Newsletter No. 402
No. 402, 4.9.2012 7 太空所協助清理海面塑膠粒 ISEIS Renders Support to Pellet Clean-up 7月23日吹襲香港的颱風韋森特,把載着一百五十公噸 聚丙烯塑膠粒的貨櫃從船上吹到海中,膠粒隨海浪四 散,引起全港關注。太空與地球信息科學研究所潘家禕 教授利用新開發的海洋環境服務系統,預測本港周邊海 域的潮流和海浪環境,從而推測膠粒所在及將會出現的 位置,並將數據送至天文台及海事處,協助清理行動。 About 150 tonnes of polypropylene pellets spilled into the sea after typhoon Vincente, which hit Hong Kong on 23 July, swept six shipping containers of them off the deck of a freighter causing great concern in the local community. Prof. Pan Jiayi at the Institute of Space and Earth Information Science (ISEIS) has made use of a newly developed marine environment system to assist the clean-up operation. By predicting the speed and direction of currents and waves in the surrounding sea area of Hong Kong, Professor Pan has pointed out the present and predicted locations of the pellets. ISEIS has sent the data to the Hong Kong Observatory and the Marine Department to support the clean-up. 中大擬定慢性乙肝治療指引 CUHK Draws Up Treatment Guideline for Chronic Hepatitis B 肝癌患者切除腫瘤後,若乙肝病毒載量(即乙肝病毒在 血液的數量)維持在高水平,肝癌復發風險亦會較高。中 大肝臟護理中心分析醫學文獻發現,接受了抗病毒治療 的患者,其肝癌復發風險減低達百分之四十以上。因此中 大在代表香港為亞太肝病學會擬定的2012年治療慢性 乙肝指引中,建議曾進行肝腫瘤切除或局部治療的乙肝 患者,如手術後乙肝病毒載量仍高於2000 IU/ml,應接 受抗病毒治療。 A high level of hepatitis B virus replication, as reflected by high HBV DNA levels, is one of the key factors leading to the development of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Patients with a higher HBV DNA level after surgical resection of HCC tend to have a higher risk of HCC recurrence. The Center for Liver Health at CUHK has conducted literature analysis to ascertain the role of antiviral therapy in preventing HCC recurrence and found that antiviral treatment could reduce the risk of HCC recurrence by over 40%. With this strong evidence, CUHK is representing Hong Kong to draw up the chronic hepatitis B management consensus guideline of the Asian Pacific Association for the Study of the Liver. The guideline recommends chronic hepatitis B patients who have their HCC resected or treated by loco- regional therapy to receive antiviral therapy if they have a high level of HBV DNA (>2000 IU/ml). 太空所分析北京水災 ISEIS Analyses Beijing Floods 北京於7月21日暴雨成災。為協助災後重建,預防疫症爆 發及地質災害,太空與地球信息科學研究所與日本守望 亞洲災害監測組織合作,該所團隊利用該組織的日本及 台灣衞星圖像,分析北京水災災情,並把分析結果提供 內地學術及救援單位使用,為救災行動提供技術支援。 Beijing was hit by rainstorm and deadly flooding on 21 July. To help with post-disaster reconstruction and to prevent epidemics and geological hazards, the Institute of Space and Earth Information Science (ISEIS) has worked together with Japan’s disaster prevention organization Sentinel Asia to analyse the flooding with satellite images from the organization’s Japanese and Taiwanese satellites. ISEIS has provided the information to relevant academic and government units on the mainland to help with disaster relief. 兩學生獲滙豐海外獎學金 Two Students Awarded HSBC Overseas Scholarships 主修法學的戚雅雯及主修計量金 融學的胡浩輝獲頒「滙豐海外獎 學金」,將於2012至13學年以訪 問學生身分負笈英國一年。 戚雅雯將到牛津大學修讀法律。 她相信牛津獨特的一對一導修 課方式,能讓她獲得更豐富的知 識。此外,海外學習經驗除令她 增廣見聞,還同時訓練她的獨立 能力。有感於香港的環境污染問 題日趨嚴重,雅雯希望把從牛津 學到的知識及文化交流經驗,應 用到環保之上,未來打算在環保 組織從事法律工作,或擔任立法 會議員,為環保起草法案。 胡浩輝將到倫敦政治經濟學院學習。他關注本港產業及 人才多元發展,留意到香港的人力資源往往流向金融、貿 易、旅遊等行業,損害創新科技、文化藝術等領域的新興 產業,不利香港未來發展。他希望透過這個難得的學習 機會,進一步了解政策制定,親身接觸歐洲各國不同的社 會架構,打好研究以上課題的基石。 滙豐銀行慈善基金每年頒發「滙豐海外獎 學金」予中大學生。雅雯和浩輝各獲頒約 港幣三十萬元獎學金。 Miss Chik Nga-man Hermia (majoring in laws) and Mr. Wu Ho-fai Alexis (majoring in quantitative finance) have been awarded the HSBC Overseas Scholarships for a one-year study as a visiting student in the UK for the academic year 2012–13. Hermia will study law courses at the University of Oxford and she is confident that Oxford’s one-on-one tutorial classes will enormously benefit her. She also believes that the experience of studying abroad will broaden her horizons and train her to be more independent. As an environmentally conscious person, Hermia wishes to work either as a lawyer for an environmental protection organization or as a legislative council member in the future to promote the development of enironmental law. Alexis will study at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). He has been concerned over the problem of industrial and workforce diversification in Hong Kong. He has noticed that human resources have been overwhelmingly drawn to certain industries such as finance, trade and tourism, at the expense of growing industries like innovation and technology, art and culture, adversely affecting the city’s long-term development. Alexis believes that studying at LSE will give him a better understanding of government policy formulation and first-hand exposure to social structures in Europe, thus laying a solid foundation for his studies in this area. T h e H o n g k o n g B a n k F o u n d a t i o n a n n u a l l y awards the HSBC Overseas S c h o l a r s h i p s t o CUHK students. Hermia and Alexis have been granted over HK$300,000 each.
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