Newsletter No. 333
No. 333, 4.3.2009 NEWS & EVENTS 中 大醫學院率先採用超聲波內視鏡(超聲內鏡)來檢 查肺癌和評定分期,超聲內鏡組負責人、內科及藥 物治療學系名譽臨床導師黎獻醫生( 圖 )表示:「超聲內鏡 能夠準確診斷肺癌及評定其癌症分期,是一項十分安全, 準確度高,而又可令病人免受不必要痛苦的嶄新檢查技 術。」 原來在確診和評定肺癌分期時,一般須抽取病人體內極 深層的組織進行化驗,現時多透過電腦掃瞄、支氣管鏡檢 查,甚至全身麻醉手術來評估肺癌細胞擴散的程度,而這 些方法通常都會對人體造成不同程度的創傷。 超聲內鏡則經由病人口腔通過食道進入胃部檢查,其遠端 探頭所發出的超聲波能穿透腸胃內壁,掃瞄附近的器官。 由於探頭貼近內臟,因此錄得的影像遠比電腦掃瞄清晰。 此外,以往只能依靠高創傷性手術才能取得的體內淋巴和 肺部組織,現在均可利用超聲內鏡幼針穿刺技術經由食道 抽取。 在1998至2007年期間,醫學院跟進了一百二十五名肺部 出現陰影的病人,當中近半數經過傳統檢查後仍然未能確 診。利用超聲內鏡幼針穿刺檢查後,所得結果準確地診斷 出83.2%病人的病變原因。檢查的併發症率亦低至1%以 下,而且並無錄得因檢查過程導致死亡的個案。 T he Faculty of Medicine is pioneering the use of endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) in diagnosing lung cancer. Dr. Larry H. Lai (photo), endoscopist-in-charge of the service and honorary clinical tutor of the Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, said, ‘It is an important diagnostic and staging tool for lung cancer patients. It is safe, accurate, and highly tolerable.’ The choice of treatment for lung cancer relies heavily on accurate staging through tissue sampling of suspicious sites which are often deeply seated. Traditional diagnostic methods, including computer tomography (CT) scan, bronchoscopy, or even operation under general anaesthesia to evaluate the extent of cancer invasion, are often traumatic. EUS consists of a flexible endoscope with a small ultrasound device at its tip. The endoscope is inserted through the patient’s mouth into the oesophagus and stomach. The tip of the endoscope generates ultrasound waves which penetrate the wall of the gut and produce visual images of the surrounding internal organs. Because of the close proximity, the image quality is much better than that of a CT scan. EUS can safely sample abnormal lymph nodes and lung tissues through the oesophagus without the need for general anaesthesia or open surgery. To assess the diagnostic yield and complication rate of EUS for various suspicious lesions in the chest, 125 patients with abnormal shadows showing up on chest X-ray scans were recruited from 1998 to 2007 by the Faculty of Medicine. The diagnoses of about half of these patients remained obscure despite conventional investigations. Using EUS, the causes of abnormal chest X-ray shadows in 83.2% of the cases were established. The complication rate was very low at less than 1% and there was no procedure-related fatality. 清華大學萌芽學者到訪聯合 Budding Scholars from Tsinghua • 兩大體育節稱王 CUHK Team Triumphs in Intervarsity Games 第 二十九屆兩大體育節於1月18日結束。中大代表 隊表現出色,在三天包括男女子組的水運會、陸 運會、球類比賽及混合箭藝共二十三項賽事中,勝出十五 項,以歷來最佳的成績壓倒對手香港大學,摘下總冠軍 獎座。 T he 29th Annual Intervarsity Games between CUHK and The University of Hong Kong closed on 18 January at the University Sports Centre. Athletes from CUHK performed brilliantly in the three-day match, which covered swimming, athletics, ball games and archery. Of the 23 events, CUHK won 15, walking away with the championship trophy. It was the biggest win of the University. 超聲波內視鏡準確診斷肺癌 Pioneering Use of Endoscopic Ultrasonography in Lung Cancer Treatment 清 華大學萌芽學者學術交流團於2月訪問聯合書院,參與書院合辦之萌芽學者學術 交流計劃,並於2月18日發表「北京奧運會對社會發展的影響」研究報告。 A delegation from Tsinghua University visited United College under the Budding Scholars Exchange Programme. The students from Tsinghua gave a presentation on 18 February entitled ‘The Impact of the Beijing Olympics on China’s Societal and Social Development’. 徐立之教授的新亞基因 Prof. Lap-chee Tsui on ‘New Asia Genes’ 新 亞書院為誌慶創院六十周年,邀請該院校友、國際知名遺傳學家兼香港大學校長 徐立之教授於2月20日在邵逸夫堂主講首個六十周年學術講座,講題為「新亞.基 因」,吸引近七百名政商及教育界人士、中大師生、校友及中學生出席。 T his year marks the 60th anniversary of New Asia College. The College hosted the first anniversary lecture on 20 February at Sir Run Run Shaw Hall. Prof. Lap-chee Tsui, internationally renowned geneticist and Vice-Chancellor of The University of Hong Kong, was invited to be the guest speaker. An alumnus of New Asia College, Prof. Tsui spoke on ‘New Asia Genes’, attracting an audience of close to 700, including members of the political, commercial and education sectors, CUHK staff, students and alumni, and secondary school students. •
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