Newsletter No. 469/470
4 469/470 • 19.12.2015 特寫 Feature 在2014至2015年度,中大本科生有16,379人。同年 發放的獎學金總額超過一億三千四百萬港元,共計 6,655項,即每五名學生有兩名受惠。大部分的獎學 金都承蒙善長仁翁捐贈,他們不少數十年來不離不 棄支持中大, 郭綺光 女士便是一例。她打理以其先母 命名的郭謝碧蓉基金,在1987年首次捐資中大,成立 郭謝碧蓉基金獎學金。 In the year 2014–2015, there were 16,379 undergraduates studying at CUHK. In the same period, a total value of more than HK$134 million was given out in 6,655 scholarships, benefitting about two in five students. The majority of scholarships are established with the good will of philanthropists, many of them staunch supporters of the University for decades. One of them isMs. Ruth Kuok who manages the Joyce M Kuok Foundation named after her late mother. The foundation made its first donation to CUHK in 1987 to establish the Joyce M Kuok Foundation Scholarships. 有一種感染名叫善行 Fine Deeds Are Contagious 郭綺光(中)與來自馬來西亞的陳艷瓊(左)和歐陽樂韻(右) Ruth Kuok (centre) with Esther Tan (left) and Jessica Aw Yong (right), both from Malaysia Photo by ISO staff
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