Newsletter No. 332
No. 332, 19.2.2009 NEWS & EVENTS 會議/研討會專輯 Conferences Highlights • 「傳染病、生物、治療和預防」國際專題會議 Infection and Cancer 逾四百位來自十七個國家的專家參與香港癌症研究所、美 國癌症研究協會與華南腫瘤學國家重點實驗室於2008年 12月5至7日假香港醫學專科學院大樓合辦的「傳染病、生 物、治療和預防」國際專題會議,深入討論四種亞太區與 感染病原學有關的常見癌症。 Over 400 experts from 17 countries attended the International Conference on Infection and Cancer: Biology, Therapeutics, and Prevention, co-organized by the Hong Kong Cancer Institute, American Association for Cancer Research in conjunction with the State Key Laboratory in Oncology in South China (CUHK). The conference, which took place from 5 to 7 December 2008 at the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine Jockey Club Building, confronted the issues of infection and cancer relating to four major cancers in the Asia-Pacific region with an infective etiology. 兒童早期雙語獲得學術會議 Bilingual Acquisition in Early Childhood The Sociology Departments of CUHK and Fudan University jointly organized the conference on ‘Thirty Years of Great Changes: Social Impact of China’s Economic Reform’ on 13 and 14 December 2008 in Fudan University, Shanghai. More than 140 scholars from universities and institutions in mainland China, Hong Kong and overseas examined a range of social and economic issues relating to the impact of the economic reform, including changes in social structure, social institution, social organization, people’s livelihood, social policy, and other aspects during the transitional period. 翻譯研究與漢英.英漢翻譯國際會議 Translation Chi College, the Organization of Phenomenological Organizations, the Center for Advanced Research in Phenomenology, USA, and the Hong Kong Society of Phenomenology. 「廿一世紀的分子生物技術」研討會 Molecular Biotechnology in the 21st Century 分子生物技術學課程為慶祝成立十周年,特於2009年 1月9日舉辦「廿一世紀的分子生物技術」研討會, 1993年諾貝爾生理 / 醫學獎得主、中大榮譽理學博士 Dr. Richard J. Roberts應邀擔任主講嘉賓,來自美國、韓 國及內地的著名科學家亦與中大師生和校友探討有關植 物、農業和醫藥等分子技術領域的最新發展。研討會由崇 基學院及理學院贊助。 To celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Molecular Biotechnology Programme, a symposium on ‘Molecular Biotechnology in the 21st Century’ was held on 9 January 2009. Dr. Richard J. Roberts, Nobel Laureate in Physiology or Medicine in 1993, and Doctor of Science, honoris causa , CUHK, was the guest speaker. Eminent scientists from the US, Korea and mainland China discussed biotechnological advancements in fields including plant, agricultural and biomedical biotechnologies. The symposium was sponsored by Chung Chi College and the Faculty of Science. 幼兒教育論壇及講座系列 Early Childhood Education 由中大語言學及現代語言系兒童雙語研究中心主辦,香 港語言學學會協辦之兒童早期雙語獲得學術會議,於 2008年12月11及12日在校園舉行。與會的一百八十三位 學者和研究人員來自十九個國家 / 地區及七十個院校 / 機構。會議由中大重點資助卓越領域及香港研究資助局 贊助。 An international Conference on Bilingual Acquisition in Early Childhood was held at CUHK on 11 and 12 December 2008. The conference was organized by the Childhood Bilingualism Research Centre, Department of Linguistics and Modern Languages, and co-sponsored by the Linguistic Society of Hong Kong. A total of 183 attendees from 19 countries/regions and 70 institutions/ organizations were represented. The conference was supported by CUHK’s Focused Investments Scheme and the Research Grants Council. 中國改革開放的社會影響研討會 Social Impact of China’s Economic Reform 中大社會學系與上海復旦大學社會學系於2008年12月 13及14日在復旦校園合辦「巨變三十年:中國改革開放的 社會影響」研討會,一百四十多名內地、香港與海外的學 者聚首一堂,探討近三十年中國改革開放對社會結構、制 度、組織、政策及民生問題的影響。 與會人士各抒己見 Participants discussing their views 文壇巨匠余光中教授應邀作演講 Prof. Yu Kwang-chung, a well-known scholar and literary master, giving the keynote speech 教育學院院長李子建教授(左四)、教育行政與政策學講座教授 盧乃桂教授(左一)、朱慕菊司長(右四)及與會人士 Prof. Lee Chi-kin (4th left), dean, Faculty of Education, Prof. Leslie N.K. Lo (1st left), Professor of Educational Administration and Policy, Ms. Zhu Muju (4th right), and childhood educators 由中大翻譯系與英國華威大學翻譯與比較文化研究中心 合辦的翻譯研究與漢英.英漢翻譯國際會議於2008年 12月11及12日在利黃瑤璧樓舉行。會議旨在探討翻譯 研究與漢英互譯的實踐,並獲大學、崇基學院及新亞書院 贊助。 The University’s Department of Translation and the Centre for Translation and Comparative Cultural Studies, University of Warwick, jointly organized the International Conference on Translation Studies and Translation between Chinese and English on 11 and 12 December 2008 at Esther Lee Building. The conference was sponsored by the University, Chung Chi College, and New Asia College. 第三屆世界現象學組織聯盟學術會議 Phenomenology 「第三屆世界現象學組織聯盟學術會議:自然、文化與存 在」於2008年12月15至19日假中大舉行。會議由哲學系主 辦,中大鄭承隆基金亞洲現象學中心、崇基學院、世界現 象學組織聯盟、美國Center for Advanced Research in Phenomenology及香港現象學學會合辦,並獲鄭承隆博 士慷慨捐款支持。 The ‘Third Meeting of the Organization of Phenomenological Organizations World Conference on Phenomenology: Nature, Culture and Existence’ was held from 15 to 19 December 2008 at CUHK. Under the generous patronage of Dr. Edwin Cheng, the conference was jointly organized by the Department of Philosophy, the Edwin Cheng Foundation Asian Centre for Phenomenology, Chung 教育學院分別於2009年1月16及17日舉辦幼兒教育論壇及 講座系列,探討幼兒教育的現況、發展和挑戰,吸引逾四百 幼兒教育工作者參與。國家教育部基礎教育二司巡視員及 基礎教育課程教材發展中心主任朱慕菊司長應邀闡述內 地幼兒教育改革經驗,供與會人士參考。 The Faculty of Education organized the Early Childhood Education Forum and Talk on 16 and 17 January 2009 respectively. Over 400 early childhood educators discussed the development and challenges of early childhood education. The guest speaker, Ms. Zhu Muju of the Ministry of Education shared her experience in the reformation of early childhood education in mainland China.
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