Newsletter No. 338
Information in this section can only be accessed with CWEM password . 若要瀏覽本部分的資料, 請須輸 入 中大校園電子郵件密碼 。 No. 338, 19.5.2009 下回〈十方吐露〉將訪問霍泰輝教授 Prof. Fok Tai-fai will be featured in the next instalment of ‘TEN QUESTIONS FOR’. 預告 Coming 6 你常勉勵學生要有悲天憫人之心,關懷及服務社 會,如何將理念注入書院中?你希望善衡人有甚麼 特質? You always encourage your students to serve those in need. How can you realize this mission in the new College and what you expect the S.H. Ho students to achieve? 「悲天」指愛護自然環境,「憫人」是同情不幸的人。書院 會多辦社會活動,如帶學生到窮鄉僻壤當義工、教書、修 橋築路等,透過親身體驗來學習關懷社會。我希望學生有 既專且博的知識、高尚人格、做事盡力、為人忠誠、推己及 人。另外,我也希望幫助學生確立人生目標,這樣才會有方 向,知道該如何抉擇。 I expect our students to protect the natural environment and sympathize with the needy. The College will organize activities such as different kinds of voluntary work in poverty-stricken areas for students to learn through practice. In addition, I hope the students will acquire both specialized knowledge and wisdom. They should also have high moral standards, trustworthiness and a strong sense of personal responsibility. Furthermore, it is important to help the students to set their goals in life. They will not know how to sort out their priorities without guidance. 7 可否分享當年於中大讀書的難忘經歷? What were your memorable moments as a student at CUHK? 我1966年在中大新亞書院生物系畢業,是第三屆畢業生, 當時新亞校舍還在農圃道。錢穆、唐君毅等老師在困乏的 環境裏堅持教育,讓人欽佩。老師的講課,我並非全然明 白,但從他們的著作,誠懇的態度,我學懂做人要堅持、不 屈不撓。那時我班只有十五人,下課後常一起切磋,關係密 切,即使現在畢業四十多年也常有聯絡,書院可謂帶給我 一生的友伴。 I graduated in 1966 from the Biology Department of CUHK New Asia College, which was located at Farm Road in its early days. Life was hard. I remember how difficult those days were and how Prof. Ch’ien Mu and Prof. Tang Chun-I still insisted on teaching. Their scholarly attitude won my respect. Although I could not understand all their lectures, their approach to work and life taught me to persevere. My class was small with only 15 students which allowed for very intimate interaction. We always studied together after class. We still keep in touch now, although it’s been 40 years since graduation. The College gave me lifelong friends whom I treasure very much. 8 你最愛中大的甚麼事物? What do you like the most about the University? 有三項。第一,是環境,我會形容中大「鳥語花香,滿目翠 綠,清風明月,天水一色」。晨曦時看到日升月降,晚上漫 步,迎面清風吹拂,這環境非香港其他地方可比擬;第二, 中大富有人文精神,這兒的人會互相關懷、包容,不會拼至 你死我活;第三,中大創校以來,一直不卑不亢,力爭上游, 成為本地第二所政府認可的大學,這氣度令人自豪。 There are three things. The scenic environment. It’s peerless in Hong Kong. The second is the humanistic spirit shown by the love and patience among our colleagues. Third, CUHK is the second university established in Hong Kong. This historical fact drives us to constantly give our best. I am proud of being a CUHK member. 9 既要從事研究,又推廣科研,現更出任書院院長,如 何分配時間? Scientist, teacher and college master—how do you manage your time? 我住在校園,不用花時間乘車上班,興趣又不多,時間不 難分配,大部分花在督導學生、做研究。現在要兼任書院 工作,會開始多放點時間在書院事務上,而現時的工作則 逐步由其他同事分擔。 I live on campus which saves time spent on transport. I don’t have a wide variety of interests so I can manage my time more flexibly. In the past, I primarily spent time supervising students and doing research. After taking up the new duty at S.H. Ho College, I have been devoting time to college work and some of my current responsibilities will be passed on to my colleagues. 10 有甚麼興趣? What do you do in your spare time? 我喜歡早上在山中漫步,閒暇也愛看書,最新的興趣是弄 孫為樂。小孫女歲半,現正學步,十分可愛,每年我都會返 美國兩次探望她。 I like morning walks and reading. My latest interest is playing with my granddaughter, an adorable one-and-a-half-year-old toddler. She lives in US and I visit her twice a year.
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