Newsletter No. 469/470
469/470 • 19.12.2015 9 個人化輔導療程證實有效減輕「睡眠窒息症」病情 Personalized Modification Programme Effective for Obstructive Sleep Apnea 中大醫學院於2011至2013年間進行研究,證實為個別病人規劃生活模式及飲食輔導療程, 能有效減輕阻塞性睡眠窒息症的病情。有關研究結果已於國際期刊《CHEST》的最新一期 發表。 醫護人員一般建議肥胖患者減重,藉以減少積聚於咽喉等位置的脂肪,改善睡眠窒息。然 而,過往有關減重對睡眠窒息症影響的研究,都是透過手術或非常低卡路里攝取量的飲食 達至減肥效果。中大內科及藥物治療學系呼吸系統科聯同中大營養研究中心,進行亞洲首 個研究以驗證生活模式輔導療程減輕睡眠窒息症病情的研究。 參與研究的中度至嚴重睡眠窒息症患者共一百零四人,身體質量指數(BMI)均達肥胖水 平。參加者被隨機分成兩組,其中一組四十三人為對照組,接受常規治療如簡單生活模式 建議,其餘六十一人則接受以營養師主導的生活模式輔導,他們於研究首四個月內每周見 營養師,隨後改為每月一次。營養師因應個別患者的生活環境習慣,為其設計體重控制計 劃,透過均衡飲食、多吃蔬果、低脂及低熱量食品,配合適量運動,以達到減低每日熱量攝 取一至兩成的目標,此目標亦會隨參加者體重變化而調整。 經過十二個月評估,生活模式輔導較常規治療有效減輕睡眠窒息症病情。接受生活模式 輔導的病人中,21.3%的睡眠窒息病情由嚴重減輕至中度或輕微,6.6%更是由嚴重轉為輕 微。他們的飲食習慣都有所改善,減少脂肪攝取及增加纖維攝取。中大醫學院內科及藥物 治療學系名譽臨床助理教授吳素珊醫生表示:「透過輔導,病人日間嗜睡的病徵也有較明 顯改善。這些改善不止在最初四個月的密集輔導後出現,更能維持達十二個月。」 Research conducted by CUHK between 2011 and 2013 has shown that a personalized lifestyle modification programme with a dietary approach is effective in reducing the severity of Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). The findings have been published in the latest issue of the leading international journal CHEST . This is the first research of its kind in Asia. Weight reduction has been advocated for OSA patients who are overweight in order to reduce the amount of fatty tissue in the airway which may reduce OSA severity. Existing studies of weight loss focus on very-low-calorie diets or surgically induced weight loss programmes. None apply a lifestyle modification programme (LMP) stressing long-term lifestyle and behavioural change in Asians. This study by the Division of Respiratory Medicine of the Department of Medicine and Therapeutics and the Centre for Nutritional Studies show how LMP can reduce the severity of OSA. The researchers conducted a randomized controlled trial. From 104 obese patients with moderate to severe OSA, 61 were chosen at random to receive dietician-led LMP while the other 43 were put in the control group and received usual care such as simple lifestyle advice. Patients in the LMP group had to attend a dietary consultation weekly in the first four months and then monthly. A customized weight management plan was made according to an individual patient’s lifestyle with an emphasis on fruit, vegetables, low-fat and low caloric products, and regular exercise. A caloric reduction of 10% to 20% in daily energy intake from the patient’s usual diet was set as the initial goal with subsequent adjustment based on the change in body weight. At 12 months, LMP was more effective in reducing the severity of OSA. 13 subjects (21.3%) in the LMP group have the disease improved from severe OSA to moderate or mild and of these, 6.6% have the disease improved from severe to mild. Eating behaviour improved as well by increased intake of fibre and reduced intake of fat. 聯合書院六十周年院慶啟動典禮 United College 60th Anniversary Kick-off Ceremony 聯合書院六十周年院 慶活動啟動典禮已於 11月30日假大學展覽 廳舉行,邀請校長沈祖 堯教授、聯合書院校 董會主席張煊昌博士、 聯合書院校董會副主 席暨書院校友會會長 殷巧兒女士、聯合書院 院長余濟美教授、聯合 書院教職員聯誼會主 席劉行榕教授、聯合 書院學生會會長王立 欣同學及聯合書院學生會監議會主席鍾皓然同學蒞臨主禮。沈校長、張博士及余院長更於 典禮致辭。 2016年是書院首個創校甲子年,書院將於今年開始舉辦一連串以「務實創新,聯合邁進」 為主題的院慶活動。詳情請瀏覽 。 The United College 60th Anniversary Activities Kick-off Ceremony was held on 30 November in the University Gallery. It was officiated by Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, Vice- Chancellor, Dr. Thomas H.C. Cheung, chairman of the College Board of Trustees, and Ms. Lina H.Y. Yan, vice-chairperson of the College Board of Trustees and president of the Alumni Association, Prof. Jimmy C.M. Yu, Head of United College, Ms. Michelle Wong, President of the College Student Union, Mr. Edwin Chung, Chairperson of the College Student Union Council. Professor Sung, Dr. Cheung and Prof. Yu delivered speeches. United College will celebrate its 60th birthday in 2016. A series of exciting events will be launched starting this year under the anniversary slogan ‘Together We Advance, United We Innovate’. For details, visit . 首屆中大紀律部隊職工子弟獎學金頒獎典禮 Debut Presentation of CUHK Scholarship for Children of the Disciplined Services 中大於11月30日舉行首屆「紀律部 隊職工子弟獎學金頒獎典禮」,主 禮嘉賓包括香港特別行政區政府 保安局局長黎棟國先生、紀律部隊 職工子弟獎學金捐贈人黃宜弘博士 ( 中 )、中大和聲書院院監會主席 梁鳳儀博士( 右 )、中大副校長霍 泰輝教授( 左 )以及中大和聲書院 院長劉允怡教授。 霍教授感謝黃宜弘博士慷慨捐贈 一百萬港元成立獎學金,開放給在 職或已退休紀律部隊職員就讀中大全日制本科課程的之子女申請。每年由獎學金委員會選 出五名品學兼優的得獎生。新亞書院醫學院三年級生馮冬怡同學代表所有得獎同學在典禮 上致謝辭。 The first presentation ceremony of the CUHK Scholarship for Children of the Disciplined Services was held on 30 November. It was officiated by The Honourable Lai Tung-kwok, Secretary of Security of the Government of the HKSAR; Dr. Wong Yu-hong, Philip ( centre ), donor of the Scholarship; Dr. Leung Fung-yee, Anita ( right ), chairman of the Committee of Overseers of Lee Woo Sing College; Prof. Fok Tai-fai ( left ), Pro-Vice-Chancellor of CUHK; and Prof. Lau Wan-yee, Joseph, Master of Lee Woo Sing College. Professor Fok expressed his gratitude to Dr. Wong for his generous donation of HK$1 million to the University for establishing a new scholarship scheme for outstanding full-time undergraduates whose parents are current or retired employees of disciplinary forces in Hong Kong. A committee will select five students with excellent academic performance to receive this award each year. On behalf of the recipients, Fung Tung-yee, Winter, a Year 3 medical student from New Asia College, expressed her gratitude to the donor and supporters.
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