Newsletter No. 336
No. 336, 19.4.2009 十 方 吐 露 TEN QUESTIONS FOR ( 接上頁 Continued ) I have spent 20 years working in two UK universities, two Hong Kong universities and the University Grants Committee. Such experience and exposure help me a great deal in my present work. I have been involved in almost the full spectrum of registry functions. This gives me confidence to lead my colleagues in dealing with day-to-day issues as well as new challenges. I am also a member of an international association of university administrators which provides me and my colleagues with excellent networking and continuing professional development opportunities. 7 你為認大學行政人員工作的回報是甚麼? What do you see as the reward for University administration work? 大學行政人員負責協助決策者以不同觀點評估情況,釐清 問題核心,作適當的決定及應對,過程本身已是回報,而 看到他們的決定可為大學及高等教育界帶來福祉,當然也 有滿足感。對教務長來說,沒有太瑣碎的問題,也沒有太 難解決的問題,我認為正確的工作態度應是:「面對嚴肅 的事,要舉重若輕;處理輕鬆的事,要舉輕若重;兩者同樣 要做得好。」 As an administrator, my job is to facilitate and assist the decision-makers in assessing a situation from all perspectives, and reach an appropriate decision or response. The process is itself a reward, and it is of course satisfying to see those decisions eventually bearing fruits for the benefit of the University and the higher education sector. As Registrar, no problem is too trivial for me to take on or too difficult for me to find a solution. I have always believed that the right attitude should be, ‘To do the serious things lightly and well, and to do the light things seriously but equally well.’ 8 你的學術訓練對工作有否幫助? Did your academic training help you in your work? 當然有。我在大學時修讀數學及哲學,隨後修讀哲學神學 碩士課程。這些學術訓練要求我理解高度抽象的概念、課 題和思想,經過詮釋,再在撰寫論文時重新表達,對分析 或傳意技巧都是很好的訓練。回顧當時所學,在現時的工 作全派得上用場。 Definitely yes. I studied mathematics and philosophy as an undergraduate. After that, I did a master’s degree in philosophical theology. My academic training required me to understand concepts, issues and ideas at a rather high level of abstraction. And then I had to interpret them and re-articulate them when writing essays. This was a good training for me in terms of analytical and communication skills. Looking back, I find what I learnt then highly applicable to my work now. 9 閒暇有甚麼消遣? How do you occupy yourself in your spare time? 我喜歡看小說,喜愛的作者包括王爾德、沃德豪斯、艾麗 斯.默多克、赫曼.赫塞和石黑一雄等,他們不但影響我的 寫作風格,也影響我的人生觀,閱讀他們的作品,總會有 所得着。猶記得英國作家約翰遜曾說:「為文欠用心,讀 之興味索然。」我常提醒自己下筆撰寫政策或會議文件時 要用心,即使不能令讀者覺得趣味盎然,至少也得簡潔易 明。除看書外,我亦喜歡游泳、划艇、帆船,還有看英國及 歐洲足球比賽直播。 I like reading fiction. My favorite authors include Oscar Wilde, P.G. Wodehouse, Iris Murdoch, Hermann Hesse and Kazuo Ishiguro, who have not only influenced my writing style but also how I look at life. There is always something to be learned from their writings. Dr. Samuel Johnson said, ‘What is written without effort is in general read without pleasure.’ I always remind myself to put as much effort as possible in my writings so that even if I cannot expect my readers to read policy and committee papers with pleasure, they will still find them concise and easy to understand. I also enjoy swimming, rowing, sailing, as well as watching live broadcasts of English and European football matches. 10 你最欣賞中大的甚麼事物? What do you appreciate most in CUHK? 我最欣賞中大同事的群策群力,他們的專業精神、態度和 合作,締造了理想的工作環境。 I appreciate collegiality and fellowship of my colleagues the most. Their professionalism, attitudes, and cooperation have made the work environment most ideal and pleasant. 生 物系教授兼細胞及發育生物學研究 中心主任姜里文教授,獲頒授裘槎 基金會2009至10年度「優秀科研者獎」,以 表彰他在國際科學界的卓越成就。頒獎禮 於3月24日舉行。 「優秀科研者獎」於1997年設立,得獎學者 可獲六萬港元研究補助金,另其所屬院校 亦可得到約十萬美元,聘請講師代教一年, 俾得獎者專心致志、全時間投入研究。 姜教授的研究專注於植物分泌及內吞途 徑中的蛋白傳輸機理和細胞器的生物形成 機制,以及其在植物生物技術上的潛在用 途。 P rof. Jiang Liwen, professor in the Department of Biology and director of the Centre for Cell and Development Biology, was awarded a Senior Research Fellowship of The Croucher Foundation on 24 March, in recognition of his outstanding scientific achievements in the international scientific community. The Croucher Senior Research Fellowships scheme was founded in 1997 to recognize research excellence and provide incentive for scholars who excel in scientific research. The value of each fellowship is about US$100,000 and it is used to sponsor the awardee’s 律政司司長黃仁龍資深大律師(右)頒獎予姜里文教授 The Honourable Wong Yan-lung (right), SC, Secretary for Justice, presenting the award to Prof. Jiang Liwen institution in recruiting a replacement for the awardee for a year. Fellows will be relieved from teaching tasks so they can devote fully their time and effort to research. Each awardee will also receive a grant of HK$60,000 to help cover research expenses. Prof. Jiang’s research focuses on themolecular mechanisms of protein trafficking and organelle biogenesis in the plant secretory and endocytic pathways, as well as their potential applications in plant biotechnology. 生物學者獲裘槎基金會優秀科研者獎 CUHK Biologist Named Croucher Senior Research Fellow 男子羽毛球隊奪冠 Men’s Badminton Team Clinches Championship 在 由近三百位學生、親友和舊生組成的打氣大軍吶 喊助威下,中大男子羽毛球隊於3月22日在香港城 市大學體育館以三比二擊敗香港大學,取得本年度男子大 專盃羽毛球冠軍。 T he CUHK men’s badminton team beat The University of Hong Kong by three to two to capture the championship of this year’s University Sports Federation of Hong Kong Men’s Badminton Competition at the City University Sports Hall on 22 March. Over 300 spectators including classmates, family members, friends, and alumni of CUHK were there to cheer the team on. 下回〈十方吐露〉將訪問蔡錫昌先生 Mr. Hardy S.C. Tsoi will be featured in the next instalment of ‘TEN QUESTIONS FOR’. 預告 Coming
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