








Regular exercise, even performed in areas with air pollution, can reduce the risk of death from natural causes, according to JCSPHPC’s new research in Canadian Medical Association Journal (CMAJ).

The large scale longitude study led by Professor Xiang Qian Lao was conducted between 2001 and 2016 with 384,130 adults in Taiwan. The team found that high levels of habitual exercise and low levels of PM2.5 exposure are associated with lowest risk of death and that habitual exercise reduced the risk of death across PM2.5 categories, compared to inactivity. The risk of natural death among the high exercise group with high PM2.5 is 33% less than the inactive group with high PM2.5.

“Habitual exercise reduces the risk of death regardless of exposure to air pollution, and air pollution generally increases the risk of death regardless of habitual exercise. Thus, habitual exercise should be promoted as a health improvement strategy, even for people residing in relatively polluted areas,” the authors concluded. Dr Guo Cui, a Postdoctoral Fellow of JCPHPC and the first author of the article, further added that indoor exercise is recommended when concentrations of air pollutants are severe.

Full article: https://www.cmaj.ca/lookup/doi/10.1503/cmaj.202729

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