Newsletter No. 473
2 No. 373, 4.3.2011 巴西開心農場實習記 地 理與資源管理學一年級學生李樂怡透過大學的寰 宇暑期實習計劃,參加了「安利有機農場暑期實習 生計劃」,於2010年6月踏足南美洲,在巴西的有機農莊實 習兩個月,認識巴西文化,了解有機耕種。她是第二位獲挑 選到該處實習的中大生。 自小對地理科有濃厚興趣的樂怡說:「親睹遼闊的農場,並 學習有機耕種方法,是難能可貴的機會,真的很有意思。」 她相信計劃有助她跳出書本理論,放眼世界。 巴西的安利紐崔萊有機農場位於東北部塞阿拉省的烏巴 哈洛鎮附近,要由聖保羅轉機去北部的福塔萊薩,再乘車 五小時才到。農場總面積達一千六百多公頃,足有十二個中 文大學那麼大,主要種植針葉櫻桃,用作生產如維他命C 營養片等保健食品。 樂怡在彼邦的工作非常充實,在農場摘水果、除草、施肥, 在廚房為農場過百員工準備午飯,又或走出農場,到附近 的學校推廣有機耕種,協助組織公司的活動,如馬拉松及 單車比賽等。工作以外,她還要完成一份有關固體廢物回 收的報告,才符合整個實習要求。 雖然課堂和傳媒都常有關於有機耕種的知識,但樂怡說以 前對這概念仍感到很疏離。八周的實習,終於讓她親身了 解有機農場的運作:「這農場的設計就像一個生物系統, 不同區域在整個耕種過程中,有不同的角色,在大自然的 世界環環相扣。」樂怡解釋說農場會畜牧綿羊,牠們的糞 便可用作植物如針葉櫻桃的肥料,而針葉櫻桃除了製成保 健食品外,榨汁後的纖維又可餵飼牲畜,就像一組小型的 食物鏈。她更說不知是否因為在當地多吃有機食物,連傷 風感冒也少了。 農場生活帶給樂怡實在的體會,她說,有機耕種是一種生 活方式,即人享用大自然賦給的食物之餘,也更着意保護 環境,達致永續永育。據她觀察,農場職員相信每種生物 都受另一種生物支配,他們寧願耐心等待大自然發揮威 力,讓害蟲遭其他生物獵食或驅趕,也不使用殺蟲劑,這 種實踐有機耕種的努力讓她 非常欣賞。 樂怡又分享實習時的一樁趣事:當地的主 要語言是葡萄牙文,對葡文一竅不通的她, 只靠另一實習生學習單字,因此鬧出笑話。 「某次我負責預備午飯,有人說很好吃,問 我煮的是甚麼,我說是腰果,他們非常詫 異,臉色都變了,後來我才知道,葡文『腰 果』( caju )的發音,跟『狗肉』( cão )有點 相似。」她說幸好她及時澄清,否則巴西人 或會以為所有中國人皆嗜狗肉。 樂怡形容這是趟難忘之旅,認識不同文化 之餘,也體會到人與自然關係和諧,有助生 態健康發展。返港後,樂怡希望可多推廣有 機概念。 I n June 2010, Lorraine Lee, Year 1 student of Geography and Resource Management, joined the Amway Nutrilite Organic Farming Internship Programme via the CUHK Global Internship Programme to work on an organic farm in Brazil. The two-month internship broadened her knowledge about Brazilian culture and organic farming. She was the second CUHK student to have worked there. Lorraine has been fond of geography since she was young. ‘It was a rare opportunity to learn organic farming methods on a huge farm. What a meaningful trip it was,’ she observed. She said the programme enabled her to put what she learned into practice and it opened up her horizons. Located in northeast Brazil near the town Ubajara of Ceará, the remote Amway Nutrilite organic farm can be reached by first flying from São Paulo to Fortaleza, then taking a five-hour drive. The farm covers over 1,600 hectares—about 12 times the CUHK campus. It primarily produces acerola to provide Vitamin C used in health supplement products. Lorraine’s life on the farm was hectic and she was involved in different types of work, including harvesting fruits, removing weeds, spraying fertilizers, helping to prepare lunch for over 100 farming staff members, promoting organic farming in schools nearby as well as assisting to organize company activities such as a marathon and a cycling race. In addition, she had to complete a project on solid waste recycling as requested by the internship programme. Although knowledge about organic farming could be acquired from the media and lectures given by professors, Lorraine found the concept a little distant. After the eight- week internship, she gained a much better understanding of the actual operations of an organic farm. ‘The farm is designed as a natural biotic system and different zones perform different functions. Every zone is closely linked and inseparable in the whole farming process.’ Lorraine added that sheep were kept so that their waste could be used as fertilizer for plants such as acerola. In return, the remaining fibre of the extracted acerola would be fed to the livestock. This was like a small- scale food chain. Lorraine also noticed that she seldom had colds or flu after consuming a lot of organic food even though she wasn’t sure if there was a link between the two. The experience also inspired Lorraine to reflect. She said organic farming is a lifestyle. People care more about the natural environment when they are getting their food directly from it. Farmers she met believe that ‘life controls life’, so they prefer to let pests be killed by natural predators rather than resorting to using chemical pesticides even though the latter saves a lot more time. She appreciates the tremendous efforts they put into their organic farming practices. Lorraine knew no Portuguese, the major language in Brazil, and this caused her a little embarrassment. She recounted, ‘One day I prepared lunch for my colleagues. They gave me the thumbs-up and asked me what the ingredient was. I said it was “caju” (cashew). They were shocked as I pronounced it like “cão” (dog meat).’ She immediately clarified to them to avoid the misconception that the Chinese eat dog meat. Lorraine said the trip was unforgettable and she understood that the harmony between human beings and nature will contribute to a healthy ecosystem. She hoped to promote the organic concept after returning to Hong Kong. Interning on Happy Farm, Brazil 滿目綠意盎然的農田、連綿起伏的山巒襯托藍天白雲,偶有色彩繽紛的建築物在點綴,配合村民的慢調子, 好一幅和諧寧謐的畫面─這是李樂怡描述巴西北部內陸烏巴哈洛鎮附近一個有機農莊的模樣,跟繁囂的 香港是迥然不同的兩個世界。 Green fields, rolling hills, blue skies, and a few scattered colourful settlements were what Lorraine Lee saw in the organic farm adjacent to Ubajara in Northern Brazil. The tranquility and unhurried pace of life painted a picture completely different from the hustle and bustle of Hong Kong.
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