Newsletter No. 442
6 442 • 4.9.2014 校園消息 Campus News 小學英國語文網絡計劃 Dissemination Seminar on Thematic Network on English Language 教育學院優化英語教學研究中心於6月13日舉辦「優質教育基金小學英國語文網絡計劃 2013 – 14年度發布會」(計劃由優質教育基金委辦),分享第一年計劃成果,展示該中心在 2013年編寫的資源冊如何在閱讀方面協助學校英語課程發展,並提升教師專業技能。發布 會吸引近百位教育界人士參加。 該中心總監及計劃負責人麥陳淑賢教授於專題演講環節探討如何有效利用閱讀材料和不 同文體激發學生的創意。三所參與計劃的核心學校則各自主持經驗分享環節,由英語教師 分享資源冊的應用,以及其對優化小學英語教學方面的可持續性。 計劃詳情請瀏覽 。 The Centre for Enhancing English Learning and Teaching (CEELT) of the Faculty of Education organized a dissemination seminar on the project entitled ‘Quality Education Fund Thematic Network (QTN) on English Language (Primary) 2013–14’ (commissioned by the Quality Education Fund of the HKSAR Government) on 13 June to celebrate the success of the first implementation year of the QTN. The seminar focused on sharing the effectiveness of the resource package produced by the CEELT in 2013, and on facilitating school-based English curriculum development and enhancing teachers’ professionalism. The dissemination seminar attracted near 100 attendees. Prof. Barley Mak, director of CEELT and QTN Project team leader, delivered a keynote speech on ‘Effective use of reading materials to arouse learners’ creativity’, highlighting the importance of fostering students’ creativity in reading lessons through using different kinds of texts. A parallel sharing session was conducted by each of the three core schools of the QTN, in which the English teachers shared their experiences on the application of the resource package and views on its sustainability in promoting quality English language education in Hong Kong primary schools. For more details about the QTN project, please visit . 破解男性不育之謎 Researchers Find Clue to Male Infertility 醫學院上皮細胞生物學研究中心與深圳市 第二人民醫院聯合進行一項有關男性不育 的研究,結果指出β-防禦素(DEFB1)不 足,可使精子活動能力減弱和生殖道感染, 導致男性不育。 男性不育的成因很多,而精子活動能力弱和 生殖道受感染是兩個常見成因。值得關注 的是,精子活動能力弱的男士,大多亦有生 殖道受感染的症狀。惟背後的原因及兩者 之間的關連仍未有定案。 生理學講座教授兼上皮細胞生物學研究中 心主任陳小章教授領導的最新研究發現, 因精子活動能力較弱或生殖道出現感染而 不育的男士,其精子上的DEFB1含量較生育 能力正常的男士為低。研究亦證實,正常精子在DEFB1受干擾的情況下,其精子的活動和殺 菌能力會相對下降。 研究還指出,重組DEFB1治療可大幅改善DEFB1的活性、殺菌能力、精子質素和穿透卵子 的能力。換句話說,是項發現為相關的男士不育問題提出了可行的藥物治療方案。有關研 究成果最近發表於《科學轉換醫學》。 A recent collaborative research conducted by the Epithelial Cell Biology Research Centre and Shenzhen Second People’s Hospital revealed that deficient human b -defensin-1 (DEFB1) underlies male infertility associated with poor sperm motility and genital tract infection. Male infertility is attributed to multiple factors. Reduced sperm motility and seminal tract infection are two common causes. Interestingly, sperm with reduced motility is often associated with genital tract infection. However, the underlying cause and possible association between the two disorders remain largely unexplored. The research led by Prof. Chan Hsiao-chang, director of the Epithelial Cell Biology Research Centre and Professor of Physiology, found that the amount of DEFB1 in sperm from infertile men exhibiting either genital tract infection or reduced sperm motility is much lower than that in normal fertile sperm. Interference with DEFB1 function also decreases both motility and bactericidal activity in normal sperm. The study further demonstrates that treatment with recombinant DEFB1 markedly restores DEFB1 expression, bactericidal activity, sperm quality, and egg-penetrating ability in sperm from infertile patients exhibiting poor sperm motility and genital tract infection, suggesting a feasible therapeutic approach for related male infertility. The finding has recently been published in Science Translational Medicine . 賽馬會巨資支持教學醫院及老年學研究所 Mega Donation from HKJC for Teaching Hospital and Institute of Ageing 香港中文大學教學醫院項目及賽馬會老年學研究所捐款典禮在8月21日隆重舉行。香 港賽馬會慈善信託基金慨捐十三億港元,支持中大發展全港首間非牟利及自負盈虧之 教學醫院。此為賽馬會歷史上在醫藥範疇最大的單項捐款項目,亦是中大建校以來收 到最大的捐款金額。此外,香港賽馬會慈善信託基金另慨捐港幣一千二百萬元,以支 持成立香港中文大學賽馬會老年學研究所,由賽馬會流金頌計劃總監胡令芳教授擔任 所長。 出席儀式的主禮嘉賓包括香港賽馬會主席施文信先生( 左三 )、香港賽馬會行政總裁 應家柏先生( 右二 )、香港賽馬會慈善事務執行總監蘇彰德律師( 左一 )、中大校董會 主席鄭海泉博士( 右三 )、中大校長沈祖堯教授( 左二 ),以及中大醫學中心董事局主 席利乾先生( 右一 )。 CUHK has received a generous donation of HK$1.3 billion from the Hong Kong Jockey Club (HKJC) Charities Trust for the development of the territory’s first not-for- profit and self-financed teaching hospital, which aims to serve the public and enhance the quality of teaching and research. This is the largest single donation ever made by the HKJC to a medical project in Hong Kong, and is also the greatest single donation ever received by CUHK. The HKJC will further donate HK$12 million to support the establishment of the CUHK Jockey Club Institute of Ageing. The Club’s CADENZA Project director Prof. Jean Woo will serve as the director of the Institute. A donation ceremony was held on 21 August, officiated by Mr. T. Brian Stevenson ( 3rd left ), chairman of the HKJC; Mr. Winfried Engelbrecht-Bresges ( 2nd right ), chief executive officer of the HKJC; Mr. Douglas So ( 1st left ), executive director, the Charities of HKJC; Dr. Vincent H.C. Cheng ( 3rd right ), Chairman of the Council of CUHK; Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung ( 2nd left ), Vice-Chancellor of CUHK; and Mr. Lee Chien ( 1st right ), chairman of the CUHK Medical Centre Governing Board.
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