Newsletter No. 375
2 No. 375, 4.4.2011 自 日本災難發生後,中大師生先後透過不同活動表達關心:大學立刻開立賑災帳戶;日本研究學系亦於鐵路站設立 籌款攤位,呼籲同事、校友和同學慷慨解囊,協助舒緩日本的災情;大學和書院的學生會舉行籌款活動,預備 心意卡給學生寫上祝福;校方於災後一星期(3月18日)的下午1時47分,籲請同事默哀一分鐘,為災民獻上誠摯的祝福與 禱頌。 在3月24日的燭光晚會上,沈祖堯校長希望大家為日本祈禱,祈求日本政府能有解決福島核電危機的智慧、福島核電工人 得到保護、倖存者有力量及勇氣重整生活、重建家園,以及全國城縣有足夠糧食、食水及電力供應。 主持晚會的日本研究學系系主任Dr. Lynne Nakano感謝大家的支持,她表示:「日本和香港的連繫,不單於經濟關係、旅 遊及留學,更透過一起學習、玩樂、溝通、經歷失敗與成功。在過去兩周,我看到很多例子,反映大家的友誼是超越種族、 國籍和語言的,對我來說,這正是教育最終的目的和意義。」 A fter the disaster in Japan, the University and its students have taken action to show their concern and support. The University has opened a special account to receive donations; the Department of Japanese Studies has set up a counter at the MTR station to raise money; the Student Unions of the University and the Colleges have organized fundraising events and prepared cards for students to write down their well wishes; the University observed a minute of silence at 1:47 pm on 18 March, one week after the catastrophe, to express their sympathy for the Japanese people and to wish them a speedy recovery from their physical injuries, and to find relief from their sorrows. Speaking at the vigil on 24 March, Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, Vice-Chancellor, CUHK, urged the participants to pray for the Japanese government so they would have the wisdom and the strategy to tackle the Fukushima nuclear plant crisis; to pray for the workers who are selflessly working in the plant so their lives and health would be protected, to pray for the survivors so they would have enough strength to rebuild their lives and their homes; to pray for sufficient food, clean water and power to sustain the city and the country. Dr. Lynne Nakano, chairman of the Department of Japanese Studies and the mistress of ceremony, was glad to see the overwhelming support for her homeland. She said, ‘Hong Kong and Japan are tied together not only by economic relationships, tourism, or study, but by our experiences of learning, playing, communicating, failing, and achieving together. In the past two weeks, I have seen many examples of friendship that transcend culture, nationality, and language. This, to me, is the ultimate goal and meaning of education.’ 為日本災民送上祝福 From Us to Japan 「我們集合在這裏,因為我們不會置別 人的需要於不顧,我們總可以做點甚麼 的,哪怕微小如表達敬意、燃點蠟燭、 捐款、一個訊息,或是為他們的康復 和平安祈禱。」 ‘We are here because we will not turn away when others are in need, when there is something we can do, even if it is as small as showing our respect, lighting a candle, donating money, writing a message, or praying for recovery and peace.’ 日本研究學系系主任Dr. Lynne Nakano Dr. Lynne Nakano, chairman of the Department of Japanese Studies 「我們的悲痛非言語可形容,但日本人 在巨變中仍能克制傷痛,表現出理性與 律己的高尚情操,真叫世人佩服。我們 的祝願和行動縱使微不足道,但仍希 望可以激勵日本人的盼望和勇氣,以信 心勝過挑戰。」 ‘Our grief is beyond words. However, the Japanese people have impressed the world with their courage, resilience and discipline. Our prayers and actions may be small and humble, but we hope we can help to give the Japanese people hope and courage and to meet the tremendous challenge with faith.’ 中大校長沈祖堯教授 Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, Vice-Chancellor, CUHK
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