Newsletter No. 416
No. 416, 19.4.2013 3 • 沙士十年─不思量。自難忘 The Unforgettable SARS 十年前,沙士先在沙田威爾斯親王醫院爆發,再蔓延至淘大花園,全城恐慌。 當年在威院實習的 楊冠昇 醫生及 馮泰恆 醫生、在急症室工作的 鄭志雄 醫生、在 淘大負責執行隔離令的警員 高永祥 ,以及年過六十的 禤永明 均不幸染病,而也 幸運地康復過來。五位康復者與其時領軍抗疫的 沈祖堯 教授聚首一堂,憶述 如何對抗疫症,以及由此所得的領悟如何改變了生命。言談之間,幾位歷劫重 生的人都勸勉大家要常懷感恩之心,回饋社會。 Ten years ago, the outbreak of SARS first occurred in Prince of Wales Hospital (PWH), followed by Amoy Gardens, starting a panic in Hong Kong. At that time, Dr. Yeung Koon-sing and Dr. Fung Tai-heng were interns at the hospital. Dr. Cheng Chi-hung worked at the PWH Accident and Emergency Department. Mr. Ko Wing-cheung , a policeman, was responsible for quarantining Amoy Gardens. All of them and Mr. Patrick Huen , over 60, were infected with SARS. They sat together today with Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung , then in charge of the medical team fighting SARS, to share with the audience how they combatted the disease, and what they have learned and how they have changed since then. All guests urged everyone to be thankful for and to contribute to society. 哈囉中大! 千里之行在足下 Hello CU! Let’s Go Hiking! • 吳念真:故事。人生 Wu Nien-jen: A Storied Life 吳念真 是編劇、導演,又是演員和作家,更是廣告公司老闆。這個晚上,有「全台灣最 會說故事的歐吉桑」之稱的吳念真,除了談到他最熟悉的電影之外,還講了很多故事: 他自己的故事,他父親那一代生長於日治時代礦工的故事,60年代台灣女工的故事等 等。吳念真也談到自己的人生領悟,他說:「現在再去看年輕時候一些最大的失落,最 低沉的時候,最大的改變,在當下也許最難過,覺得人生快沒希望了,到我這種年紀回 頭看,說不定那是最大的轉折,因為那逼使你轉一個方向。」 吳念真身兼多職,有聽眾問他哪一個角色令他最有成就感。吳念真答:「人生所有 角色,我覺得扮演得最欣慰的是父親的角色。……我是一個非常沒自信的創作者, 我寫完任何文章,拍完任何一個東西都覺得好爛 啊。……只有當父親這個角色上,我覺得自己還好。 我跟我兒子相處得還不錯。」 Famed screenplay writer and director Wu Nien-jen has been hailed as the greatest storyteller in Taiwan. Wu talked not only about movies, the topic he knows best, but told stories: his own, those of miners growing up in Taiwan under Japanese colonial rule, those of Taiwanese female factory workers in the 1960s, etc. He also talked about what he had learned from life: ‘When I look back on my life now, I see that the greatest frustration, the most distressing moment, the most devastating change that made me feel so hopeless were in fact pivotal in forcing me to change direction.’ Wu is also an actor, writer and advertiser. When asked which role he found most fulfilling, he said, ‘I am proudest being a father…. As a creative person, I seriously lack confidence. Whenever I finish an essay or a film, I would say: it’s so lousy…. The only role I feel I’m quite good at is being a father. I get along very well with my son.’ Photo by Cheung Chi-wai 有說走在中大這個山城,不就是每天都在登高嘛!然而,城中不少 秘道暗室,想必大家未有機會一窺堂奧。博群三月得到物業管理 處和保安處特別協助,籌劃了五條登高路線─新亞水塔、聯合水 塔、霍英東遙感科學館、太空與地球信息科學研究所衞星遙感地 面接收站及漢園(校長府邸),讓大家從另一角度欣賞校園之美。 其中新亞和聯合水塔更是落成以來,首次開放予大家入內。 籌劃之時,負責人好不擔心,怕人手不足以維持秩序。誰知在 臉書徵求義工後,即有過百名學生報名,無償地花時間出席 講解會,了解當天安排。他們在登高日多番來回於漢園和 校園間,大汗淋漓也毫無怨言。 Some say walking around the hilly campus is just like hiking. CUHK members may think they have been to most parts of the campus, but there are in fact secret corners that rarely see visitors. This year, with the special assistance of the Estates Management Office and the Security Office, five hiking locations were selected—the New Asia College Water Tower, the United College Water Tower, the Fok Ying Tung Remote Sensing Science Building, the Satellite Remote Sensing Ground Receiving Station, and the Vice-Chancellor’s Lodge. This gave hikers a chance to view the beautiful campus from a different angle, not to mention the two water towers were opened for public viewing for the first time since they were built. Photo by Prof. Chow Po-chung 漢園 Vice-Chancellor’s Lodge 新亞水塔 New Asia College Water Tower The organizers recalled that they worried about not having sufficient manpower for crowd control, but their worries dissipated when over a hundred students volunteered to help after the recruitment notice was posted on Facebook. The student helpers did not get paid but they took time to attend the preparation session. Some made many trips between the Vice- Chancellor’s Lodge and the campus, but without a word of complaint. Photo by jcMotion
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