Newsletter No. 476
6 476 • 19.4.2016 校園消息 Campus News 法學生於國際模擬法庭比賽奪冠 Law Students Win Vis East Moot 教育學院弘道教育基金獎學金茶會 Grand Way Scholarship Reception at Education Faculty 社會科學院嘉許優異師生 Social Science Faculty Honours Outstanding Teachers and Students 社會工作系校友周年大會暨聚餐 Social Work Alumni AGM cum Homecoming Dinner 中大法律學院學生以精湛訟辯技巧及有力的書面備忘錄,在著名的國際模擬法庭比賽中奪 得冠軍。 比賽於3月7至13日在香港舉行,一百一十五所來自亞洲、澳洲、歐洲、北美洲及南美洲共 三十一個司法管轄區的法律學院隊伍參賽,包括哈佛大學、史丹福大學、耶魯大學、倫敦大 學學院、新加坡國立大學及蒙納殊大學等。 中大隊的成員來自法學士、法律博士及法學專業證書課程,其中戚雅雯、關朗軒和 石煒民擔任訟辯代表,而方詠 熺 、劉日成、Cristen Bauer、方奕浚、徐易通、邵力競、 Salman Tariq、李衍錩及陳榕翠,則負責研究及撰寫備忘錄,法律學院羅德士教授擔任 教練,去年參賽的法學生梁家恩、王雅詩、劉謙穎及于子程亦協助指導。 A team of students from the Faculty of Law won the championship at the 13th Willem C. Vis (East) International Commercial Arbitration Moot (Vis East Moot), a prestigious international mooting competition. Held in Hong Kong from 7 to 13 March, the Vis East Moot attracted participants of 115 law schools from 31 jurisdictions in Asia, Australia, Europe, North America and South America including top institutions such as Harvard University, Stanford University, Yale University, University College London, the National University of Singapore and Monash University. The CUHK winning team consisted of three oralists, Hermia Chik, Chester Kwan and Raymond Shek. Other team members, who were responsible for conducting research and writing memoranda, included Pauline Fong, Patrick Lau, Cristen Bauer, John Fong, Frank Tsui, L.K Shiu, Salman Tariq, Alan Lee and Phyllissa Chan. They are students from the Faculty’s Bachelor of Laws Programme, Juris Doctor Programme and Postgraduate Certificate Programme in Laws. The team was coached by Prof. Peter Rhodes, who was assisted by Jennifer Leung, Charlotte Wong, George Lau and Tonny Yu, all of whom were members of last year’s moot team. 弘道教育基金獎學金贊助人鍾永珏先生( 前排左五 )及劉尚儉先生( 前排右四 )於3月17日到訪 教育學院,與2014及2015年度獲獎的學生會晤。學生代表在席上分享學習經驗及抱負,院長 梁湘明教授( 前排右五 )及學院成員藉此機會感謝兩位贊助人多年來的慷慨支持。 Mr. Chung Wing-kok Leslie ( 5th left, front row ) and Mr. Liu Sheng-chien Richard ( 4th right, front row ), donors of the Grand Way Scholarships and long-term benefactors of the Faculty of Education, visited the Faculty on 17 March. Scholarship recipients of 2014 and 2015 met with the donors in the tea reception. Student representatives also shared their learning experience and aspiration during the meeting. Prof. Leung Seung-ming Alvin ( 5th right, front row ), Dean of Education, and other faculty members took this opportunity to express their gratitude to Mr. Chung and Mr. Liu for their continuous and generous support. 社會科學院於3月19日舉行「祝節」活動,表揚學院教師的卓越教研成就,以及因成績優異 而獲列入院長榮譽錄的學生。 新聞與傳播學院譚蕙芸女士、社會工作學系陳季康教授和地理與資源管理學系李慧瑩博士 獲頒模範教學獎;地理與資源管理學系黎育科教授則獲頒傑出研究獎;而心理學系馮海嵐 教授因在指導研究生表現優秀獲獎。 活動於康本國際學術園舉行,出席嘉賓及學生逾四百五十人。香港失明人協進會主席莊陳有 先生擔任主禮嘉賓,他致辭時鼓勵學生勇敢追求夢想,令世界變得更好。 The Faculty of Social Science organized its Appreciation Achievement Award Celebration 2015 on 19 March to honour faculty members with outstanding teaching and research performance, as well as students who made the Dean’s List for their academic excellence. Miss Vivian Tam, School of Journalism and Communication; Prof. Chen Ji-kang, Department of Social Work; and Dr. Joanna Lee, Department of Geography and Resource Management received the Exemplary Teaching Awards. Research Excellence Award and Research Mentorship Award were presented to Prof. Derrick Lai, Department of Geography and Resource Management and Prof. Fung Hoi-lam Helene, Department of Psychology, respectively. Held at Yasumoto International Academic Park, the event was officiated by Mr. Chong Chan-yau, president of Hong Kong Blind Union, who encouraged students to pursue their dreams in his speech. Also in attendance were over 450 guests and students. 社會工作系畢業同學會於3月12日假本校大學教職員會所舉行周年會員大會暨聯誼聚餐, 七十五位校友及師生出席。過去五十年間,社工系校友廣布世界各地工作,是次聚會締造 了黃金機會讓校友重逢,互道近況。 Seventy five alumni, teachers and students of the Department of Social Work attended the Annual General Meeting cum Homecoming Dinner 2016 at the University Guest House on 12 March organized by the CUHK Social Work Alumni Association. With our alumni working around the globe over the past 50 years, the homecoming dinner served as a golden opportunity for alumni to reunion.
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