Newsletter No. 532
06 # 5 3 2 | 1 9 . 0 2 . 2 0 1 9 四大學府合研醫學機械人技術 Quadripartite Collaboration on Medical Robotics Research 中大與蘇黎世聯邦理工學院、倫敦帝國學院及約翰·霍普 金斯大學於1月31日簽署合作協議,加強彼此跨學科的醫 療機械人研究合作。是次簽署儀式標誌着中大與這三所國 際頂尖學府透過計劃成立「醫療機械人創新技術中心」, 合作發展有效及能廣泛應用的影像和機械人科技,重塑 多個醫學專科未來在診斷和治療技術方面的發展,提升 病人生活質素。香港特區行政長官林鄭月娥女士(後排 中)、校長段崇智教授(後排左)和創新及科技局局長楊 偉雄先生(後排右)等親臨見證簽署儀式。 CUHK established partnerships with ETH Zurich, Imperial College London and Johns Hopkins University on 31 January to deepen ties on transdisciplinary medical robotics research. The three top-notch overseas institutions will collaborate with CUHK through the planned Multi-Scale Medical Robotics Centre which aims to develop effective and accessible imaging and robotic technologies that will reshape the future of medical diagnosis and treatment of diseases in multiple specialties, in a bid to improve patients’ quality of life. The event was witnessed by The Hon Mrs. Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor (centre, back row), Chief Executive of HKSAR; Prof. Rocky S. Tuan (left, back row), Vice-Chancellor and President; and Mr. Nicholas W. Yang (right, back row), Secretary for Innovation and Technology . 無障礙網頁再獲嘉許 Accolades in the Web Accessibility Recognition Scheme 「無障礙網頁嘉許計劃」頒獎典禮於1月16日再度舉行, 中大共有十四個網站獲得金獎及銀獎,符合的評審準則 包括內容編排有序、標題詳盡、連結實用、與輔助軟件 兼容配合、運作便捷等。連同去年獲頒的五個「三連金 獎」,中大一共在「2018無障礙網頁嘉許計劃」獲頒十九 個獎項。 Fourteen websites of CUHK were presented Gold Awards and Silver Awards at the award presentation ceremony of the Web Accessibility Recognition Scheme held on 16 January. The criteria they have fulfilled include meaningfully sequenced and structured contents, clear headings and informative links, and high compatibility with assistive technologies to facilitate smooth navigation. Together with the five Triple Gold Awards received last year, CUHK has garnered 19 awards in the Web Accessibility Recognition Scheme 2018. 中大(深圳)在國際網路傳輸競賽獲獎 CUHK (SZ) Recognized in Global AI Transmission Competition AI-Trans全球智慧型網路傳輸競賽總決賽於1月12日在 北京舉行,中大(深圳)兩支學生隊伍分別奪得「最佳非 機器學習獎」與「最佳演示答辯獎」,李鈺鵬老師榮獲 「最佳指導教師獎」。現時國內的主流直播平台都以較 高位元速率播放影片,讓用戶欣賞高清畫面,但會在串流 不順時促使用戶下調為標清、流暢等模式,學界和業界因 而積極研究自我調節的位元速率演算法。中大(深圳)隊 伍憑藉設計優良的自我調整演算法於比賽勝出。 Two student teams from CUHK (SZ) were bestowed the Best Non-Machine Learning Award and the Best Demonstration Award, respectively, on 12 January in the final of the Global AI Transmission Competition (AI-Trans) held in Beijing. Mr. Li Yupeng, instructor of the teams, won the Teacher Guidance Award. Currently, domestic popular live broadcast platforms provide higher code rates for high-definition viewing experience. When there are frequent lags, the platform will prompt users to downgrade to standard definition or smooth mode. The student teams were awarded for their excellent adaptive adjustment rate algorithm design. 協力推動醫學研究 Synergy in Medical Research 烏特勒支大學校長AntonPijpers教授(左)率領代表團於 1月10至11日到訪中大,參與兩校首度合辦的研討會,雙方 逾四十位研究員雲集其間,確立四個領域的未來合作方 案,包括矯形外科及再生醫學、兒童衞生、癌症及類器官, 以及大腦及神經科學。席間探討多項研究合作,包括骨骼 掃描、新生兒科及臨床傳染病、大腸癌,以及光學腦磁激技 術等。校長段崇智教授為兩校十五年來的合作成就感到鼓 舞,期望繼續攜手締造世界級並具影響力的研究成果。 CUHK hosted the first joint workshop with Utrecht University (UU) on from 10 to 11 January with participation from a delegation led by Prof. Anton Pijpers (left), President of the Executive Board, UU. Over 40 researchers from both universities joined the workshop to identify new joint initiatives in four areas including Orthopaedics and Regenerative Medicine, Child Health, Cancer and Organoid, and Brain and Neuroscience. The event provided impetus for new projects relating to bone imaging, neonatology and clinical infectious diseases, colorectal cancer, and optical imaging informed transcranial magnetic stimulation, among other initiatives. Prof. Rocky S. Tuan, Vice-Chancellor and President, was impressed by the achievements jointly made by the two universities over the past 15 years and was hopeful that the partnership will produce world-class and impactful collaborative research. 外科醫生的神奇手臂 Surgeons’ Magical Arms 醫學院完成了全球首個多專科「單孔微創機械人手術系 統」臨床研究,替逾六十位病人進行頭頸外科、泌尿外科 及結直腸外科單孔微創手術,此機械臂可深入以往難以 到達的病灶位置,例如鼻咽和下咽部。直徑約2.5厘米的 手術系統只需經單一切口或天然孔道,即可把三支手術工 具及一個三維高清鏡頭放進病人體內。經訓練的外科醫 生可遙距操控機械臂上的手術工具,經高清鏡頭顯示的 三維影像觀察病灶,於狹窄環境進行複雜而精密的手術。 The Faculty of Medicine conducted the world’s first multi- specialty clinical trial using the Single Port Minimally Invasive Robotic Surgical System. More than 60 patients underwent single port robotic-assisted minimally invasive surgery as part of this trial. The novel system allows surgeons to reach deep spaces previously difficult to reach, like the nasopharynx and the hypopharynx. The surgical arm only needs a single entry site for three instruments and a high-definition (HD) 3D camera operated through an incision or a natural orifice which enables the 2.5cm- system cannula to go through. Trained surgeons can control the instruments at the distal tip and view the HD 3D image of the operating field through the endoscope via the console, enabling them to perform complicated procedures with precision in narrow workspaces. 提升本地幼童流感疫苗接種率 Increasing Influenza Vaccine Uptake among Local Children 幼童流感疫苗接種率偏低,中大醫學院研究團隊試驗四 項介入措施能否提升接種率,以保障更多兒童。經研究 後,證明可提升兩歲以下兒童的流感疫苗接種率幾近兩 倍,估計助降低相關住院率13%至24%,結果已發表於醫 學期刊《疫苗》。介入措施包括簡介流感風險和疫苗益處 的單張、申請疫苗資助的半完成表格、接種疫苗不額外收 費的診所聯絡方法,以及接種疫苗的提示短訊。 In view of the low rate of influenza vaccination uptake among children, researchers from the Faculty of Medicine conducted a study to investigate whether an intervention package would help boost the uptake to provide them with extra protection. After an intervention trial, the team has proved that it could increase influenza vaccination uptake by nearly two times in children aged below two years, and estimates that 13% to 24% paediatric cases of influenza-associated admissions to hospital could be prevented. The result has been published in the medical journal Vaccine . The package includes a concise information sheet about the risks of influenza and the benefits of vaccination, semi-completed forms for subsidy application; list of clinics that did not charge above the subsidy; and text message reminders for vaccination. 全球華文文壇盛事 Global Chinese Literary Feast 文學院舉辦第七屆「全球華文青年文學獎」,開展儀式於 1月28日舉行,主禮嘉賓包括常務副校長華雲生教授、前校 長沈祖堯教授、文學院暫任院長賴品超教授、華文獎榮譽 顧問兼決審評判金聖華教授、中文系系主任鄧思穎教授和 華文獎籌備委員會主席何杏楓教授,並邀得歷屆得獎人對 談,分享華文獎對培養作家的意義。 The Faculty of Arts has launched the 7th Global Youth Chinese Literary Award. The launching ceremony was held on 28 January, officiated by Prof. Benjamin W. Wah, Provost; Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, former Vice-Chancellor and President; Prof. Lai Pan-chiu, Interim Dean of Arts; Prof. Serena Jin, Honorary Advisor and adjudicator of the Award; Prof. Tang Sze-wing, chairman of the Department of Chinese Language and Literature; Prof. Carole Hoyan, chairperson of the Organizing Committee of the Award. Past awardees shared how the Award provided them with a global platform to pursue Chinese literary writing.
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