Newsletter No. 402
6 No. 402, 4.9.2012 培養少年短文作家 Nurturing Young Short Story Writers 教育學院優化英語教學研究中心在去年2月至今年6月舉 辦大學與學校夥伴計劃─「培養少年短文作家」。此計 劃獲得中大知識轉移項目基金撥款,共有來自十所中學 約一千四百位中二學生及四十位英語老師參加。 該計劃着重加強英語教師教授短文寫作的能力,強調在 英語短文寫作課堂建構互動協作和以學生為本的學習環 境。參與計劃的教師先參與工作坊,由中心總監麥陳淑 賢教授( 右一 )講解如何提高學生的寫作興趣,並引導學 生逐步寫作。中二學生則參加基本寫作技巧工作坊。 該計劃還在今年2月至3月舉行 英語短文寫作比賽,超過一千 位學生參與個人及協作組別 比賽;頒獎典禮於4月21日舉 行。 The Centre for Enhancing English Learning and Teaching (CEELT), Faculty of Education, organized the ‘Developing Young Short Story Writers in Secondary Schools in Hong Kong—A University-School Par tnership Programme’ from Februar y 2011 to June 2012. Funded by the CUHK Knowledge Transfer Project Fund, the programme involved 1,400 Secondary 2 students and 40 English teachers from 10 local schools. The programme was aimed at developing teachers’ skills in teaching short-story writing and promoting a constructive, interactive and student-centred learning environment through collaborative writing. The participating teachers were trained at a workshop run by Prof. Barley Mak ( 1st right ), director of CEELT, on how to motivate and guide their students through the process of writing short stories, while the students attended a workshop on the basic skills of short-story writing. The highlight of the programme was a short-story writing competition held from February to March 2012. The competition received positive response with over one thousand students participating in the individual and collaborative categories. A prize presentation ceremony was held on 21 April. 工程學生創業大賽獲佳績 Engineering Students Shine at Business Plan Contest 由系統工程學與工程管理學系學生周梓 浲 ( 右 )、黃卓榮 ( 左 )、羅建勛組成的隊伍,在7月3至9日參加浙江大學 主辦的「未來科技城.蒲公英」兩岸四地大學生創業計 劃競賽,憑藉其「智能公交到站預測系統」奪得二等獎。 該系統能為巴士乘客提供準確可靠的實時信息。 A CUHK team comprising Chau Tsz-fung ( right ), Wong Cheuk-wing ( left ) and Law Kin-fun from the Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management won the second prize at the ‘Future Science Park— Dandelion Cross-Strait Business Plan Contest’ held by Zhejiang University from 3 to 9 July. Their award- winning project is an intelligent bus system, which can provide accurate and real-time information to passengers. 工程研究生獲傑出項目獎 CUHK Team Wins Engineering Award 機械與自動化工程學系三位研究生余卓謙( 右三 )、陳始 創( 左二 )和黎偉賢( 左三 ),擊敗其他本地大學隊伍,榮 獲怡和機器傑出工程項目獎,於6月27日獲頒冠軍獎金 五萬五千港元。 中大隊伍由任揚教授( 右二 )指導,優勝項目是「FLOAT ─互動立體投影儀」。FLOAT是一個立體投影儀的原 型,透過特別設計的光路,將影像投影於空中,營造懸浮 及可觸碰的效果。在指定的觀視範圍內,觀看者可用「裸 視」方式看到立體影像。FLOAT還配備能辨認手部動作 的傳感模組,擁有互動功能,能讓用家隨着自己的意念操 控投影儀。 該技術可應用於各行業,如建築服務、廣告和電子產品 等,作三維顯示、裝飾和非接觸式操控界面。 Supervised by Prof. Yam Yeung ( 2nd right ), a team of postgraduate students from the Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering won the Jardine Engineering Corporation Outstanding Engineering Project Award this year, outshining competitors from other local universities. The team members Yu Cheuk- him Derek ( 3rd right ), Chan Chi-chong Carl ( 2nd left ) and Lai Wai-yin William ( 3rd left ) were presented the championship prize money of HK$55,000 on 27 June. The team’s winning project is ‘FLOAT—An Interactive 3D Paradox’, which is a prototype of a 3D image projector that utilizes a specially crafted optical chamber to construct levitating 3D objects with a touchable effect. The virtual 3D objects it created is visible to the naked eye within a specified range of viewing angle. Equipped with a sensing module, FLOAT is an interactive device that can react to hand motion. The technology can be applied to various industries, including building services, advertising and household electronics for 3D visualizations, decorations and non- contact human-machine interfaces.
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