Newsletter No. 446
6 446 • 4.11.2014 利國偉中大金禧獎學金頒獎典禮 Lee Quo Wei CUHK Golden Jubilee Scholarship Presentation Ceremony 首屆「利國偉中大金禧獎學金」頒獎典禮於9月26日舉行,主禮嘉賓包括 偉倫基金有限公司行政總裁梁祥彪先生( 中 )及中大副校長霍泰輝教授。 霍教授衷心感謝利氏家族及偉倫基金對中大的長遠支持,慷慨捐資 設立「利國偉中大金禧獎學基金」,為中大金禧誌慶,同時成立更多獎學 金,讓莘莘學子受惠。在諮詢委員會的監察和管理下,首批獎學金已於 2013至14學年頒發予三十八位學生,當中包括法律學生、醫科生以及赴 海外交流的優秀學生。 The first Lee Quo Wei CUHK Golden Jubilee Scholarship Presentation Ceremony was held on 26 September, officiated by Mr. Thomas C.B. Liang ( centre ), Chief Executive of the Wei Lun Foundation, and Prof. Fok Tai-fai, Pro-Vice-Chancellor. Professor Fok expressed his deepest gratitude to the Lee Family and the Wei Lun Foundation for their staunch support to the University for establishing the Lee Quo Wei CUHK Golden Jubilee Scholarship Endowment Fund in celebration of the Golden Jubilee of the University, and meeting the increasing demand for scholarships from a growing student population. Under the supervision of the Advisory Committee, the first batch of Lee Quo Wei CUHK Golden Jubilee Scholarships have been disbursed in 2013–14 to a total of 38 outstanding students, among which are law students, medical students, and students going on exchange. 入學資訊日五萬五千人參加 Orientation Day Draws 55,000 本科入學資訊日於10月18日舉行,吸引五萬五千人參加,包括中學生、家長和教師。入學及學 生資助處處長王淑英教授在首場聯招申請入學講座致歡迎辭,為資訊日揭開序幕,並重點 介紹2015年的招生新政策。 全校八個學院及各學系共舉辦近二百場入學講座和課程諮詢。多個教研設施,包括實驗室、 圖書館和模擬法庭敞開大門,讓中學生探索在中大校園的多種可能。九所書院設講座,擺 攤位,並引領訪客參觀宿舍、多媒體中心、體育及文娛設施,以感受中大獨特的書院生活。 CUHK held its Orientation Day for Undergraduate Admissions on 18 October, drawing 55,000 visitors to the campus, most of them secondary school students, parents and teachers. Prof. Wong Suk-ying, Director of Admissions and Financial Aid, delivered a welcoming speech at the first session of the JUPAS admission talk that featured new admission policies in 2015. Almost 200 admission talks and Q&A sessions were given by the eight Faculties and various departments. Laboratories, libraries, and moot court opened their doors for prospective students to explore future possibilities on this campus. The nine Colleges set up booths and hosted open houses to give visitors a taste of the unique college life in CUHK. 諾獎得主論經濟增長與結構轉型 Nobel Laureate on Economic Growth and Structural Change 2010年諾貝爾經濟學獎得主克里斯托弗.皮薩里德斯教授( 左 )10月16日蒞臨中大主持傑 出公開講座,題為「新中國標準:歐洲後工業化社會過渡的啟示」,吸引近三百五十人出席。 經濟增長源自技術改進,可分為兩種形式:一是於商品和服務的生產過程實行新技術和理 念;二是重新分配勞動力和資本到高生產效率活動裏。無論採用哪種模式,經濟增長一般 會帶來結構性轉變。講座上,皮薩里德斯教授探討結構轉型和對國家的最佳政策。 歐洲於二十世紀經歷社會轉型,其社會和經濟政策及對經濟發展的影響,與現今狀況有密 切關係,特別是弱勢社群的福利、社會不平等的處理及經濟聯盟的管理,都可從歐洲的經 驗得到啟發。現在許多這類問題困擾着中國,皮薩里德斯教授重點討論從這些政策中可汲 取的教訓和應採取的行動,以避免重蹈歐洲國家所犯的錯誤。 Prof. Sir Christopher A. Pissarides ( left ), 2010 Nobel Laureate in Economic Sciences, spoke on ‘The New Normal in China: Lessons from Europe in the Transition to a Post- Industrialized Society’ on 16 October. The lecture drew a full house of close to 350. Economic growth takes place through improvements in technology. This can take two forms, the implementation of new techniques and ideas in the production of goods and services, or the reallocation of labour and capital from low productivity activities to higher productivity ones. Whichever way it is achieved, growth brings with it a structural transformation to the economy. In the lecture, Professor Pissarides addressed questions related to the structural transformation and the policies that it requires to achieve most good for the country. Europe went through a structural transformation during the 20th century. There are many lessons that can be learned from Europe’s experience, especially as they relate to social and economic policies and their implications for economic development. These issues are especially relevant today when it comes to welfare support for disadvantaged groups, dealing with inequalities and managing an economic union. Many of these questions are now occupying China. Professor Pissarides highlighted the lessons that can be learned about such policies and the action that needs to be taken to avoid the mistakes made in many European countries. 校園消息 Campus News
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