Newsletter No. 338
香港中文大學通訊第三三八期 二零零九年五月十九日 CUHK Newsletter No. 338 19 May 2009 從1983年在臨時教室,1986年首屆醫科學生畢業,到現在已 二十六年,從行醫、教學、科研、行政中成長,每天都是新挑戰。 I recall teaching in temporary classrooms in 1983, the first graduation ceremony of medical students in 1986. It’s been 26 years since these moments. Every day brings new challenges and I have grown in my practice, teaching, research and administrative work. 矯型外科及創傷學講座教授 陳啟明教授(右) Prof. Chan Kai-ming Cavor (right) Professor of Orthopaedics and Traumatology 珍惜、倚靠、信任 同行四分一世紀 二零零八年度長期服 Hand in Hand for 25 Years Long Service Award 2008 (25 Years) 日 月如梭,二十五年光陰消逝於彈指之間。五十六位在中大 服務滿四分一世紀的員工,在長期服務獎頒獎禮上彼此 道賀,分享喜悅,也向《中大通訊》細說從前點滴。 校長劉遵義教授在頒獎禮上說,「俗語謂『十年人事幾番新』,而 中大變換最頻密的應是校長。」過去二十一年,共有七百多位同 事工作滿二十五年並獲長期服務獎,是年的得獎人好些已彼此認 識了二三十年,關係儼如一家人,大家經歷了五六位校長的主理, 又見證學額大增,員工與大學的關係可謂互相珍惜、互相倚靠、 互相信任。 A total of 56 staff members who served the University for 25 years were awarded the Long Service Award. They shared with the CUHK Newsletter readers with their joy and gratitude. CUHK Vice-Chancellor Prof. Lawrence J. Lau said at the award presentation ceremony, ‘There is a Chinese saying “The world and people undergo great changes in the span of ten years”. But in CUHK, what has changed the most is its Vice-Chancellorship.’ In the past 21 years, over 700 staff members were awarded the Long Service Award. Some of the awardees were acquainted with each other for 20 or even 30 years. They have witnessed the leadership of different Vice-Chancellors and the rise in the student population. The relationship between the University and its staff can be described as the one characterized by mutual trust and respect. 一個最難忘的片段為六年 命任校內嚴重急性呼吸道 人,在這艱難的抗疫日子,我 神和無私奉獻。專責小組晝 施防禦措施、澄清謠傳,並 生及夥伴院校更新相關資 染,令我們深感欣慰。 One of the most memorab comraderie, team spirit an shown by members of the the SARS epidemic six yea appointed Chairman of th Task Force. The Task Force colleagues worked day an with guidelines, implemen measures, clearing rumour the latest updated informat to all staff, students, partn We were finally able to ac infection on CUHK campu 副 Prof. Chen 若你問我最捨不得的是甚麼,我會毫不猶豫的告 訴你,就是所有我教過的學生,他們優秀的表現, 每每讓我感動與自豪。此刻呈現在我面前的,正是 每一張純真和積極進取的臉孔。事隔多年,無論是 清晰或模糊的身影,依稀仍跳躍在我研究與教學 生涯的五線譜裏,奏着那知性與感性交織的醉人 樂章。 If you ask me what I miss most, I can reply without thinking that it is my students. I have been moved many times by their achievements and I am proud of them. Their innocent and enthusiastic faces are still vivid to me today. Many years have passed. But images of my students are still like notes on a stave, translating into beautiful music that has cheered me on in my career as a teacher and researcher. 中國語言及文學系研究教授 張光裕教授(左) Prof. Cheung Kwong-yue (left) Research Professor Department of Chinese Language and Literature 我十分享受每年的畢業禮。跟在老師和嘉賓行列 中,穿過百萬大道,畢業生肅立在兩旁,他們的家 人們注視、打量着我們這些老師。坐在禮台上看着 畢業生,更是榮譽感與責任感交織。「得天下英才 而教之」,確實是令人興奮而深感任重道遠之事。 I enjoy attending congregation very much. I like the feeling of joining the procession and walking through the University Mall flanked by graduating students and with their family watching. Sitting on the stage and watching the students, I am overcome by a mixed feeling of honour and a sense of responsibility. Being the teacher of these gifted young people is an exciting and serious mission for me. 矯型外科及創傷學系教授 熊良儉教授(左) Prof. Hung Leung-kim (left) Professor Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology 在這二十六年,中大給我很大的空間及支持,讓我 在研究上有所發揮,又可拓展國際視野。最難忘的 是1999年成立矯形外科及創傷學進修培訓中心。 在過去十年,中心達至創辦使命,成為矯型專業及 相關範疇的教育及培訓的匯點,舉辦了一百五十二 個課程,為五千八百名來自世界各地的外科醫生提 供培訓,成為其他國家的楷模。 The past 26 years were very fulfilling as the University gave me a lot of freedom and support in research and in gaining international exposure. One of the most memorable events is the establishment of the Orthopaedic Learning Centre in 1999. In the past 10 years, the centre fulfilled the mission of an education and training hub for orthopaedic professional and related specialties. More than 5,800 people from different parts of the world attended the 152 courses organized by the centre. This setup under CUHK is unique and serves as a model to many countries. 矯型外科及創傷學講座教授 梁國穗教授(右) Prof. Leung Kwok-sui (right) Professor of Orthopaedics and Traumatology
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