Newsletter No. 532
07 # 5 3 2 | 1 9 . 0 2 . 2 0 1 9 到 任 同 仁 / N ewly O nboard 陳英凝教授獲國家級教學成果獎 Prof. Emily Chan Receives National Teaching Achievement Award 賽馬會公共衞生及基層醫療學院陳英凝教授領導的「循 證科學為本的跨學科全球實地體驗式教與學」教學項目, 獲國家教育部頒發2018年高等教育國家級教學成果獎二 等獎,為香港院校首次獲得此項全國傑出教學殊榮。該獎 每四年評審一次,是國家在教學研究和實踐領域中頒授 的最高獎項。 陳教授挾自身參與國際醫療人道救援工作的經驗,創立 少數民族農村健康計劃,透過實地教研助學生建構知 識,並為他們開拓更多在全球學習的機會。對於獲獎,陳 教授深感榮幸:「這代表我們在中國高等教育引入實地災 害健康風險管理教育的努力獲得肯定,我期望獎項有助 向內地介紹中大的教育工作。我們在內地已建立了十七個 培訓和研究基地,為逾七百名學生提供實地訓練。」 醫科四年級生商書維是其中一位參與計劃的學生,曾隨 陳教授到尼泊爾、吉林、四川及雲南等地,「我不但掌握了 籌辦和推廣健康教育的要訣,更大大提升應付突發事件 的應變力及溝通能力。陳教授鼓勵我們跳出固有思維,發 揮創意解決問題,令我獲益良多。」 Prof. Emily Chan of the Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care was honoured with a second prize in the 2018 National Teaching Achievement Award (High Education) by the Ministry of Education for leading the ‘Evidence-based Interdisciplinary Global Field Experiential Teaching and Learning’ project. The quadrennial award is the highest national accolade in teaching and education granted by the Chinese government. This is the first time a Hong Kong institution received the honour of excellence in education at the national level. With her experience in humanitarian intervention, Professor Chan initiated the field-based Ethnic Minority Health Project in CUHK which emphasizes the importance of constructing knowledge for students in the field and maximizes their global learning opportunities. Professor Chan is deeply honoured for the award. ‘It recognizes the importance of teaching health emergency and disaster risk management in the field in the national higher education sector. I hope this award will also facilitate CUHK’s education effort in China. Currently, we have established 17 training and research sites on the mainland, offering field-based training to over 700 students.’ One of the participating students is Evan Shang, Year 4 medical student, who joined the trips to Nepal, Jilin Province, Sichuan Province and Yunnan Province. ‘I learnt not only the logistics of running health interventions, but also the communication skill and adaptability in the face of unexpected problems. Professor Chan inspires and encourages us to think out of the box. It will be beneficial to my future development.’ 陳英凝教授 Prof. Emily Chan 商書維 Evan Shang Information in this section can only be accessed with CWEM password . 若要瀏覽本部分的資料, 請須輸入 中大校園電子郵件密碼 。
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