Newsletter No. 334
No. 334, 19.3.2009 2008至09年度員工優異服務獎 Exemplary Service Award 2008–09 由員工培訓及發展委員會舉辦的2008至09年度員工優異服務獎已接受提名,此獎項旨在 嘉許客戶服務出色的非教學人員,獎額共五至十名。所有按乙或丙類服務條例或相類條 件聘用的中大全職非教學僱員,皆可接受提名。 教職員及學生建議提名的截止日期為4月15日,系主任或部門主管最終提名的截止日期則 為5月15日。 有關詳情或建議提名表格,可瀏覽 /esa 。查詢請電2609 8607 / 7876。 The Exemplary Service Award 2008–09 is now open for nomination. The award, organized by the Staff Training and Development Committee, aims at recognizing University non-teaching staff who provide outstanding service to their clients. There are five to 10 awards. All full-time Terms of Service (B)/(C) and equivalent non-teaching staff are eligible for nomination. The deadline for recommendation for nomination from University staff and students is 15 April while the deadline for nomination from department chairmen/unit heads is 15 May. You are welcome to visit for further details of the award and the Recommendation for Nomination Form (for all CUHK students and staff members). Enquiries may be made to 2609 8607/7876. 小白腰雨燕保育方案介紹會 Talk on Swift Conservation Plan 大學圖書館有全香港最大的小白腰雨燕群落,據統計至少有二百隻在那裏築巢棲身,佔全 港總數二至三成。為更妥善保護牠們,大學聘請了顧問進行生態評估,並向大學建議了一 系列保育措施。 顧問詹肇泰博士將於3月24日下午6時30分至8時,假潤昌堂103室講解保護小白腰雨燕的 方案,歡迎出席。 The University Library is home to the largest house swift colony in Hong Kong. It is estimated that at least 200 house swifts have built their nests there, accounting for 20% to 30% of the entire population in Hong Kong. To better protect the birds, the University has commissioned a study on them. Dr. Tsim Siu-tai, external consultant of the study, will introduce the swift conservation plan to CUHK on 24 March at 6:30–8:00 pm in Rm 103, Y.C. Liang Hall. Please come if you are interested. 文物館展覽 Art Museum Exhibition 彩墨浮生:葉因泉的藝術.葉因泉家屬捐贈作品展 War and Peace: The Art of Yip Yan Chuen • Gifts from the Yip Family 日期:2009年3月21日至5日17日 地點:文物館展廳 I 葉因泉(1903 – 1969)在二三十年代主編《字紙笠》及 《半角漫畫》,創作了風靡粵港的「阿老大」漫畫,成 為名著一時的漫畫家。在三十至五十年代的亂離時 期,他繪畫了《抗戰流民圖》及足跡所至之廣東、廣西 各地,尤其是廣州、香港兩地之寫生圖,凡三百多幅。 展品精選自葉因泉家屬捐贈作品,並商借廣東省立中 山圖書館珍藏之《流民圖》整套及漫畫書刊原書一併 來港展出。同時附展潘峭風女士、葉氏藏畫及朋輩送 贈的書畫。 Date: 21 March – 17 May 2009 Venue: Gallery I, Art Museum Yip Yan Chuen (1903–1969) established his status in the 1920s and 30s as the editor of Rubbish Bin and Half Corner Caricature . His comic strip He Laoda earned him the reputation of a caricaturist who was witty and socially sympathetic. In the chaotic period of the 1930s to 50s, he painted his most well-known realist work— Refugees during the Anti-Japanese War , and he also painted around 300 sketches recording people and their lives across many places in Guangdong and Guangxi, as well as scenes in Guangzhou and Hong Kong where he settled for longer periods. All exhibits are selected from the donation of the Yip family. There are also supplementary exhibits including the whole set of Refugees and original copies of the pre-war caricature publications on loan from the Zhongshan Library in Guangzhou, a selection from the painting collection of Pan Xiaofeng and Yip Yan Chuen, as well as some paintings and calligraphy by friends of Yip Yan Chuen. O 暑期課程招生 Online Applications for Summer Programmes 「國際暑期課程」及「預科生暑期課程」將於7月開課,現已接受網上申請。 「國際暑期課程」由6月30日至8月3日舉行,供中大、海外及本地其他大學本科生 (包括在外國留學的香港學生)修讀,讓他們在中大多元文化的環境中一起學習,藉 此推動學術及文化交流,擴闊學生國際視野。課程內容圍繞工商管理、中醫 / 中藥、中 國經濟及文化等範疇,還有普通話和廣東話課程。授課學者來自中大、英國及美國著 名學府。 「預科生暑期課程」將於7月17日至8月1日舉行。課程旨在加深本地及海外中六學生對 大學課程的認識,為升讀大學選科作好準備,並提早體驗多姿多采的大學學習及宿舍生 活。中五學生如獲校長推薦亦可報名參加。除修讀英語或普通話課程外,學生可從十二 科學術科目中挑選兩科,範圍包括醫學、工商管理、工程、文學、社會科學及科學等。課 程更設有獎學金,供在香港中學會考取得最少3A,或在GCSE / IGCSE取得3A*或以上 (中文科除外)的學生申請,名額一百個。 詳情及遞交申請表請瀏覽 。 查詢請聯絡暑期課程辦公室(2696 1826 / 1827 或 )。 The Office of Summer Programmes is now accepting online applications for the International Summer School (ISS) and the Summer Institute (SI), commencing in July 2009. ISS will be held from 30 June to 3 August. It is open to CUHK students, international students and Hong Kong residents studying at a local/overseas university. Students will learn and live alongside academic achievers from diverse cultures. Courses in business, Chinese medicine, humanities and social sciences with Asian or Chinese perspective will be offered in addition to Chinese language courses (Putonghua and Cantonese). The professors are prominent academics from CUHK and renowned universities in the UK and the US. SI is a two-week residential programme taking place from 17 July to 1 August. This programme provides an opportunity for local and international S6 students (or equivalent) to explore their interests in different disciplines and experience university residential life before applying to university. Current S5 students (or equivalent) with recommendation from their school principals can also apply. Apart from a Putonghua or immersion English module, students can choose two out of the 12 modules offered including medicine, business administration, engineering, arts, social sciences, and sciences. A hundred scholarships will be granted to students who have attained at least 3As in HKCEE or at least 3A*s (excluding Chinese) in GCSE/IGCSE. For more information and online application, please visit . For enquiries, please call 2696 1826/1827 or email . 大學出版社年度大減價 University Press Annual Sale 大學出版社現於富爾敦樓大學書店舉行年度大減價,銷售其出版及代理書籍逾五百 種,包括中外歷史、哲學研究、文學論著、保健醫療及親子教育等。香港亞太研究所、 香港教育研究所、文物館、當代中國文化研究中心及台灣中央研究院等出版之書籍亦 在減價之列。 所有書籍低至一折起發售,部分精選字典減至十元作限量發售。年度大減價至3月 31日止,查詢詳情請閱覽 , 或聯絡大學出版社(2946 5300 / )。 The University Press is holding its annual sale at the Chinese University Bookstore, John Fulton Centre, until 31 March. Over 500 titles of publications and distributed titles of The Press, including history, philosophy, literature, general medicine and education titles are one sale. Publications of Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, Hong Kong Institute of Educational Research, Art Museum, Research Centre for Contemporary Chinese Culture and Academia Sinica of Taiwan, are also available. All items are on sale at up to 90% off; a limited number of selected dictionaries are selling at $10 apiece. For details, please visit , or contact The Press (2946 5300 / ). 訃告 Obituary 本校職員周耀安先生於2009年2月20日逝世,校方深致哀悼。周先生於1993年9月20日加 入中大,先後擔任物業管理處的二級工人及一級屋宇設備半技術工人。 The University mourns the passing of Mr. Chow Yiu-on on 20 February 2009. Mr. Chow joined the University on 20 September 1993 and served as workman II and semi-skilled labourer I (building service) in the Estates Management Office.
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