Newsletter No. 328
No. 328, 4.12.2008 NEWS & EVENTS 兒童肥胖國際會議 International Conference on Childhood Obesity • 體 育運動科學系於11月13至16日主辦香港首個「兒 童肥胖國際會議:運動科學的實踐與效果」,從流 行病學、預防和管理等多方面探討兒童肥胖的問題,並闡 述體育運動科學在這些領域的重要性。 研究顯示,肥胖率在香港以至全球不斷上升,而肥胖兒童 在成年後將有很大的機率繼續維持肥胖,增加患上二型糖 尿病、心臟病和其他相關疾病的風險。百多位來自美國、 歐洲、澳洲、日本、內地、台灣及香港等地區代表在會上分 享預防及阻止兒童肥胖的最新研究成果、科研進展和發 展趨勢。大會並舉辦了一系列相關的展覽及專題工作坊, 讓與會代表有機會親身體驗如何在學校及社交場合中實 踐控制兒童肥胖的措施。 T he Department of Sports Science and Physical Education hosted Hong Kong’s first ‘International Conference on Childhood Obesity: Evidence and Practice from Exercise Science’ from 13 to 16 November. Topics such as childhood obesity epidemiology, prevention and management issues, and related research with an emphasis on the role of exercise science were covered. Research shows obesity is on the rise in Hong Kong and the world, and obese children will probably remain so throughout adulthood which will significantly raise their risk of developing type 2 diabetes, heart disease and other related diseases. More than 100 delegates from North America, Europe, Australia, Japan, Chinese Mainland, Taiwan, and Hong Kong participated in the conference to share the latest knowledge and advances in the prevention and intervention of childhood obesity. An exhibition and a series of pre-conference workshops were held to show delegates skills that can help curb childhood obesity in school and social settings. 加州大學柏克萊分校校長來訪 President of UC Berkeley Visits CUHK • 加 州大學柏克萊分校校長Prof. Robert J. Birgeneau(右)及其夫人於11月9日到訪 中大,與多位於該校畢業的中大教授見面,共話當年,又會見文、商、醫及理學院 和新書院的代表。該校與中大向有學術聯繫,包括物理及醫學研究,更早在1965年展開 交換生計劃。 P rof. Robert Birgeneau (right), President of the University of California at Berkeley, and Mrs. Brigeneau visited CUHK on 9 November. A number of CUHK faculty members who had graduated from Berkeley were present to share with Prof. Birgeneau how their days at Berkeley have shaped their academic lives. Prof. Birgeneau met with representatives from the Faculties of Arts, Business Administration, Medicine and Science, and the new Colleges. The University’s collaborations with Berkeley include physics and medical research, and a student exchange programme that dates back to 1965. 慢性疾病護理的挑戰 Shedding Light on Chronic Illness Management • 逾 三百位本地及海外護理學及業界代表雲集香 港,參加那打素護理學院於11月13至15日主辦 的第四屆泛太平洋護理會議暨第六屆香港癌症護理研 討會。 世界各地長期病患人數不斷攀升,本港約有一百萬人患有 一至兩種慢性疾病,每年長期病患者的死亡人數更佔總死 亡人數的六成。針對這情況,今年會議以「慢性疾病的護 理:為護理實務及研究帶來的挑戰與機會」為主題,深入 探討慢性疾病護理的複雜性及面對的難題,從而發展出創 新方案,加強護理支援,提升病人的生活質素。 O ver 300 local and overseas nursing academics and practitioners attended the Fourth Pan-Pacific Nursing Conference and the Sixth Hong Kong Nursing Symposium on Cancer Care organized by The Nethersole School of Nursing from 13 to 15 November. The theme of the conference, ‘Managing Chronic Illness: Challenges and Opportunities for Nursing Practice and Research’, was most relevant given the increasing threat of chronic disease to the health of populations across different countries and cultures. Locally, chronic disease accounts for 60% of deaths every year. About one million people in Hong Kong suffer from one or two types of chronic diseases. The conference examined the challenges and complexities of managing chronic illness to maximize the quality of life of patients and facilitate the development of innovative strategies for chronic disease management.
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