Newsletter No. 379
No. 379, 4.6.2011 7 CAMPUS NEWS 校 園 消 息 婦 產科學系自2009年 起,率先在香港及亞 太地區引入基因晶片技術, 為孕婦作產前診斷,檢查胎 兒是否患有唐氏綜合症和其 他遺傳病。 傳統篩查唐氏綜合症的方 法,是靠胎兒後頸皮下透明 層(NT)測量,若發現NT增 厚這個唐氏綜合症的指標, 會再作胎兒染色體核型分 析。在三分之二細胞核型報 告正常的胎兒中,卻有至少 一成出生後發現患有各種 綜合症或遺傳病。這是由於 許多綜合症或遺傳病是與 染色體細微結構異常有關, 難以靠傳統的染色體核型 分析辨認出來。 過去半年,在梁德楊教授及蔡光偉教授的率領下,該系研 究人員以基因晶片技術檢測四十八名NT增厚而傳統染色 體檢查正常的胎兒細胞樣本,發現有四名有微結構異常。 顯示新技術則能檢測出舊方法無法辨識的染色體細微結 構異常,從而檢測更多遺傳病。 中大引入基因晶片產前診斷技術 CUHK Pioneers DNA Chip for Prenatal Diagnosis 成 就 ACHIEVEMENTS 社工系舉辦公開座談會 • Department of Social Work Public Seminar 俄 亥俄州立大學社會工作學院教授李慕儀博士( 右 ) 應社會工作學系之邀,於4月28日舉辦公開座談 會,題為「綜合家庭與系統治療:應用家庭強處與抗逆 力於兒童與青少年的情緒和行為問題」,有逾一百六十人 出席。 D r. Lee Mo-yee ( right ), professor at the College of Social Work, Ohio State University, was invited by the Department of Social Work to deliver a public seminar on ‘Utilizing Family Strengths and Resilience: Integrative Family and Systems Treatment (I-FAST) with Children and Adolescents with Severe Emotional and Behavioural Problems’ on 28 April. The event attracted an audience of over 160. T he Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology introduced the DNA chip for prenatal diagnosis in 2009, the first-ever in Hong Kong and the Asia Pacific region. The fetal DNA chip can detect Down syndrome and other genetic diseases. 左起:劉子建教授、梁德楊教授、蔡光偉教授 From left: Prof. Lau Tze-kin, Prof. Leung Tak-yeung, Prof. Choy Kwong-wai Richard 翻譯與亞洲研究國際會議 • Translation and Asian Studies ACHIEVEMENTS 成 就 以下項目詳情,請上網閱覽: Details of the following are available at: ❏ 十一項研究項目獲撥款 Eleven Research Projects Receive Grants 翻 譯系與史丹福大學東亞語言文化系於4月28及29日 假利黃瑤璧樓合辦「翻譯與亞洲研究國際會議」, 有逾百人出席。中大校長沈祖堯教授( 左三 )與文學院院長 熊秉真教授( 左二 )出席開幕禮並致歡迎辭。 這是翻譯系首次與美國大學合辦的學術會議,大會主席為 中大翻譯系黃國彬教授( 左一 )及史丹福大學東亞語言文 化系王靖宇教授( 右三 )。 T he Department of Translation jointly held an international conference on ‘Translation and Asian Studies’ with the Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures, Stanford University on 28 and 29 April at Esther Lee Building. The event attracted an audience of over 100. Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung ( 3rd left ), CUHK Vice- Chancellor, and Prof. Hsiung Ping-chen ( 2nd left ), CUHK Dean of Arts, delivered welcoming speeches at the opening ceremony. Co-chaired by Prof. Laurence K.P. Wong ( 1st left ) of the Department of Translation, CUHK and Prof. John C.Y. Wang ( 3rd right ) of the Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures, Stanford University, the conference was aimed at providing a platform for scholars to exchange views on topics related to translation and Asian studies. It was the first conference organized by the Department of Translation jointly with a university in the US. An indicator for Down syndrome is an increased nuchal translucency (NT) thickness in fetuses. Fetuses with an increased NT will undergo fetal karyotyping to confirm the condition. About two-thirds of these fetuses would have a normal karyotype result, yet at least 10% of them would have syndromic disorders and genetic diseases. It is because many syndromic and genetic diseases are linked to submicroscopic chromosomal abnormalities that are undetectable by conventional karyotyping. Over the past six months, researchers led by Prof. Leung Tak-yeung and Prof. Choy Kwong-wai Richard used the new technique to test 48 samples of fetuses with an increased NT and a normal karyotype result. They found four of them carried submicroscopic chromosomal aberrations, demonstrating that the DNA chip was more accurate than conventional analysis in diagnosing lethal and severe congenital disorders.
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