Newsletter No. 375

4 No. 375, 4.4.2011 Prof. Xu Yangsheng ( right, front row ), Pro-Vice-Chancellor of CUHK, were present at the signing ceremony. According to the agreement, the institute on the new campus will engage in both education and research as a first-class research-intensive university benchmarked against peers around the world. The Shenzhen Municipal Government will set aside a piece of land next to Daiyuncheng in Longgang District, to be used without charge as the campus of the CUHK Shenzhen Institute. CUHK references the curriculum in Hong Kong in ensuring that the most rigorous educational standards and quality are maintained on the Shenzhen campus. The institute will nurture talent for Hong Kong, Shenzhen and the Pearl River Delta Region, contributing to research and technological advancement, educational reform and the long-term development of China. 校 園 消 息 CAMPUS NEWS 簽訂中大深圳學院框架協議 • Framework Agreement to Establish Shenzhen Institute 中 大與深圳市人民政府於3月12日在北京簽訂框架 協議,同意籌建中大深圳學院,簽署儀式由深圳 巿政府副市長吳以環女士( 前排左 )及中大副校長徐揚生 教授( 前排右 )代表出席。 根據框架協議,中大深圳學院將為一所從事高等教育與研 究、面向世界的一流研究型大學。深圳市政府於深圳市龍 崗區的大運城附近撥出土地,免費供深圳學院使用,中大 將按大學本部的辦學水平,嚴格保證深圳學院的辦學質 素,為本港、深圳及珠三角地區培育優秀人才、推動科研, 並貢獻國家的教育改革及長遠發展。 C UHK signed a Framework Agreement with the Shenzhen Municipal Government on the establish- ment of the CUHK Shenzhen Institute in Shenzhen on 12 March in Beijing. Ms. Wu Yihuan ( left, front row ), vice mayor of the Shenzhen Municipal Government and 首屆珠三角社會研究研討會 • First Seminar on Social Issues of Pearl River Delta 社 會學系於3月5至6日舉辦首屆珠三角社會研究研 討會,邀請了社會學系客座教授、密歇根大學Otis Dudley Duncan社會學及統計學傑出教授謝宇教授、多位 中山大學社會學及社會工作學系教授,以及廣州市社會科 學院社會學與社會政策研究所代表出席。十八位學者匯報 其珠江三角洲研究,包括經濟與社會行為、家庭與社會、 健康與風險行為,以及遷移等課題。 T he Department of Sociology organized for the first time the Seminar on Social Issues of the Pearl River Delta on 5 and 6 March. Prof. Xie Yu, CUHK Adjunct Professor and Otis Dudley Duncan Distinguished University Professor of Sociology and Statistics at the University of Michigan, representatives from the Department of Sociology and Social Work of Sun Yat-Sen University, and the Institute of Sociology and Social Policy of Guangzhou Academy of Social Sciences attended the seminar. A total of 18 scholars presented their research on topics of economic and social behaviour, family and society, health and risk behaviour, and migration in the Pearl River Delta region. 社會科學院表揚優異師生 • Social Science Faculty Honours Outstanding Members 社 會科學院於3月5日舉行2010年模範教學獎暨院長榮譽錄頒獎典禮,頒授模範 教學獎予經濟學系吳嘉豪教授( 前排左三 )和心理學系黃振能教授( 前排右三 )。 典禮在李兆基樓七號演講廳舉行,由香港特別行政區政府規劃署署長梁焯輝先生( 前排 右四 )主禮,同場並頒發院長榮譽錄證書予學業成績優異的學生。 T wo teachers in the Faculty of Social Science were honoured with the Faculty’s Exemplary Teaching Award on 5 March. They were Prof. Ng Ka-ho Travis ( 3rd left, front row ) of the Department of Economics and Prof. Wong Chun-nang Alan ( 3rd right, front row ) of the Department of Psychology. The award presentation ceremony took place in Lecture Theatre 7 of Lee Shau Kee Building, with Mr. Jimmy C.F. Leung, JP ( 4th right, front row ), Director of Planning of the HKSAR Government, as the guest of honour. On the same occasion, Dean’s List certificates were presented to students of the Faculty for their outstanding academic achievements.