Newsletter No. 494

06 # 4 9 4 | 1 9 . 0 3 . 2 0 1 7 The second ‘Presentation Ceremony of CUHK Scholarship for Children of the Disciplined Services’ was held on 24 February. It was officiated by The Honourable Lai Tung-kwok, Secretary for Security of the Government of the HKSAR, Dr. Wong Yu- hong (3rd right) and Dr. Leung Fung-yee (3rd left), donors of the scholarship, and Prof. Fok Tai-fai, Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President of CUHK. Representatives from various disciplined services and respective staff associations, as well as family members of the scholarship recipients, also attended the ceremony. Professor Fok expressed his gratitude to Dr. Wong and Dr. Leung for their continued support to CUHK students whose parents are current or retired employees of disciplinary forces in Hong Kong. A committee will select five outstanding students to receive this award each year. On behalf of the recipients, Chan Huen-yan, a Year 3 medical student from United College, delivered a vote of thanks. 中大於2月24日舉行第二屆「紀律部 隊職工子弟獎學金頒獎典禮」,主 禮嘉賓包括香港特別行政區政府保 安局局長黎棟國先生、獎學金捐贈 人黃宜弘博士(右三)和梁鳳儀校董 (左三),以及副校長霍泰輝教授。 典禮亦邀請到各紀律部隊及其職員 協會代表,以及得獎同學的親友出 席。霍教授感謝黃博士及梁校董多 年來對父母為在職或已退休紀律部 隊職員的中大生的支持。獎學金委 員會每年選出五名品學兼優的得獎 生。聯合書院醫學院三年級生陳萱 欣同學代表所有得獎同學在典禮上 致謝辭。 中大紀律部隊職工子弟獎助學金頒獎典禮 Presentation Ceremony of CUHK Scholarship for Children of the Disciplined Services 李本俊先生頒發獎狀予中大得獎學生石采旋同學(左四)、林丹淇同學(左五)及李雅穎同學(右三) Mr. Kenneth Li presents certificates to CUHK scholarship recipients Shek Tsoi-shuen (4th left), Lam Daan-kei (5th left) and Lee Nga-wing (3rd right) 李達三博士於2015年捐款港幣三億元成立「李達三葉耀珍伉儷 李本俊獎學金」,首屆頒獎典禮於2月27日舉行,主禮嘉賓為 新加坡卡爾登城市酒店董事總經理李本俊先生(右四)及校長 沈祖堯教授(右五)。該筆獎學金每年頒發予品學兼優、有經濟援 助需要,並入讀香港中文大學及另外兩所本地大學的寧波公學及 寧波第二中學畢業生,是日兩校的鄧敬池校長及黃景鴻校長亦親 臨觀禮。 The first presentation ceremony of the Li Dak Sum Yip Yio Chin Kenneth Li Scholarship, established in 2015 with a donation of HK$300 million from Dr. Li Dak-sum, was held on 27 February. It was officiated by Mr. Kenneth Li (4th right), Managing Director of Carlton City Hotel Singapore, and Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung (5th right), Vice-Chancellor and President of CUHK. The scholarship aims to award outstanding students with financial needs from Ning Po College and Ning Po No. 2 College to pursue tertiary education in the the Chinese University of Hong Kong and two other local universities. Mr. Tang King-chi and Mr. Wong King-hung, principals of the two colleges, also attended the ceremony. 首屆「李達三葉耀珍伉儷李本俊獎學金」頒獎典禮 The First Presentation Ceremony of the Li Dak Sum Yip Yio Chin Kenneth Li Scholarship 逸夫書院三十一周年院慶 Shaw College Celebrates 31st Anniversary 逸夫書院於1月13日在書院大講堂舉行三十一周年 院慶典禮,並頒發學業獎和長期服務獎狀。書院更 邀得香港特別行政區政府懲教署署長邱子昭先生 (左八)擔任主禮嘉賓,向大家分享同時擔任「懲」 與「教」兩個角色—維護社會安全和推展更生工 作—所面對的挑戰。 Shaw College’s 31st Founder’s Day Celebration Ceremony was held at the College Lecture Theatre on 13 January. Academic scholarships and certificates of long service were awarded to students and staff members, respectively. The College also invited Mr. Yau Chi-chiu (8th left), Commissioner of Correctional Services of the HKSAR Government, as the guest of honour, who shared his experiences of the challenges he faces asboth the society’s guardian and rehabilitation facilitator.