Newsletter No. 473
No. 373, 4.3.2011 3 校 園 消 息 CAMPUS NEWS 研究華人穆斯林文化傳統 • Chinese Muslim Cultural Heritage Studies Launched 人 類學系文化遺產研究中心啟動「華人穆斯林文化傳 統研究」項目,研究中國內地、港澳及海外華人的 穆斯林文化傳統。負責的人類學系陳志明教授表示,透過 在中國內地和本港籌辦學術會議和實地考察,將促進學 者和大學生對伊斯蘭和穆斯林文化的了解。該項目獲香港 中華回教博愛社捐助二十港萬元,捐款儀式於2011年1月 20日舉行。 為慶祝啟動是次學術合作及研究項目,人類學系特別邀請 中國文化遺產研究專家、西北民族大學民族學與社會學 學院西北民族研究院名譽院長郝蘇民教授來港,發表演 講,題為「穆斯林的博愛精神與文化遺產名錄的推進狀況 與反思」。 W ith a donation of HK$200,000 from the Chinese Muslim Cultural and Fraternal Association (CMCFA), the Centre for Cultural Heritage Studies (CCHS) of the Department of Anthropology launched a project 首辦深圳英語教師培訓課程 • First Teaching Programme for Shenzhen’s English Teachers 教 育學院優化英語教學研究中心於2 010年3月 至2 011年1月舉辦「深圳英語教師培訓課程 2009 – 10」,對象是五所深圳學校的三十名英語教師。 這是首個以本地小學英文課程為重點、理論實踐並重、專 為深圳學校港人子弟班英語教師而設的專業培訓課程,由 教育局資助,有助深圳教師緊貼英語教學的新趨勢,了解 香港英語課程架構,學習如何為港人子弟班學生參與本港 升中派位及來港升學作準備。 A total of 30 English teachers from five Shenzhen schools participated in the ‘English Language Teaching Programme for Shenzhen Teachers of English 2009–10’ organized by the Centre for Enhancing English Learning and Teaching (CEELT), Faculty of Education, from March 2010 to January 2011. The programme, funded by the Education Bureau, was the first of its kind in Hong Kong to offer professional on ‘Chinese Muslim Cultural Heritage Studies’ to study the Muslim cultures in mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau, as well as among overseas Chinese Muslims. Prof. Tan Chee-beng, the project leader and professor, Department of Anthropology, said, through organizing talks, conferences and study tours in mainland China and Hong Kong, researchers’ and students’ understanding of Islamic and Muslim cultures will be enhanced. The donation ceremony was held on 20 January 2011 To celebrate the launch of this collaboration, Prof. Hao Su- min, honorary dean of School of Ethnology and Sociology at the Northwest Institute for Ethnological Studies, Northwest University for Nationalities and an expert in Chinese cultural heritage studies and Muslim culture in northeastern China, was invited to give a lecture on ‘The Muslim Spirit of Universal Love and the Promotion of Cultural Heritage Documentation’ after the ceremony. training to English teachers from Shenzhen schools operating Hong Kong children classes on the basis of the local primary English language education curriculum. It combined theory and practice, which enabled teachers to have a thorough understanding of the curriculum framework; understand how to prepare students of 香港中華回教博愛社主席脫志賢先生(左)捐贈二十萬港元予文化 遺產研究中心,由人類學系系主任張展鴻教授(中)與拓展及籌募 處處長周瑤慧女士(右)代表接收 Mr. Tuet Che-yin (left), chairman of CMCFA, presents a donation to the CCHS. Prof. Cheung Chin-hung Sidney (middle), chairman of the Department of Anthropology and Ms. Janet Chow (right), Director of Institutional Advancement, accept the cheque on behalf of CUHK 課程總監及優化英語教學研究中心主任 麥陳淑賢教授(前排右七)、課程與教 學學系系主任龔大胃教授(前排右六)、 課程與教學學系高級導師李玉珍博士 (前排左五),以及課程參加者 Prof. Barley Mak (7th right, front row), programme director and director of CEELT; Prof. David Coniam (6th right, front row), chairman of Department of Curriculum and Instruction; Dr. Winnie Lee (5th left, front row), senior instructor of Department of Curriculum and Instruction and participants of the programme the Shenzhen schools to take part in the Hong Kong Secondary School Places Allocation System and continue their studies in Hong Kong; keep abreast of the latest trends in English language learning and teaching; and translate language teaching theory into classroom practice. 社會領袖為中大生引路 • Community Leaders Share Wisdom with CU Students 於 2月11日啟動的「中大師友計劃」,邀得多位社會領 袖加盟,包括前布政司鍾逸傑爵士、香港美國商會 會長魏理庭博士、領匯管理有限公司主席蘇兆明先生等。 當天,多位學長出席支持,包括「中文無線傳訊之父」簡文 樂博士、嘉柏集團主席詹康信先生等。 今年,這項計劃得到五十三位社會領袖擔任學長,受惠學 生達九十九位。校長沈祖堯教授表示:「中大既重視正規 課程,亦強調非形式教育的重要性,師友計劃便是非形式 教育當中的一環。各學長於百忙之中抽空參與計劃,與學 生分享他們的經驗與智慧,於人生各方面提供建議及輔 導,並以回饋社會和培育未來領袖為己任,為學生樹立了 最佳榜樣。」 O fficially launched on 11 February, the CUHK Mentorship Programme has the participation of a number of community leaders, including Sir David Akers-Jones, former Chief Secretary of the Hong Kong Government; Dr. Richard R. Vuylsteke, president of the American Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong; Mr. Nicholas R. Sallnow-Smith, chairman of The Link Management Limited. In attendance at the launch ceremony were mentors including Dr. Paul Kan, ‘Father of Multi-lingual Messaging’; Mr. James E. Thompson, chairman of Crown Worldwide Group. The programme received enthusiastic support from 53 mentors this year, benefiting 99 students in total. Officiating at the ceremony, Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, Vice-Chancellor said, ‘The University places equal emphasis on formal and non-formal education, and the mentorship programme constitutes part of our non-formal education. The mentors, despite their hectic schedule, offer advice and guidance to mentees in different aspects of life and share with them their experience and wisdom. Their contribution to society and commitment in grooming future leaders has set a perfect example for our students.’
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