kong, and Macau. Chan Yin-kwan Serena (Year 3, English) ( above, 2nd left ) clinched the gold medal in Women’s Grade B 100m. 男女子划艇隊於9月16至19日到北京參加第一屆全國大學生賽艇錦標賽,與十三支大學划 艇隊爭奪獎項。女子划艇隊勇奪八人單槳有舵手艇冠軍( 下圖 )。男子隊亦獲得八人單槳有 舵手艇第五名。 The University rowing team competed against 13 tertiary institutions in the 1st All China Universities Rowing Champion 2015 held in Beijing from 16 to 19 September. The women’s team won the champion in Women’s 8Cox ( below ), and the men’s team came 5th in Men’s 8cox.
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