Newsletter No. 334
No. 334, 19.3.2009 十 方 吐 露 TEN QUESTIONS FOR ( Continued ) 下回〈十方吐露〉將訪問許敬文教授 Prof. Michael K.M. Hui will be featured in the next instalment of ‘TEN QUESTIONS FOR’. 預告 Coming NEWS & EVENTS episode. The public had been discussing the levels of social morality and the definitions of obscenity and indecency for a long time. Some people suggested that regulation be imposed on religious texts and literary works. I suspect such extreme views were not expressed in seriousness. These texts are the world’s cultural heritage and as such, should not be subject to censorship. Having said that, I do believe that freedom of expression should not be boundless though I am a firm advocate of it. Even the most open society imposes some form of restriction to protect its young. 7 可否談談你對香港高等教育發展的看法? What are your views on the development of higher education in Hong Kong? 我當教育統籌局局長時,積極推動內地學生來港升讀大 學。現在看來,這措施對本地學生帶來剌激,也為香港培 育人才。我認為未來則要放眼國際,政府和大學應該加把 勁,致力吸引更多海外的學生來港升學,為大學校園製造 更多元共融的環境,鞏固香港國際都會的角色。 When I was the Secretary for Education and Manpower, I introduced proactive measures to facilitate mainland students to come to Hong Kong for study. Their presence serves as stimulus to local students and provides talent for our society. Next, we should think global. The government and universities should double their efforts to attract overseas students to Hong Kong. It would create a multi-cultural environment on local university campuses and enhance Hong Kong’s status as a world city. 8 你怎樣看2012年實施的三三四學制? Your take on the 3+3+4 academic system to be implemented in 2012? 我認為大學四年制可以令學生有更多時間學習,不只是課 本和課堂上的學習,而是發展人際和團隊等技巧,也有機 會到內地和外國交流,整體提升我們學生的質素。 實施初期,無可避免會出現一些實際執行問題,但相信 各院校協力下一定會落實,為香港學生的長遠利益作出 貢獻。 With the four-year undergraduate curriculum, students will have more time for classroom and textbook learning, and to develop their interpersonal skills and team spirit. They will have more opportunities to go abroad or to the mainland for academic exchange. All these will significantly enhance the quality of our students. Glitches are inevitable in the initial stages, but with the concerted efforts of all institutions, I’m sure the new system will be a success and will promote the well-being of local students. 9 在金融動盪的經濟環境下,你對應届的大學畢業生 有甚麼忠告? What is your advice for students about to graduate in this financial climate? 我會向他們說,畢業後最初的數年,只佔他們事業生涯的 很小部分,所以應以興趣、意義來挑選工作,薪酬反而是 其次。現在畢業的年輕人適逢其會,在其事業的黃金歲月 中,肯定會碰上香港社會甚至世界的大轉變,要積極裝備 自己,以便未來面對新環境,參與、甚至作出影響和貢獻。 The first few years after graduation are just a small part of their careers. They should pick their jobs according to their interests and what they see as meaningful, rather than the salary. The graduating classes are faced with great opportunities. The prime of their careers is going to coincide with big changes in Hong Kong society and the world. They should better equip themselves for the new environment so that they can take part in it and contribute to its shaping. 10 退休後除了教書寫作外,閑來做些甚麼?有沒 有想過以更直接的方式參與政治? What do you do in your retirement besides teaching and writing? Have you ever thought about going into politics in a more direct way? 我現在每天都練太極,保持身體健康。思想方面,近年對 佛學產生濃厚興趣。我相信不會以更直接的方式參與政 治,因為我享受現在的自由自在,為興趣而做自己認為有 意義的事,議事論政可以「平」可以「直」。 I practise Tai Chi everyday to keep in shape. I have also developed an interest in Buddhism. I don’t think that I will become involved in politics directly. I enjoy being carefree. I do things which I believe to be meaningful and interesting. I can comment on politics and current affairs in a fair and honest way. 河南省徐光春書記剖析中原文化與經濟發展 Lecture by Henan Official • 河 南省書記徐光春先生於2月19日應邀蒞校演講,講 題為「從中原興衰圓夢的歷史和現實看文化在經 濟發展中的地位和作用」。 在劉遵義校長致歡迎辭後,徐書記回顧中原數十年來的快 速發展,並分析了中原文化和經濟發展的關係。講座吸引了 二百多名人士出席,包括政府官員及政界人士、企業家、學 者及學生等。 徐書記亦是資深的新聞工作領 導,曾出版多本與新聞和中原文化 有關的著作。他也是北京大學、中 國人民大學和中國傳媒大學等校 的兼任教授。 M r. Xu Gu a n g c h u n , Secretary of the Henan Provincial Committee, hosted a public lecture at CUHK on ‘History of Henan Province—A Perspective on the Relationship between Culture and Economy’ on 19 February. Prof. Lawrence J. Lau, Vice-Chancellor, delivered the welcoming speech. In the lecture, Mr. Xu gave an account of Henan’s history and its rapid development in the past few decades. He also analysed the relationship between culture and economic development of the province. The talk was attended by an audience of over 200, including senior government officials, politicians, entrepreneurs, scholars, and students. Mr. Xu has written a large number of articles and books on journalism and the history of Henan Province. He is also a part-time professor of Peking University, Remin University of China, and Communication University of China.
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