Newsletter No. 338
獎(二十五年) 我見證了資訊科技服務處不斷的演變和成長。用 戶的要求由簡單的報告表到網上資料的即時更新 與查閱。電腦科技日新月異,我們也要不斷學習與 應用新技術,給予用戶最佳服務,而我最大的滿足 感源自用戶的肯定和讚賞。 Having served the Information Technology Services Centre for so many years, I've been a lucky witness of its development. Our users are no longer satisfied with a simple report as they were in the past. Now they demand that information can be searched and instantly updated online. We have to keep abreast of new developments in computing and provide quality services to our users. Their appreciation and affirmation are the source of my satisfaction. 資訊科技服務處一級電算師 陳穩持先生(左) Mr. Chan Won-chi Edman (left) Computer Officer I Information Technology Services Centre 香港爆發沙士,我奉 合症專責小組負責 受到同事的團隊精 工作,制訂指引、實 天兩次向教職員、學 最後校園達至零感 e events is the dedication niversity during s ago. I was Campus SARS members and all night to come up major preventive , communicating on twice daily r universities. ieve zero cross . 長 鄭振耀教授(右) Chun-yiu Jack (right) Pro-Vice-Chancellor 光陰荏苒,轉眼二十五年已過。當年抵達啟德機場,然後往大學教職員會所, 記憶仍歷歷在目。我現在已完全適應香港的天氣,以及大學的教學生活,話說 回來,多年了,中大仍是香港最佳的地方。 It seems like just yesterday that I came to Hong Kong; my memory of the journey from Kai Tak Airport to the Staff Common Room is still fresh. I am now fully accustomed to life in Hong Kong and still find the Chinese University the best place in Hong Kong. 化學病理學系副教授 潘力行教授(右) Prof. Nirmal Singh Panesar (right) Associate Professor Department of Chemical Pathology 我以身為中大一分子而自豪,我很高興可教授本科 生有機化學,又有機會與傑出的研究生合作。 I am proud to be a member of CUHK and am honoured to be able to teach organic chemistry to generations of undergraduates and to work with so many talented graduate students. 副校長 黃乃正教授(右) Prof. Wong Nai-ching (right) Pro-Vice-Chancellor 在中大工作,每天上班都很開心,同事像一個大家 庭。最難忘的經歷是中國太空人楊利偉到訪中大, 我負責開車到機場接他。 It’s a blessing to work in CUHK. I enjoy my work everyday and my colleagues are like family. The most unforgettable experience was the visit to the University by Yang Li-wei, the first Chinese astronaut. I was the driver who picked him up from the airport. 交通組校車司機 陳樹培先生(右) Mr. Chan Shu-pui (right) Bus Driver Transport Unit 我在交通組一開始負責接送教職員的子女到崇基 的幼兒園上下課。每天和這些小孩子接觸,是很開 心的工作。這些當年的「瀨尿蝦」,今天不少已成 為中大教授。後來我轉任貴賓車司機,常接載到 訪中大的名人,如高行健、馬友友和多位諾貝爾獎 得主。這些年來最難忘的經歷是當年「四改三」期 間,常常接載同事到民政署陳情。 My first duty in the Transport Unit was to take the children of staff members to the kindergarten on Chung Chi campus. I was so happy to be with the little ones everyday. Some of them are professors of the University now. Later on, I worked as a chauffeur, providing service to many distinguished guests of the University, including Gao Xingjian, Yo-yo Ma and many Nobel laureates. My most memorable experience was during the protest against the change of CUHK’s academic system to a three-year curriculum. I drove my colleagues to the Home Affairs Department to submit our petitions. 交通組一級專車司機 張國瑟先生(左) Mr. Cheung Kwok-sat (left) Chauffeur I Transport Unit 我可謂看着中大校園的成長。最初加入中大時,校 園比較荒蕪,師生、同事的人數較少,現在建築物 多了很多,校園也熱鬧得多。但車多人多,工作壓 力也較大。 I’m a witness of the development of the CUHK campus. When I first joined, the campus was barren and the number of staff and students was small. Now we have so many buildings and the campus is bustling with people and activities. As we have more vehicular and pedestrian traffic, the staff of our unit is under much pressure. 保安組高級保安隊長 趙國斌先生(左) Mr. Chiu Kwok-bun (left) Senior Security Supervisor Security Unit 5 年 year 二零零八年度長期服務獎 Long Service Award 2008
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