Newsletter No. 469/470
8 469/470 • 19.12.2015 生命科學學院本科生當選2016年度羅德學人 Life Sciences Student Named 2016 Rhodes Scholar 香港中文大學生命科學學院戴漪晨同學 獲選為2016年度港區羅德學人,獲逾港 幣一百萬元獎學金前赴英國深造。羅德學 人獎學金在香港設立三十年來,中大共有 十四名學生榮膺羅德學人,數目為全港大 專院校之冠。 漪晨是中大聯合書院的學生,今年升讀分 子生物技術學課程四年級,計劃明年畢業 後赴牛津大學修讀動物學哲學博士課程。 她的博士課題是胰腺發育與糖尿病之間 的關係。完成博士課程後,她希望成為生 物學家,繼續從事基因和遺傳領域的研究 工作。 對於獲得羅德獎學金,漪晨感謝父母,以及中大的師友和聯合書院一直給予的支持。 Serena Yichen Dai, a Year 4 student of the University’s Molecular Biotechnology Programme of the School of Life Sciences and an affiliate of United College, has become Rhodes Scholar 2016 from Hong Kong. She is eligible for a scholarship of over a million Hong Kong dollars to further her studies in the UK. Since the scholarship was introduced to Hong Kong three decades ago, CUHK has produced 14 Rhodes Scholars, the most among all local tertiary institutions. Serena plans to study the Doctor of Philosophy in Zoology programme at the University of Oxford starting in October 2016. Her research will focus on the link between pancreas development and diabetes. After completing the programme, she hopes to become a biologist and devote herself to research in genes and genetic inheritance. Serena is grateful to her parents, as well as all the support from her teachers and schoolmates in the University and United College. 2015中大校友日 Alumni Homecoming Day 2015 香港中文大學年度盛事「2015 中大校友日」11月28日於大學 校園舉行,參與人數逾五千, 場面熱鬧。開幕禮上,中大校 長沈祖堯教授代表大學從「香 港中文大學校友傳承基金」應 屆籌款委員會代表手中,接過 本年度一百二十二萬港元的籌 款支票。此為基金自去年成立 以來第二次的鉅額支票致贈 儀式,籌得之款項累積至今已 達近港幣二百九十萬元。 中大校友日是大學一年一度的 盛事,今年大會以「十年 ‧ 重 聚」為主題,除了一貫的大型嘉年華、開篷巴士遊校園、校園主題參觀、書院/研究院院長宴 請校友外,亦新增多項精彩節目,如新書院專人導賞、中大校友聚腳點「中大 Café 」、校友新 書介紹講座等。 Over 5,000 CUHK alumni and their loved ones returned to campus to participate in Alumni Homecoming Day, one of the University’s highlight alumni events of the year, on 28 November. At the opening ceremony, the fundraising committee of the CUHK Alumni Torch Fund presented a donation cheque of HK$1.22 million to Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung. Some HK$2.9 million has been raised since the fund’s establishment last year. This year’s Homecoming Day was themed ‘10 years Reunion’. Apart from the grand carnival, the campus bus tour, various thematic visits and College/Graduate School banquets, the event also included new features, such as guided tours of the five new Colleges, an alumni gathering corner, CU Café, and talks by alumni authors. 校園消息 Campus News 中大奪「挑戰杯」全國優勝杯 CUHK Receives Winners’ Cup at National Challenge Cup 中國學界兩年一度的盛事—第十四屆「挑戰杯」全國大學生課外學術科技作品競賽(挑戰 杯),日前在廣東工業大學舉行。香港中文大學(中大)再創佳績,在超過三百多所院校、七 百多件作品中,以優異的團體成績贏得「全國優勝杯」。「全國優勝杯」是授予繼第一名的 最高榮譽「挑戰杯」之後,取得最佳團體總分的二十所院校。中大是唯一獲此成績的香港院 校,也是香港自1997年參加「挑戰杯」競賽以來,首次有院校奪得此項榮譽。 中大今屆參賽學生來自生命科學學院,工程學院和醫學院。作為兩年一度的盛事,「挑戰 杯」被譽為中國當代大學生科技創新的奧林匹克盛會,由國家多個部委主辦,全國各地兩百 多萬名大學生參加。過往中大已連續六屆贏得「港澳優勝杯」。 CUHK defeated over 300 universities and over 780 projects from mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau to win the Winners’ Cup, the second top prize, in the 14th Challenge Cup held at Guangdong University of Technology. The Winners’ Cup is the highest award received by a Hong Kong institution since the competition accepted the participation of Hong Kong tertiary institutions in 1997. The honour was won by eight teams comprising 20 students from the University. They came from the School of Life Sciences, the Faculty of Engineering, and the Faculty of Medicine. Known as the ‘Olympics’ of innovation in social science, science and technology, the Challenge Cup is a bi-annual national technology innovation competition for university students in China. In the past, CUHK had won the Hong Kong and Macau Cup six consecutive times. 教育學院金禧院慶 50th Anniversary of Faculty of Education 為慶祝成立五十周年,教育學 院於11月7及28日舉行校友日及 五十周年晚宴。 校友日於嶺南運動場及何添樓舉 辦,由常務副校長華雲生教授主 禮,出席之校友、職員、學生及其 親友逾六百人。是日活動多姿多 彩,有「情懷中大教院五十載樂 步行」、「中大教院知多少」和嘉年華及師生足球賽。 五十周年晚宴假沙田麗豪酒店聚賢廳舉行,逾三百多位學院學生、教職員、校友和友好共 聚一堂,由教育局常務秘書長黎陳芷娟女士及校長沈祖堯教授擔任主禮嘉賓。當晚的二胡 表演、和聲合唱團及學院教職員歌唱表演更是精彩萬分。 The Faculty of Education organized its Homecoming Day on 7 November and a banquet on 28 November to celebrate its 50th anniversary. Homecoming Day was officiated by Prof. Benjamin W. Wah, Provost, at Lingnan Stadium and Ho Tim Building. Over 600 alumni, staff and friends reunited with their teachers and fellow classmates on this special occasion. There were also activities, including a walkathon, an exhibition, a carnival and a staff-student football match. Over 300 staff, alumni and friends of the Faculty attended the 50th anniversary banquet held at the Regal Riverside Hotel. Mrs. Marion Lai Chan Chi-kuen, Permanent Secretary for Education, and Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, Vice-Chancellor, addressed the attendees. Highlights of the event included singing and Erhu performances by staff, students and the Woo Shing Choir.
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